Yash Ladha website_and_docs last 3 years

 1 Collaborator
Mick Semb Wever

 1 Patch

a0022ebd77c4ae2fa234dda3d9ed6d27b4f839e7 | Author: Yash Ladha <yash@yashladha.in>
 | 2022-01-21 10:52:08+05:30

    Fix link syntax community component
    Previously, link for contribute to cassandra was broken and rendered as plaintext instead of a link tag, this was because the link was a relative instead of absolute link and URL macro was not able to understand that.
    Using link macro solved the issue and corrected the path to development/index.html for contribute to cassandra.
     patch by Yash Ladha; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17274