Class LdapEncoder

    • Method Detail

      • encodeMessage

        public static ByteBuffer encodeMessage​(Asn1Buffer buffer,
                                               LdapApiService codec,
                                               Message message)
                                        throws EncoderException
        Generate the PDU which contains the encoded object. The generation is done in two phases : - first, we compute the length of each part and the global PDU length - second, we produce the PDU.
         0x30 L1
           +--> 0x02 L2 MessageId
           +--> ProtocolOp
           +--> Controls
         L2 = Length(MessageId)
         L1 = Length(0x02) + Length(L2) + L2 + Length(ProtocolOp) + Length(Controls)
         LdapMessageLength = Length(0x30) + Length(L1) + L1
        buffer - The Asn1Buffer instance in which we store the temporary result
        codec - The LdapApiService instance
        message - The message to encode
        A ByteBuffer that contains the PDU
        EncoderException - If anything goes wrong.