Class Strings

  • public final class Strings
    extends Object
    Various string manipulation methods that are more efficient then chaining string operations: all is done in the same buffer without creating a bunch of string objects.
    Apache Directory Project
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static int areEquals​(byte[] bytes, int index, byte[] bytes2)
      Check if a text is present at the current position in a buffer.
      static int areEquals​(byte[] bytes, int index, String text)
      Check if a text is present at the current position in a buffer.
      static int areEquals​(char[] chars, int index, char[] chars2)
      Check if a text is present at the current position in a buffer.
      static int areEquals​(char[] chars, int index, char[] chars2, boolean caseSensitive)
      Check if a text is present at the current position in a buffer.
      static int areEquals​(char[] chars, int index, String text)
      Check if a text is present at the current position in a buffer.
      static int areEquals​(char[] chars, int index, String text, boolean caseSensitive)
      Check if a text is present at the current position in a buffer.
      static boolean areEquals​(String string, int index, String text)
      Check if a text is present at the current position in another string.
      static String asciiBytesToString​(byte[] bytes)
      Transform an array of ASCII bytes to a string. the byte array should contains only values in [0, 127].
      static byte byteAt​(byte[] bytes, int index)
      Get the byte at a given position in a byte array, checking for limits
      static String byteToString​(byte b)
      Helper function that dump a byte as a double digit value
      static String centerTrunc​(String str, int head, int tail)
      Truncates large Strings showing a portion of the String's head and tail with the center cut out and replaced with '...'.
      static char charAt​(char[] chars, int index)
      Get the char at a given position in a byte array, checking for limits
      static char charAt​(String string, int index)
      Get the character at a given position in a string, checking for limits
      static int compare​(byte[] b1, byte[] b2)  
      static byte[] copy​(byte[] value)
      Copy a byte array into a new byte array
      static String deepTrim​(String string)
      A deep trim of a string remove whitespace from the ends as well as excessive whitespace within the inside of the string between non-whitespace characters.
      static String deepTrim​(String str, boolean toLowerCase)
      Put common code to deepTrim(String) and deepTrimToLower here.
      static String deepTrimToLower​(String string)
      This does the same thing as a trim but we also lowercase the string while performing the deep trim within the same buffer.
      static String dumpByte​(byte octet)
      Helper function that dump a byte in hex form
      static String dumpBytes​(byte[] buffer)
      Helper function that dump an array of bytes in hex form
      static char dumpHex​(byte hex)
      Helper function that returns a char from an hex
      static String dumpHexPairs​(byte[] buffer)
      Helper function that dump an array of bytes in hex pair form, without '0x' and space chars
      static boolean equals​(String str1, String str2)
      Compares two Strings, returning true if they are equal.
      static String formatHtml​(String source, boolean replaceNl, boolean replaceTag, boolean replaceQuote)
      This method is used to insert HTML block dynamically
      static byte[] getBytesUtf8​(String string)
      Return UTF-8 encoded byte[] representation of a String
      static byte[] getBytesUtf8Ascii​(String string)
      When the string to convert to bytes is pure ascii, this is a faster method than the getBytesUtf8.
      static String getDefaultCharsetName()
      Get the default charset
      static String getString​(byte[] data, int offset, int length, String charset)
      From commons-httpclients.
      static String getString​(byte[] data, int offset, int length, Charset charset)
      From commons-httpclients.
      static String getString​(byte[] data, String charset)
      From commons-httpclients.
      static String getString​(byte[] data, Charset charset)
      From commons-httpclients.
      static String getUUID​(long value)
      Create a new UUID using a long as the least significant bits
      static boolean isCharASCII​(byte[] byteArray, int index, char car)
      Test if the current character is equal to a specific character.
      static boolean isCharASCII​(char[] charArray, int index, char car)
      Test if the current character is equal to a specific character.
      static boolean isCharASCII​(String string, int index, char car)
      Test if the current character is equal to a specific character.
      static boolean isEmpty​(byte[] bytes)
      Checks if a bytes array is empty or null.
      static boolean isEmpty​(String str)
      Checks if a String is empty ("") or null.
      static boolean isIA5String​(String str)
      Check that a String is a valid IA5String.
      static boolean isNotEmpty​(String str)
      Checks if a String is not empty ("") and not null.
      static boolean isPrintableString​(String str)
      Check that a String is a valid PrintableString.
      static boolean isValidUuid​(String uuid)
      Checks to see if a String is a valid UUID.
      static String listToString​(List<?> list)
      Utility method that return a String representation of a list
      static String listToString​(List<?> list, String tabs)
      Utility method that return a String representation of a list
      static String lowerCase​(String str)
      Converts a String to lower case as per String.toLowerCase().
      static String lowerCaseAscii​(String str)
      Rewrote the toLowercase method to improve performances.
      static String mapToString​(Map<?,​?> map)
      Utility method that return a String representation of a map.
      static String mapToString​(Map<?,​?> map, String tabs)
      Utility method that return a String representation of a map.
      static int parseInt​(String value)
      Past an ASCII String to a number
      static String setToString​(Set<?> set)
      Utility method that return a String representation of a set
      static byte[] toByteArray​(String hexString)
      Get byte array from hex string
      static String toHexString​(byte[] res)
      Gets a hex string from byte array.
      static String toLowerCase​(byte[] value)
      Rewrote the toLowercase method to improve performances.
      static String toLowerCase​(String value)
      static String toLowerCaseAscii​(String value)
      Rewrote the toLowercase method to improve performances.
      static String toUpperCase​(String value)
      static String toUpperCaseAscii​(String value)
      Rewrote the toLowercase method to improve performances.
      static byte[] trim​(byte[] bytes)
      Removes spaces (char <= 32) from both start and ends of this bytes array, handling null by returning null.
      static String trim​(String str)
      Removes spaces (char <= 32) from both start and ends of this String, handling null by returning null.
      static String trimConsecutiveToOne​(String str, char ch)
      Trims several consecutive characters into one.
      static int trimLeft​(byte[] bytes, int pos)
      Removes spaces (char <= 32) from start of this array, handling null by returning null.
      static void trimLeft​(byte[] bytes, Position pos)
      Removes spaces (char <= 32) from a position in this array, handling null by returning null.
      static int trimLeft​(char[] chars, int pos)
      Removes spaces (char <= 32) from start of this array, handling null by returning null.
      static String trimLeft​(String str)
      Removes spaces (char <= 32) from start of this String, handling null by returning null.
      static void trimLeft​(String string, Position pos)
      Removes spaces (char <= 32) from a position in this array, handling null by returning null.
      static int trimRight​(byte[] bytes, int pos)
      Removes spaces (char <= 32) from end of this array, handling null by returning null.
      static String trimRight​(byte[] bytes, Position pos)
      Removes spaces (char <= 32) from end of this string, handling null by returning null.
      static int trimRight​(char[] chars, int pos)
      Removes spaces (char <= 32) from end of this array, handling null by returning null.
      static String trimRight​(String str)
      Removes spaces (char <= 32) from end of this String, handling null by returning null.
      static String trimRight​(String str, int escapedSpace)
      Removes spaces (char <= 32) from end of this String, handling null by returning null.
      static String trimRight​(String string, Position pos)
      Removes spaces (char <= 32) from end of this string, handling null by returning null.
      static String upperCase​(String str)
      Converts a String to upper case as per String.toUpperCase( Locale ).
      static String utf8ToString​(byte[] bytes)
      Return an UTF-8 encoded String
      static String utf8ToString​(byte[] bytes, int length)
      Return an UTF-8 encoded String
      static String utf8ToString​(byte[] bytes, int start, int length)
      Return an UTF-8 encoded String
      static byte[] uuidToBytes​(String string)
      converts the string representation of an UUID to bytes
      static String uuidToString​(byte[] bytes)
      converts the bytes of a UUID to string
    • Method Detail

      • dumpBytes

        public static String dumpBytes​(byte[] buffer)
        Helper function that dump an array of bytes in hex form
        buffer - The bytes array to dump
        A string representation of the array of bytes
      • byteToString

        public static String byteToString​(byte b)
        Helper function that dump a byte as a double digit value
        b - The byte to dump
        A string representation of byte as a string
      • dumpByte

        public static String dumpByte​(byte octet)
        Helper function that dump a byte in hex form
        octet - The byte to dump
        A string representation of the byte
      • dumpHex

        public static char dumpHex​(byte hex)
        Helper function that returns a char from an hex
        hex - The hex to dump
        A char representation of the hex
      • dumpHexPairs

        public static String dumpHexPairs​(byte[] buffer)
        Helper function that dump an array of bytes in hex pair form, without '0x' and space chars
        buffer - The bytes array to dump
        A string representation of the array of bytes
      • deepTrim

        public static String deepTrim​(String str,
                                      boolean toLowerCase)
        Put common code to deepTrim(String) and deepTrimToLower here.
        str - the string to deep trim
        toLowerCase - how to normalize for case: upper or lower
        the deep trimmed string
        See Also:
        deepTrim( String )
      • deepTrimToLower

        public static String deepTrimToLower​(String string)
        This does the same thing as a trim but we also lowercase the string while performing the deep trim within the same buffer. This saves us from having to create multiple String and StringBuilder objects and is much more efficient.
        string - The String to modify
        The modified String
        See Also:
        deepTrim( String )
      • deepTrim

        public static String deepTrim​(String string)
        A deep trim of a string remove whitespace from the ends as well as excessive whitespace within the inside of the string between non-whitespace characters. A deep trim reduces internal whitespace down to a single space to preserve the whitespace separated tokenization order of the String.
        string - the string to deep trim.
        the trimmed string.
      • trimConsecutiveToOne

        public static String trimConsecutiveToOne​(String str,
                                                  char ch)
        Trims several consecutive characters into one.
        str - the string to trim consecutive characters of
        ch - the character to trim down
        the newly trimmed down string
      • centerTrunc

        public static String centerTrunc​(String str,
                                         int head,
                                         int tail)
        Truncates large Strings showing a portion of the String's head and tail with the center cut out and replaced with '...'. Also displays the total length of the truncated string so size of '...' can be interpreted. Useful for large strings in UIs or hex dumps to log files.
        str - the string to truncate
        head - the amount of the head to display
        tail - the amount of the tail to display
        the center truncated string
      • toHexString

        public static String toHexString​(byte[] res)
        Gets a hex string from byte array.
        res - the byte array
        the hex string representing the binary values in the array
      • toByteArray

        public static byte[] toByteArray​(String hexString)
        Get byte array from hex string
        hexString - the hex string to convert to a byte array
        the byte form of the hex string.
      • formatHtml

        public static String formatHtml​(String source,
                                        boolean replaceNl,
                                        boolean replaceTag,
                                        boolean replaceQuote)
        This method is used to insert HTML block dynamically
        source - the HTML code to be processes
        replaceNl - if true '\n' will be replaced by <br>
        replaceTag - if true '<' will be replaced by < and '>' will be replaced by >
        replaceQuote - if true '\"' will be replaced by "
        the formated html block
      • areEquals

        public static boolean areEquals​(String string,
                                        int index,
                                        String text)
        Check if a text is present at the current position in another string.
        string - The string which contains the data
        index - Current position in the string
        text - The text we want to check
        true if the string contains the text.
      • isCharASCII

        public static boolean isCharASCII​(byte[] byteArray,
                                          int index,
                                          char car)
        Test if the current character is equal to a specific character. This function works only for character between 0 and 127, as it does compare a byte and a char (which is 16 bits wide)
        byteArray - The buffer which contains the data
        index - Current position in the buffer
        car - The character we want to compare with the current buffer position
        true if the current character equals the given character.
      • isCharASCII

        public static boolean isCharASCII​(char[] charArray,
                                          int index,
                                          char car)
        Test if the current character is equal to a specific character. This function works only for character between 0 and 127, as it does compare a byte and a char (which is 16 bits wide)
        charArray - The buffer which contains the data
        index - Current position in the buffer
        car - The character we want to compare with the current buffer position
        true if the current character equals the given character.
      • isCharASCII

        public static boolean isCharASCII​(String string,
                                          int index,
                                          char car)
        Test if the current character is equal to a specific character.
        string - The String which contains the data
        index - Current position in the string
        car - The character we want to compare with the current string position
        true if the current character equals the given character.
      • utf8ToString

        public static String utf8ToString​(byte[] bytes)
        Return an UTF-8 encoded String
        bytes - The byte array to be transformed to a String
        A String.
      • utf8ToString

        public static String utf8ToString​(byte[] bytes,
                                          int length)
        Return an UTF-8 encoded String
        bytes - The byte array to be transformed to a String
        length - The length of the byte array to be converted
        A String.
      • utf8ToString

        public static String utf8ToString​(byte[] bytes,
                                          int start,
                                          int length)
        Return an UTF-8 encoded String
        bytes - The byte array to be transformed to a String
        start - the starting position in the byte array
        length - The length of the byte array to be converted
        A String.
      • areEquals

        public static int areEquals​(byte[] bytes,
                                    int index,
                                    String text)
        Check if a text is present at the current position in a buffer.
        bytes - The buffer which contains the data
        index - Current position in the buffer
        text - The text we want to check
        true if the buffer contains the text.
      • areEquals

        public static int areEquals​(char[] chars,
                                    int index,
                                    String text)
        Check if a text is present at the current position in a buffer.
        chars - The buffer which contains the data
        index - Current position in the buffer
        text - The text we want to check
        true if the buffer contains the text.
      • areEquals

        public static int areEquals​(char[] chars,
                                    int index,
                                    String text,
                                    boolean caseSensitive)
        Check if a text is present at the current position in a buffer.
        chars - The buffer which contains the data
        index - Current position in the buffer
        text - The text we want to check
        caseSensitive - If the comparison is case-sensitive
        true if the buffer contains the text.
      • areEquals

        public static int areEquals​(char[] chars,
                                    int index,
                                    char[] chars2)
        Check if a text is present at the current position in a buffer.
        chars - The buffer which contains the data
        index - Current position in the buffer
        chars2 - The text we want to check
        true if the buffer contains the text.
      • areEquals

        public static int areEquals​(char[] chars,
                                    int index,
                                    char[] chars2,
                                    boolean caseSensitive)
        Check if a text is present at the current position in a buffer.
        chars - The buffer which contains the data
        index - Current position in the buffer
        chars2 - The text we want to check
        caseSensitive - If the comparison is case-sensitive
        true if the buffer contains the text.
      • areEquals

        public static int areEquals​(byte[] bytes,
                                    int index,
                                    byte[] bytes2)
        Check if a text is present at the current position in a buffer.
        bytes - The buffer which contains the data
        index - Current position in the buffer
        bytes2 - The text we want to check
        true if the buffer contains the text.
      • isEmpty

        public static boolean isEmpty​(String str)

        Checks if a String is empty ("") or null.

          StringUtils.isEmpty(null)      = true
          StringUtils.isEmpty("")        = true
          StringUtils.isEmpty(" ")       = false
          StringUtils.isEmpty("bob")     = false
          StringUtils.isEmpty("  bob  ") = false

        NOTE: This method changed in Lang version 2.0. It no longer trims the String. That functionality is available in isBlank().

        str - the String to check, may be null
        true if the String is empty or null
      • isEmpty

        public static boolean isEmpty​(byte[] bytes)
        Checks if a bytes array is empty or null.
        bytes - The bytes array to check, may be null
        true if the bytes array is empty or null
      • trim

        public static String trim​(String str)

        Removes spaces (char <= 32) from both start and ends of this String, handling null by returning null.

        Trim removes start and end characters <= 32.
          StringUtils.trim(null)          = null
          StringUtils.trim("")            = ""
          StringUtils.trim("     ")       = ""
          StringUtils.trim("abc")         = "abc"
          StringUtils.trim("    abc    ") = "abc"
        str - the String to be trimmed, may be null
        the trimmed string, null if null String input
      • trim

        public static byte[] trim​(byte[] bytes)

        Removes spaces (char <= 32) from both start and ends of this bytes array, handling null by returning null.

        Trim removes start and end characters <= 32.
          StringUtils.trim(null)          = null
          StringUtils.trim("")            = ""
          StringUtils.trim("     ")       = ""
          StringUtils.trim("abc")         = "abc"
          StringUtils.trim("    abc    ") = "abc"
        bytes - the byte array to be trimmed, may be null
        the trimmed byte array
      • trimLeft

        public static String trimLeft​(String str)

        Removes spaces (char <= 32) from start of this String, handling null by returning null.

        Trim removes start characters <= 32.
          StringUtils.trimLeft(null)          = null
          StringUtils.trimLeft("")            = ""
          StringUtils.trimLeft("     ")       = ""
          StringUtils.trimLeft("abc")         = "abc"
          StringUtils.trimLeft("    abc    ") = "abc    "
        str - the String to be trimmed, may be null
        the trimmed string, null if null String input
      • trimLeft

        public static int trimLeft​(char[] chars,
                                   int pos)

        Removes spaces (char <= 32) from start of this array, handling null by returning null.

        Trim removes start characters <= 32.
          StringUtils.trimLeft(null)          = null
          StringUtils.trimLeft("")            = ""
          StringUtils.trimLeft("     ")       = ""
          StringUtils.trimLeft("abc")         = "abc"
          StringUtils.trimLeft("    abc    ") = "abc    "
        chars - the chars array to be trimmed, may be null
        pos - The position in the char[]
        the position of the first char which is not a space, or the last position of the array.
      • trimLeft

        public static void trimLeft​(String string,
                                    Position pos)

        Removes spaces (char <= 32) from a position in this array, handling null by returning null.

        Trim removes start characters <= 32.
          StringUtils.trimLeft(null)          = null
          StringUtils.trimLeft("",...)            = ""
          StringUtils.trimLeft("     ",...)       = ""
          StringUtils.trimLeft("abc",...)         = "abc"
          StringUtils.trimLeft("    abc    ",...) = "abc    "
        string - the string to be trimmed, may be null
        pos - The position in the String
      • trimLeft

        public static void trimLeft​(byte[] bytes,
                                    Position pos)

        Removes spaces (char <= 32) from a position in this array, handling null by returning null.

        Trim removes start characters <= 32.
          StringUtils.trimLeft(null)          = null
          StringUtils.trimLeft("",...)            = ""
          StringUtils.trimLeft("     ",...)       = ""
          StringUtils.trimLeft("abc",...)         = "abc"
          StringUtils.trimLeft("    abc    ",...) = "abc    "
        bytes - the byte array to be trimmed, may be null
        pos - The position in the byte[]
      • trimLeft

        public static int trimLeft​(byte[] bytes,
                                   int pos)

        Removes spaces (char <= 32) from start of this array, handling null by returning null.

        Trim removes start characters <= 32.
          StringUtils.trimLeft(null)          = null
          StringUtils.trimLeft("")            = ""
          StringUtils.trimLeft("     ")       = ""
          StringUtils.trimLeft("abc")         = "abc"
          StringUtils.trimLeft("    abc    ") = "abc    "
        bytes - the byte array to be trimmed, may be null
        pos - The position in the byte[]
        the position of the first byte which is not a space, or the last position of the array.
      • trimRight

        public static String trimRight​(String str)

        Removes spaces (char <= 32) from end of this String, handling null by returning null.

        Trim removes start characters <= 32.
          StringUtils.trimRight(null)          = null
          StringUtils.trimRight("")            = ""
          StringUtils.trimRight("     ")       = ""
          StringUtils.trimRight("abc")         = "abc"
          StringUtils.trimRight("    abc    ") = "    abc"
        str - the String to be trimmed, may be null
        the trimmed string, null if null String input
      • trimRight

        public static String trimRight​(String str,
                                       int escapedSpace)

        Removes spaces (char <= 32) from end of this String, handling null by returning null.

        Trim removes start characters <= 32.
          StringUtils.trimRight(null)          = null
          StringUtils.trimRight("")            = ""
          StringUtils.trimRight("     ")       = ""
          StringUtils.trimRight("abc")         = "abc"
          StringUtils.trimRight("    abc    ") = "    abc"
        str - the String to be trimmed, may be null
        escapedSpace - The last escaped space, if any
        the trimmed string, null if null String input
      • trimRight

        public static int trimRight​(char[] chars,
                                    int pos)

        Removes spaces (char <= 32) from end of this array, handling null by returning null.

        Trim removes start characters <= 32.
          StringUtils.trimRight(null)          = null
          StringUtils.trimRight("")            = ""
          StringUtils.trimRight("     ")       = ""
          StringUtils.trimRight("abc")         = "abc"
          StringUtils.trimRight("    abc    ") = "    abc"
        chars - the chars array to be trimmed, may be null
        pos - The position in the char[]
        the position of the first char which is not a space, or the last position of the array.
      • trimRight

        public static String trimRight​(String string,
                                       Position pos)

        Removes spaces (char <= 32) from end of this string, handling null by returning null.

        Trim removes start characters <= 32.
          StringUtils.trimRight(null)          = null
          StringUtils.trimRight("")            = ""
          StringUtils.trimRight("     ")       = ""
          StringUtils.trimRight("abc")         = "abc"
          StringUtils.trimRight("    abc    ") = "    abc"
        string - the string to be trimmed, may be null
        pos - The position in the String
        the position of the first char which is not a space, or the last position of the string.
      • trimRight

        public static String trimRight​(byte[] bytes,
                                       Position pos)

        Removes spaces (char <= 32) from end of this string, handling null by returning null.

        Trim removes start characters <= 32.
          StringUtils.trimRight(null)          = null
          StringUtils.trimRight("")            = ""
          StringUtils.trimRight("     ")       = ""
          StringUtils.trimRight("abc")         = "abc"
          StringUtils.trimRight("    abc    ") = "    abc"
        bytes - the byte array to be trimmed, may be null
        pos - The position in the byte[]
        the position of the first char which is not a space, or the last position of the byte array.
      • trimRight

        public static int trimRight​(byte[] bytes,
                                    int pos)

        Removes spaces (char <= 32) from end of this array, handling null by returning null.

        Trim removes start characters <= 32.
          StringUtils.trimRight(null)          = null
          StringUtils.trimRight("")            = ""
          StringUtils.trimRight("     ")       = ""
          StringUtils.trimRight("abc")         = "abc"
          StringUtils.trimRight("    abc    ") = "    abc"
        bytes - the byte array to be trimmed, may be null
        pos - The position in the byte[]
        the position of the first char which is not a space, or the last position of the array.
      • charAt

        public static char charAt​(String string,
                                  int index)
        Get the character at a given position in a string, checking for limits
        string - The string which contains the data
        index - Current position in the string
        The character at the given position, or '\0' if something went wrong
      • byteAt

        public static byte byteAt​(byte[] bytes,
                                  int index)
        Get the byte at a given position in a byte array, checking for limits
        bytes - The byte[] which contains the data
        index - Current position in the byte[]
        The byte at the given position, or '\0' if something went wrong
      • charAt

        public static char charAt​(char[] chars,
                                  int index)
        Get the char at a given position in a byte array, checking for limits
        chars - The char[] which contains the data
        index - Current position in the char[]
        The byte at the given position, or '\0' if something went wrong
      • asciiBytesToString

        public static String asciiBytesToString​(byte[] bytes)
        Transform an array of ASCII bytes to a string. the byte array should contains only values in [0, 127].
        bytes - The byte array to transform
        The resulting string
      • getBytesUtf8

        public static byte[] getBytesUtf8​(String string)
        Return UTF-8 encoded byte[] representation of a String
        string - The string to be transformed to a byte array
        The transformed byte array
      • getBytesUtf8Ascii

        public static byte[] getBytesUtf8Ascii​(String string)
        When the string to convert to bytes is pure ascii, this is a faster method than the getBytesUtf8. Otherwise, it's slower.
        string - The string to convert to byte[]
        The bytes
      • equals

        public static boolean equals​(String str1,
                                     String str2)

        Compares two Strings, returning true if they are equal.

        nulls are handled without exceptions. Two null references are considered to be equal. The comparison is case sensitive.

          StringUtils.equals(null, null)   = true
          StringUtils.equals(null, "abc")  = false
          StringUtils.equals("abc", null)  = false
          StringUtils.equals("abc", "abc") = true
          StringUtils.equals("abc", "ABC") = false
        str1 - the first String, may be null
        str2 - the second String, may be null
        true if the Strings are equal, case sensitive, or both null
        See Also:
      • listToString

        public static String listToString​(List<?> list)
        Utility method that return a String representation of a list
        list - The list to transform to a string
        A csv string
      • setToString

        public static String setToString​(Set<?> set)
        Utility method that return a String representation of a set
        set - The set to transform to a string
        A csv string
      • listToString

        public static String listToString​(List<?> list,
                                          String tabs)
        Utility method that return a String representation of a list
        list - The list to transform to a string
        tabs - The tabs to add in front of the elements
        A csv string
      • mapToString

        public static String mapToString​(Map<?,​?> map)
        Utility method that return a String representation of a map. The elements will be represented as "key = value"
        map - The map to transform to a string
        A csv string
      • mapToString

        public static String mapToString​(Map<?,​?> map,
                                         String tabs)
        Utility method that return a String representation of a map. The elements will be represented as "key = value"
        map - The map to transform to a string
        tabs - The tabs to add in ffront of the elements
        A csv string
      • toLowerCaseAscii

        public static String toLowerCaseAscii​(String value)
        Rewrote the toLowercase method to improve performances. In Ldap, attributesType are supposed to use ASCII chars : 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z', '0'-'9', '.' and '-' only.
        value - The String to lowercase
        The lowercase string
      • toLowerCase

        public static String toLowerCase​(byte[] value)
        Rewrote the toLowercase method to improve performances. In Ldap, attributesType are supposed to use ASCII chars : 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z', '0'-'9', '.' and '-' only.
        value - The byte[] to lowercase
        The lowercase string
      • toUpperCase

        public static String toUpperCase​(String value)
        Rewrote the toUppercase method to improve performances. In Ldap, attributesType are supposed to use ASCII chars : 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z', '0'-'9', '.' and '-' only. We also add the '_' char
        Deprecated Use toUpperCaseAscii(String)
        value - The String to uppercase
        The uppercase string
      • toUpperCaseAscii

        public static String toUpperCaseAscii​(String value)
        Rewrote the toLowercase method to improve performances. In Ldap, attributesType are supposed to use ASCII chars : 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z', '0'-'9', '.' and '-' only.
        value - The String to uppercase
        The uppercase string
      • upperCase

        public static String upperCase​(String str)

        Converts a String to upper case as per String.toUpperCase( Locale ).

        A null input String returns null.

          StringUtils.upperCase(null)  = null
          StringUtils.upperCase("")    = ""
          StringUtils.upperCase("aBc") = "ABC"
        str - the String to upper case, may be null
        the upper cased String, null if null String input
      • lowerCase

        public static String lowerCase​(String str)

        Converts a String to lower case as per String.toLowerCase().

        A null input String returns null.

          StringUtils.lowerCase(null)  = null
          StringUtils.lowerCase("")    = ""
          StringUtils.lowerCase("aBc") = "abc"
        str - the String to lower case, may be null
        the lower cased String, null if null String input
      • lowerCaseAscii

        public static String lowerCaseAscii​(String str)
        Rewrote the toLowercase method to improve performances. In Ldap, attributesType are supposed to use ASCII chars : 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z', '0'-'9', '.' and '-' only. We will take care of any other chars either.
        str - The String to lowercase
        The lowercase string
      • isPrintableString

        public static boolean isPrintableString​(String str)
        Check that a String is a valid PrintableString. A PrintableString contains only the following set of chars : { ' ', ''', '(', ')', '+', '-', '.', '/', [0-9], ':', '=', '?', [A-Z], [a-z]}
        str - The String to check
        true if the string is a PrintableString or is empty, false otherwise
      • isNotEmpty

        public static boolean isNotEmpty​(String str)

        Checks if a String is not empty ("") and not null.

          StringUtils.isNotEmpty(null)      = false
          StringUtils.isNotEmpty("")        = false
          StringUtils.isNotEmpty(" ")       = true
          StringUtils.isNotEmpty("bob")     = true
          StringUtils.isNotEmpty("  bob  ") = true
        str - the String to check, may be null
        true if the String is not empty and not null
      • isIA5String

        public static boolean isIA5String​(String str)
        Check that a String is a valid IA5String. An IA5String contains only char which values is between [0, 7F]
        str - The String to check
        true if the string is an IA5String or is empty, false otherwise
      • isValidUuid

        public static boolean isValidUuid​(String uuid)
        Checks to see if a String is a valid UUID.
        uuid - the UUID to check for validity
        true if the UUID is valid, false otherwise
      • uuidToString

        public static String uuidToString​(byte[] bytes)
        converts the bytes of a UUID to string
        bytes - bytes of a UUID
        UUID in string format
      • uuidToBytes

        public static byte[] uuidToBytes​(String string)
        converts the string representation of an UUID to bytes
        string - the string representation of an UUID
        the bytes, null if the the syntax is not valid
      • copy

        public static byte[] copy​(byte[] value)
        Copy a byte array into a new byte array
        value - the byte array to copy
        The copied byte array
      • getString

        public static String getString​(byte[] data,
                                       int offset,
                                       int length,
                                       String charset)
        From commons-httpclients. Converts the byte array of HTTP content characters to a string. If the specified charset is not supported, default system encoding is used.
        data - the byte array to be encoded
        offset - the index of the first byte to encode
        length - the number of bytes to encode
        charset - the desired character encoding
        The result of the conversion.
      • getString

        public static String getString​(byte[] data,
                                       int offset,
                                       int length,
                                       Charset charset)
        From commons-httpclients. Converts the byte array of HTTP content characters to a string. If the specified charset is not supported, default system encoding is used.
        data - the byte array to be encoded
        offset - the index of the first byte to encode
        length - the number of bytes to encode
        charset - the desired character encoding
        The result of the conversion.
      • getString

        public static String getString​(byte[] data,
                                       String charset)
        From commons-httpclients. Converts the byte array of HTTP content characters to a string. If the specified charset is not supported, default system encoding is used.
        data - the byte array to be encoded
        charset - the desired character encoding
        The result of the conversion.
      • getString

        public static String getString​(byte[] data,
                                       Charset charset)
        From commons-httpclients. Converts the byte array of HTTP content characters to a string. If the specified charset is not supported, default system encoding is used.
        data - the byte array to be encoded
        charset - the desired character encoding
        The result of the conversion.
      • getUUID

        public static String getUUID​(long value)
        Create a new UUID using a long as the least significant bits
        value - The least significant bits.
        The created UUID
      • parseInt

        public static int parseInt​(String value)
        Past an ASCII String to a number
        value - The string to parse
        the parsed value.
      • compare

        public static int compare​(byte[] b1,
                                  byte[] b2)
        b1 - The first byte[] to compare
        b2 - The second byte[] to compare
        -1 if the first byte[] is inferior to the second one, 1 if teh first byte[] is superior to the second one, 0 if they are equal.
        See Also:, java.lang.Object)