Class ParserDescriptionUtils

    • Method Detail

      • objectClassesMatch

        public static boolean objectClassesMatch​(ObjectClass oc0,
                                                 ObjectClass oc1)
        Checks two schema objectClasses for an exact match.
        oc0 - the first objectClass to compare
        oc1 - the second objectClass to compare
        true if both objectClasses match exactly, false otherwise
      • attributeTypesMatch

        public static boolean attributeTypesMatch​(AttributeType at0,
                                                  AttributeType at1)
        Checks two schema attributeTypes for an exact match.
        at0 - the first attributeType to compare
        at1 - the second attributeType to compare
        true if both attributeTypes match exactly, false otherwise
      • matchingRulesMatch

        public static boolean matchingRulesMatch​(MatchingRule matchingRule0,
                                                 MatchingRule matchingRule1)
        Checks to see if two matchingRule match exactly.
        matchingRule0 - the first matchingRule to compare
        matchingRule1 - the second matchingRule to compare
        true if the matchingRules match exactly, false otherwise
      • syntaxesMatch

        public static boolean syntaxesMatch​(LdapSyntax ldapSyntax0,
                                            LdapSyntax ldapSyntax1)
        Checks to see if two syntax match exactly.
        ldapSyntax0 - the first ldapSyntax to compare
        ldapSyntax1 - the second ldapSyntax to compare
        true if the syntaxes match exactly, false otherwise
      • descriptionsMatch

        public static boolean descriptionsMatch​(SchemaObject so0,
                                                SchemaObject so1)
        Checks if two base schema descriptions match for the common components in every schema description. NOTE: for syntaxes the obsolete flag is not compared because doing so would raise an exception since syntax descriptions do not support the OBSOLETE flag.
        so0 - the first schema description to compare
        so1 - the second schema description to compare
        true if the descriptions match exactly, false otherwise
      • extensionsMatch

        public static boolean extensionsMatch​(SchemaObject lsd0,
                                              SchemaObject lsd1)
        Checks to see if the extensions of a schema description match another description. The order of the extension values must match for a true return.
        lsd0 - the first schema description to compare the extensions of
        lsd1 - the second schema description to compare the extensions of
        true if the extensions match exactly, false otherwise
      • aliasNamesMatch

        public static boolean aliasNamesMatch​(SchemaObject so0,
                                              SchemaObject so1)
        Checks to see if the alias names of a schema description match another description. The order of the alias names do matter.
        so0 - the schema description to compare
        so1 - the schema description to compare
        true if alias names match exactly, false otherwise