Class FilterEncoder

    • Method Detail

      • format

        public static String format​(String filterTemplate,
                                    String... values)
        Formats a filter and handles encoding of special characters in the value arguments using the <valueencoding> rule as described in RFC 4515.

        Example of filter template format: (&(cn={0})(uid={1}))

        filterTemplate - the filter with placeholders
        values - the values to encode and substitute
        the formatted filter with escaped values
        IllegalArgumentException - if the number of values does not match the number of placeholders in the template
      • encodeFilterValue

        public static String encodeFilterValue​(String value)
        Handles encoding of special characters in LDAP search filter assertion values using the <valueencoding> rule as described in RFC 4515.
        value - Right hand side of "attrId=value" assertion occurring in an LDAP search filter.
        Escaped version of value