Interface ManageDsaIT

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ManageDsaIT
    extends Control
    Control which allows for the management of referrals and other DSA specific entities without processing them: meaning the referrals are treated as regular entries using this control. More information is available in RFC 3296. Below we have included section 3 of the RFC describing this control:
      3.  The ManageDsaIT Control
       The client may provide the ManageDsaIT control with an operation to
       indicate that the operation is intended to manage objects within the
       DSA (server) Information Tree.  The control causes Directory-specific
       entries (DSEs), regardless of type, to be treated as normal entries
       allowing clients to interrogate and update these entries using LDAP
       A client MAY specify the following control when issuing an add,
       compare, delete, modify, modifyDN, search request or an extended
       operation for which the control is defined.
       The control type is 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2.  The control criticality
       may be TRUE or, if FALSE, absent.  The control value is absent.
       When the control is present in the request, the server SHALL NOT
       generate a referral or continuation reference based upon information
       held in referral objects and instead SHALL treat the referral object
       as a normal entry.  The server, however, is still free to return
       referrals for other reasons.  When not present, referral objects
       SHALL be handled as described above.
       The control MAY cause other objects to be treated as normal entries
       as defined by subsequent documents.
    Apache Directory Project