02d9136cfa72c8990120eca0f4fe5f52587bceb5 | Author: Francisco Guerrero <frankgh@apache.org>
| 2023-06-27 10:28:04-07:00
CASSANDRA-18631: Add Release Audit Tool (RAT) plugin to Analytics
This commit adds the Release Audit Tool (RAT) plugin to `build.gradle` which adds a new task
`rat`. This new task makes sure that the license headers are valid and present in the source
files during the `check` task.
To run the RAT plugin, you can run:
./gradlew rat
patch by Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18631
cbae09ca71b9eb9a581b77c23844da21474b095a | Author: Francisco Guerrero <frankgh@apache.org>
| 2023-06-14 11:52:55-07:00
CASSANDRA-18600 Add NOTICE.txt file
The NOTICE.txt file is currently missing in the repository. This commit adds the file to
comply with ASF's guidance.
patch by Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Michael Semb Wever, Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-18600