Class MatchingRuleHelper

    • Method Detail

      • addToRegistries

        public static void addToRegistries​(MatchingRule matchingRule,
                                           SchemaErrorHandler errorHandler,
                                           Registries registries)
                                    throws LdapException
        Inject the MatchingRule into the Registries, updating the references to other SchemaObject
        matchingRule - The MatchingRule to add to the Registries
        errorHandler - Error handler
        registries - The Registries
        LdapException - If the addition failed
      • removeFromRegistries

        public static void removeFromRegistries​(MatchingRule matchingRule,
                                                SchemaErrorHandler errorHandler,
                                                Registries registries)
        Remove the MatchingRule from the Registries, updating the references to other SchemaObject. If one of the referenced SchemaObject does not exist, an exception is thrown.
        matchingRule - The MatchingRule to remove from the Registries
        errorHandler - Error handler
        registries - The Registries