Interface Referral

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Referral
    Represents a referral which is a set of alternative locations where an entry can be found. Here's what RFC 2251 has to say about it:
      4.1.11. Referral
       The referral error indicates that the contacted server does not hold
       the target entry of the request.  The referral field is present in an
       LDAPResult if the LDAPResult.resultCode field value is referral, and
       absent with all other result codes.  It contains a reference to
       another server (or set of servers) which may be accessed via LDAP or
       other protocols.  Referrals can be returned in response to any
       operation request (except unbind and abandon which do not have
       responses). At least one URL MUST be present in the Referral.
       The referral is not returned for a singleLevel or wholeSubtree search
       in which the search scope spans multiple naming contexts, and several
       different servers would need to be contacted to complete the
       operation. Instead, continuation references, described in section
       4.5.3, are returned.
            Referral ::= SEQUENCE OF LDAPURL  -- one or more
            LDAPURL ::= LDAPString -- limited to characters permitted in URLs
       If the client wishes to progress the operation, it MUST follow the
       referral by contacting any one of servers.  All the URLs MUST be
       equally capable of being used to progress the operation.  (The
       mechanisms for how this is achieved by multiple servers are outside
       the scope of this document.)
       URLs for servers implementing the LDAP protocol are written according
       to <a href="">[9]</a>.  If an alias
       was dereferenced, the <dn> part of the URL MUST be present, with the new
       target object name.  If the <dn> part is present, the client MUST use this
       name in its next request to progress the operation, and if it is not present
       the client will use the same name as in the original request.  Some servers
       (e.g. participating in distributed indexing) may provide a different filter
       in a referral for a search operation.  If the filter part of the URL
        is present in an LDAPURL, the client MUST use this filter in its next
       request to progress this search, and if it is not present the client
       MUST use the same filter as it used for that search.  Other aspects
       of the new request may be the same or different as the request which
       generated the referral.
       Note that UTF-8 characters appearing in a Dn or search filter may not
       be legal for URLs (e.g. spaces) and MUST be escaped using the %
       method in RFC 1738 <a href="">[7]</a>.
       Other kinds of URLs may be returned, so long as the operation could
       be performed using that protocol.
    Apache Directory Project TODO This interface should be located in a url package under common to be constructed from a LDAPv3 URL parser. The interface will eventually look very different once url support is added: for one it will add and remove LdapUrl objects instead of strings or provide both string and LdapUrl add/remove methods.
    • Method Detail

      • getLdapUrls

        Gets an unmodifiable set of alternative referral urls.
        the alternative url objects.
      • getLdapUrlsBytes

        Collection<byte[]> getLdapUrlsBytes()
        Gets an unmodifiable set of encoded referral urls.
        the encoded url objects.
      • addLdapUrl

        void addLdapUrl​(String url)
        Adds an LDAPv3 URL to this Referral.
        url - the LDAPv3 URL to add
      • addLdapUrlBytes

        void addLdapUrlBytes​(byte[] urlBytes)
        Adds an encoded LDAPv3 URL to this Referral.
        urlBytes - the encoded LDAPv3 URL to add
      • removeLdapUrl

        void removeLdapUrl​(String url)
        Removes an LDAPv3 URL to this Referral.
        url - the LDAPv3 URL to remove
      • getReferralLength

        int getReferralLength()
        The total length of the Referral
      • setReferralLength

        void setReferralLength​(int referralLength)
        Set the length of the referral
        referralLength - The total length of the Referral