Class IntegerAnonymizer

    • Constructor Detail

      • IntegerAnonymizer

        public IntegerAnonymizer()
        Creates a new instance of IntegerAnonymizer.
      • IntegerAnonymizer

        public IntegerAnonymizer​(Map<Integer,​String> latestIntegerMap)
        Creates a new instance of IntegerAnonymizer.
        latestIntegerMap - The map containing the latest integer value for each length
    • Method Detail

      • anonymize

        public Attribute anonymize​(Map<Value,​Value> valueMap,
                                   Set<Value> valueSet,
                                   Attribute attribute)
        Anonymize an attribute using pure random values (either chars of bytes, depending on the Attribute type)
        valueMap - The existing map of value to the associated anonymized counterpart
        valueSet - The existing set of anonymized counterpart
        attribute - The attribute to anonymize
        The anonymized attribute
      • setLatestIntegerMap

        public void setLatestIntegerMap​(Map<Integer,​String> latestIntegerMap)
        Set the Map containing anonymized integers
        latestIntegerMap - The Map containing the latest anonymized value for each integer