002 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 *  distributed with this work for additional information
005 *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *  
010 *    https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *  
012 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
013 *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
015 *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
016 *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
017 *  under the License. 
018 *  
019 */
020package org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.message;
023import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.name.Dn;
027 * Bind protocol operation request which authenticates and begins a client
028 * session. Does not yet contain interfaces for SASL authentication mechanisms.
029 * 
030 * @author <a href="mailto:dev@directory.apache.org">Apache Directory Project</a>
031 */
032public interface BindRequest extends SingleReplyRequest, AbandonableRequest
034    /**
035     * Checks to see if the authentication mechanism is simple and not SASL
036     * based.
037     * 
038     * @return true if the mechanism is simple false if it is SASL based.
039     */
040    boolean isSimple();
043    /**
044     * Checks to see if the authentication mechanism is simple and not SASL
045     * based.
046     * 
047     * @return true if the mechanism is simple false if it is SASL based.
048     */
049    boolean getSimple();
052    /**
053     * Sets the authentication mechanism to simple or to SASL based
054     * authentication.
055     * 
056     * @param isSimple true if authentication is simple, false otherwise.
057     * @return The BindRequest instance
058     */
059    BindRequest setSimple( boolean isSimple );
062    /**
063     * Gets the simple credentials associated with a simple authentication
064     * attempt or null if this request uses SASL authentication mechanisms.
065     * 
066     * @return null if the mechanism is SASL, or the credentials if it is simple.
067     */
068    byte[] getCredentials();
071    /**
072     * Sets the simple credentials associated with a simple authentication
073     * attempt. Ignored if this request uses SASL authentication mechanisms.
074     * 
075     * @param credentials the credentials if authentication is simple
076     * @return The BindRequest instance
077     */
078    BindRequest setCredentials( String credentials );
081    /**
082     * Sets the simple credentials associated with a simple authentication
083     * attempt. Ignored if this request uses SASL authentication mechanisms.
084     * 
085     * @param credentials the credentials if authentication is simple
086     * @return The BindRequest instance
087     */
088    BindRequest setCredentials( byte[] credentials );
091    /**
092     * Gets the name of the subject in this authentication
093     * request. This field may take on a null value (a zero length string) for
094     * the purposes of anonymous binds, when authentication has been performed
095     * at a lower layer, or when using SASL credentials with a mechanism that
096     * includes the name in the credentials.
097     * 
098     * @return the name of the authenticating user.
099     */
100    String getName();
103    /**
104     * Sets the  name of the subject in this authentication
105     * request. This field may take on a null value (or a zero length string)
106     * for the purposes of anonymous binds, when authentication has been
107     * performed at a lower layer, or when using SASL credentials with a
108     * mechanism that includes the name in the credentials.
109     * 
110     * @param name the name of the authenticating user - leave null for anonymous user.
111     * @return The BindRequest instance
112     */
113    BindRequest setName( String name );
116    /**
117     * Gets the DN of the subject in this authentication
118     * request. This field may take on a null value (a zero length string) for
119     * the purposes of anonymous binds, when authentication has been performed
120     * at a lower layer, or when using SASL credentials with a mechanism that
121     * includes the DN in the credentials.
122     * 
123     * @return the DN of the authenticating user.
124     */
125    Dn getDn();
128    /**
129     * Sets the DN of the subject in this authentication
130     * request. This field may take on a null value (or a zero length string)
131     * for the purposes of anonymous binds, when authentication has been
132     * performed at a lower layer, or when using SASL credentials with a
133     * mechanism that includes the DN in the credentials.
134     * 
135     * @param name the DN of the authenticating user - leave null for anonymous user.
136     * @return The BindRequest instance
137     */
138    BindRequest setDn( Dn name );
141    /**
142     * Checks to see if the Ldap v3 protocol is used. Normally this would
143     * extract a version number from the bind request sent by the client
144     * indicating the version of the protocol to be used in this protocol
145     * session. The integer is either a 2 or a 3 at the moment. We thought it
146     * was better to just check if the protocol used is 3 or not rather than use
147     * an type-safe enumeration type for a binary value. If an LDAPv4 comes out
148     * then we shall convert the return type to a type safe enumeration.
149     * 
150     * @return true if client using version 3 false if it is version 2.
151     */
152    boolean isVersion3();
155    /**
156     * Gets whether or not the Ldap v3 protocol is used. Normally this would
157     * extract a version number from the bind request sent by the client
158     * indicating the version of the protocol to be used in this protocol
159     * session. The integer is either a 2 or a 3 at the moment. We thought it
160     * was better to just check if the protocol used is 3 or not rather than use
161     * an type-safe enumeration type for a binary value. If an LDAPv4 comes out
162     * then we shall convert the return type to a type safe enumeration.
163     * 
164     * @return true if client using version 3 false if it is version 2.
165     */
166    boolean getVersion3();
169    /**
170     * Sets whether or not the LDAP v3 or v2 protocol is used. Normally this
171     * would extract a version number from the bind request sent by the client
172     * indicating the version of the protocol to be used in this protocol
173     * session. The integer is either a 2 or a 3 at the moment. We thought it
174     * was better to just check if the protocol used is 3 or not rather than use
175     * an type-safe enumeration type for a binary value. If an LDAPv4 comes out
176     * then we shall convert the return type to a type safe enumeration.
177     * 
178     * @param isVersion3 if true the client will be exhibiting version 3 bind behavior,
179     *  If false is used version 2 behavior will be exhibited.
180     * @return The BindRequest instance
181     */
182    BindRequest setVersion3( boolean isVersion3 );
185    /**
186     * Gets the SASL mechanism String associated with this BindRequest if the
187     * bind operation is using SASL.
188     * 
189     * @return the SASL mechanism or null if the bind operation is simple
190     */
191    String getSaslMechanism();
194    /**
195     * Sets the SASL mechanism String associated with this BindRequest if the
196     * bind operation is using SASL.
197     * 
198     * @param saslMechanism the SASL mechanism
199     * @return The BindRequest instance
200     */
201    BindRequest setSaslMechanism( String saslMechanism );
204    /**
205     * {@inheritDoc}
206     */
207    @Override
208    BindRequest setMessageId( int messageId );
211    /**
212     * {@inheritDoc}
213     */
214    @Override
215    BindRequest addControl( Control control );
218    /**
219     * {@inheritDoc}
220     */
221    @Override
222    BindRequest addAllControls( Control[] controls );
225    /**
226     * {@inheritDoc}
227     */
228    @Override
229    BindRequest removeControl( Control control );