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This package contains the fortress implementation classes for data persistence with the LDAP server.

See: Description

Package Description

This package contains the fortress implementation classes for data persistence with the LDAP server. This package contain the classes that are the three layers of processing of fortress: (1) Manager layer - e.g. AdminMgrImpl, AccessMgrImpl, ReviewMgrImpl (2) Process layer - e.g. UserP, RoleP, PermP (3) DAO layer - e.g. UserDAO, RoleDAO, PermDAO

  1. This package provides apis that adhere to standards like RBAC
  2. This package provides apis that adhere to ARBAC02 model to provide delegated administration capabilities.
  3. This package provides apis to interrogate OpenLDAP's slapd access log to obtain fortress audit trail and historical events.
  4. This package provides CRUD apis for storing config data on the ldap server.
  5. This package contains apis to perform create and teardown the ldap group node.
  6. This package uses JGraphT to provide hierarchical functionality that is reused within several other packages in the fortress system.

The package data entities may be manipulated by outside programs but the apis contained within this package are for internal use only. The entities include User,Role, PermObj, Permission, and more. See the corresponding javadoc contained with this package for more info.

Fortress Manager APIs implemented in this package

  1. AccessMgrImpl - This implements using LDAP the runtime access control operations on objects that are provisioned RBAC entities that reside in LDAP directory.
  2. AdminMgrImpl - This implements using LDAP the administrative functions to provision Fortress RBAC entities into the LDAP directory.
  3. ReviewMgrImpl - This implements using LDAP the administrative review functions on already provisioned Fortress RBAC entities that reside in LDAP directory.
  4. DelegatedAccessMgrImpl - This implements using LDAP the APIs for performing runtime delegated access control operations on objects that are provisioned Fortress ARBAC02 entities that reside in LDAP directory.
  5. DelegatedAdminMgrImpl - This implements using LDAP the ARBAC02 DelegatedAdminMgr interface for performing policy administration of Fortress ARBAC entities that reside in LDAP directory.
  6. DelegatedReviewMgrImpl - This implements using LDAP the ARBAC02 DelegatedReviewMgr interface for performing policy interrogation of provisioned Fortress ARBAC02 entities that reside in LDAP directory.
  7. PwPolicyMgrImpl - Performs CRUD on OpenLDAP password policies stored in directory.
  8. AuditMgrImpl - Interrogates Fortress audit data stored in OpenLDAP.
  9. ConfigMgrImpl - CRUD for Fortress config parameters.
  10. GroupMgrImpl - CRUD for LDAP group objects.
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