Michael Shuler website_and_docs last 3 years

 3 Collaborator
Mick Semb Wever , Eric Ramirez , Derek Chen-Becker

 1 Review

53a27563147bca63357a55e65b0368ec76788ab9 | Author: Derek Chen-Becker <dchenbec@amazon.com>
 | 2022-10-12 08:11:19-06:00

    WEBSITE - Fixed links in Dev/Patches page and other minor fixes
    * Fixed a bunch of references in the patches page that were not
    actually references
    * Explicitly added a commit message template in the patches page
    * Fixed a warning for case-sensitive "caution" block tag on the
    download page
    * Removed a strange reference to a 3rd party in the header metadata
    Patch by Derek Chen-Becker; reviewed by Michael Shuler, Michael Semb Wever, Erick Ramirez for CASSANDRA-17990