Interface PasswordPolicyResponse

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PasswordPolicyResponse
    extends Control
    The PasswordPolicy response. It contains information about the error if we had one when injecting a bad password into the server. Here is the controlValue ASN.1 grammar:
     PasswordPolicyResponseValue ::= SEQUENCE {
           warning [0] CHOICE {
              timeBeforeExpiration [0] INTEGER (0 .. maxInt),
              graceAuthNsRemaining [1] INTEGER (0 .. maxInt) 
           } OPTIONAL,
           error   [1] ENUMERATED {
              passwordExpired             (0),
              accountLocked               (1),
              changeAfterReset            (2),
              passwordModNotAllowed       (3),
              mustSupplyOldPassword       (4),
              insufficientPasswordQuality (5),
              passwordTooShort            (6),
              passwordTooYoung            (7),
              passwordInHistory           (8) } OPTIONAL 
    $Rev$, $Date$
    Apache Directory Project
    • Method Detail

      • getTimeBeforeExpiration

        int getTimeBeforeExpiration()
        Returns the time before expiration. Will return -1 if this warning was not present in the response.
        The time before expiration of the password, or -1 if not set
      • setTimeBeforeExpiration

        void setTimeBeforeExpiration​(int timeBeforeExpiration)
        Set a date of expiration for the password.
        timeBeforeExpiration - The time before the password will expire
      • getGraceAuthNRemaining

        int getGraceAuthNRemaining()
        Returns the number of possible attempts on the password before it's locked. Will return -1 if this warning was not present in the response.
        The number of possible attempts on the password before it's locked
      • setGraceAuthNRemaining

        void setGraceAuthNRemaining​(int graceAuthNRemaining)
        Sets the number of remaining wrong authentication for this password.
        graceAuthNRemaining - The number of remaining attempts