Class User

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Constraint
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class User
    extends FortEntity
    implements Constraint, Serializable
    All entities (User, Role, Permission, PwPolicy SDSet etc...) are used to carry data between three Fortress layers.starting with the (1) Manager layer down thru middle (2) Process layer and it's processing rules into (3) DAO layer where persistence with the LDAP server occurs.

    Fortress Processing Layers

    1. Manager layer: AdminMgrImpl, AccessMgrImpl, ReviewMgrImpl,...
    2. Process layer: UserP, RoleP, PermP,...
    3. DAO layer: UserDAO, RoleDAO, PermDAO,...
    Fortress clients must first instantiate the data entity before invoking one of the Manager APIs. The caller must first provide enough information to uniquely identity target record for the particular ldap operation performed.
    For example the User entity requires the setUserId(java.lang.String) attribute to be set before calling a Manager API. The unique key to locate a User entity in the Fortress DIT is simply the userId field.
    Other ldap operations on User may require additional attributes to be set.

    User entity attribute usages include

    Example to create new Fortress User:

      // Instantiate the AdminMgr first
      AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrFactory.createInstance();
      User myUser = new User("myUserId", "myPassword".toCharArray(), myRoleName", "myOU");
     catch (SecurityException ex)
      // log or throw
    The above code will persist to LDAP a User object that has a userId of "myUserId", a password of "myPassword", a role assignment to "myRoleName", and assigned to organzational unit named "myOU". This User can be used as a target for subsequent User-Role assignments, User-Permission grants, authentication, authorization and more. This entity aggregates one standard LDAP structural object class, inetOrgPerson see RFC 2798, along with three auxiliary object extensions supplied by Fortress: ftUserAttrs, ftProperties, ftMods. The combination of the standard and custom object classes form a single entry within the directory and is represented in this entity class.

    Fortress User Schema

    1. InetOrgPerson Structural Object Class.
    # The inetOrgPerson represents people who are associated with an
    # organization in some way. It is a structural class and is derived
    # from the organizationalPerson which is defined in X.521 [X521].
     objectclass ( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.2
      NAME 'inetOrgPerson'
      DESC 'RFC2798: Internet Organizational Person'
      SUP organizationalPerson
      MAY (
          audio $ businessCategory $ carLicense $ departmentNumber $
          displayName $ employeeNumber $ employeeType $ givenName $
          homePhone $ homePostalAddress $ initials $ jpegPhoto $
          labeledURI $ mail $ manager $ mobile $ o $ pager $ photo $
          roomNumber $ secretary $ uid $ userCertificate $
          x500uniqueIdentifier $ preferredLanguage $
          userSMIMECertificate $ userPKCS12
    2. organizationalPerson Structural Object Class.
     objectclass (
      NAME 'organizationalPerson'
      DESC 'RFC2256: an organizational person'
      SUP person
      MAY (
          title $ x121Address $ registeredAddress $ destinationIndicator $
          preferredDeliveryMethod $ telexNumber $ teletexTerminalIdentifier $
          telephoneNumber $ internationaliSDNNumber $
          facsimileTelephoneNumber $ street $ postOfficeBox $ postalCode $
          postalAddress $ physicalDeliveryOfficeName $ ou $ st $ l
    3. ftProperties AUXILIARY Object Class is used to store client specific name/value pairs on target entity.
    # This aux object class can be used to store custom attributes.
    # The properties collections consist of name/value pairs and are not constrainted by Fortress.
     AC2: Fortress Properties Auxiliary Object Class
     objectclass (
      NAME 'ftProperties'
      DESC 'Fortress Properties AUX Object Class'
      MAY (
    4. ftUserAttrs is used to store user RBAC and Admin role assignment and other security attributes on User entity.
     Fortress User Attributes Auxiliary Object Class
     objectclass (
      NAME 'ftUserAttrs'
      DESC 'Fortress User Attribute AUX Object Class'
      MUST (
      MAY (
          ftRC $
          ftRA $
          ftARC $
          ftARA $
          ftCstr $
    5. ftMods AUXILIARY Object Class is used to store Fortress audit variables on target entity.
     Fortress Audit Modification Auxiliary Object Class
     objectclass (
      NAME 'ftMods'
      DESC 'Fortress Modifiers AUX Object Class'
      MAY (
          ftModifier $
          ftModCode $
    Apache Directory Project
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Default constructor not intended for external use and is typically used by internal Fortress classes.
      User​(String userId)
      Construct User given userId.
      User​(String userId, String password)
      Construct User given userId and password.
      User​(String userId, String password, String roleName)
      Construct User given userId and password.
      User​(String userId, String password, String[] roleNames)
      Construct User given userId and password.
      User​(String userId, String password, String roleName, String ou)
      Construct User given userId and password.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addProperties​(Properties props)
      Add new collection of name/value pairs to attributes associated with User.
      void addProperty​(String key, String value)
      Add name/value pair to list of properties associated with User.
      void delAdminRole​(UserAdminRole adminRole)
      Removes a user-adminRole object from the list of UserAdminRoles.
      void delRole​(UserRole role)
      Removes a user-role object from the list of UserRoles.
      boolean equals​(Object thatObj)
      Matches the userId from two User entities.
      Address getAddress()
      Get address data from entity that was persisted in directory as attributes defined by RFC 2798's LDAP inetOrgPerson Object Class: ------------------------------------------ postalAddress st postalCode postOfficeBox ------------------------------------------
      List<UserAdminRole> getAdminRoles()
      Return a list of User's Admin Roles.
      String getBeginDate()
      Contains the begin date when user is allowed to signon to system.
      String getBeginLockDate()
      Contains the begin lock date when user is temporarily not allowed to signon to system.
      String getBeginTime()
      Contains the begin time of day user is allowed to signon to system.
      String getCn()
      Returns common name associated with User.
      List<RoleConstraint> getConstraints()
      Return a list of role constraints on entity.
      String getDayMask()
      Get the daymask that indicates what days of week user is allowed to signon to system.
      String getDescription()
      Returns optional description that is associated with User.
      String getDisplayName()
      Optional attribute maps to 'displayName' attribute on inetOrgPerson object class.
      String getDn()
      Returns distinguished name associated with User.
      List<String> getEmails()
      Retrieve multi-occurring email address stored in rfc822Mailbox format associated with inetOrgPerson object class.
      String getEmployeeType()
      Used to identify the employer to employee relationship.
      String getEndDate()
      Contains the end date when user is allowed to signon to system.
      String getEndLockDate()
      Contains the end lock date when user is allowed to signon to system once again.
      String getEndTime()
      Contains the end time of day user is allowed to occupy system.
      String getGecos()  
      String getGidNumber()  
      String getHomeDirectory()  
      String getInternalId()
      Return the internal userId that is associated with User.
      byte[] getJpegPhoto()
      Get one image of a person using the JPEG File Interchange Format [JFIF].
      String getLoginShell()  
      List<String> getMobiles()
      Retrieve multi-occurring mobile associated with inetOrgPerson object class.
      String getName()
      This is used internally by Fortress for Constraint operations.
      String getNewPassword()
      Get the new password which will be used in a password change.
      String getOu()
      Returns orgUnit name for User.
      String getPassword()
      Get the optional password attribute associated for a User.
      List<String> getPhones()
      Retrieve multi-occurring telephoneNumber associated with organizationalPerson object class.
      Properties getProperties()
      Return the collection of name/value pairs to attributes associated with User.
      String getProperty​(String key)
      Get a name/value pair attribute from list of properties associated with User.
      Props getProps()
      Gets the value of the Props property.
      String getPwPolicy()
      Return the name of the OpenLDAP password policy that is set for this user.
      String getRawData()
      Required by Constraint Interface but not needed for user entity.
      List<UserRole> getRoles()
      Return a list of User's RBAC Roles.
      String getSn()
      Returns surname associated with User.
      Integer getTimeout()
      Return the integer timeout that contains total time ((in minutes)) that User's session may remain inactive.
      String getTitle()
      The honorific prefix(es) of the User, or "Title" in most Western languages (e.g.
      String getUidNumber()  
      String getUserId()
      Return the userId that is associated with User.
      int hashCode()
      Override hashcode so User compare operations work in case insensitive manner in collection classes.
      boolean isLocked()
      If set to true User's password has been locked by administrator or directory itself due to password policy violations.
      boolean isReset()
      If set to true User's password has been reset by administrator.
      Boolean isSystem()  
      boolean isTemporalSet()
      temporal boolean flag is used by internal Fortress components.
      void setAddress​(Address address)
      Set address data onto entity that stored in directory as attributes defined by RFC 2798's LDAP inetOrgPerson Object Class: ------------------------------------------ postalAddress st postalCode postOfficeBox ------------------------------------------
      void setAdminRole​(UserAdminRole role)
      Add a single user-adminRole object to the list of UserAdminRoles for User.
      void setAdminRoleName​(String roleName)
      Add a single user-adminRole object to the list of UserAdminRoles for User.
      void setAdminRoles​(List<UserAdminRole> roles)
      Add a single user-adminRole object to the list of UserAdminRoles for User.
      void setBeginDate​(String beginDate)
      Set the beginDate when user is allowed to signon to system.
      void setBeginLockDate​(String beginLockDate)
      Set the begin lock date when user is temporarily not allowed to signon to system.
      void setBeginTime​(String beginTime)
      Set the begin time of day user is allowed to signon to system.
      void setCn​(String cn)
      Set the common name associated with User.
      void setDayMask​(String dayMask)
      Set the daymask that specifies what days of week user is allowed to signon to system.
      void setDescription​(String description)
      Sets the optional description that is associated with User.
      void setDisplayName​(String displayName)
      Optional attribute maps to 'displayName' attribute on inetOrgPerson object class.
      void setDn​(String dn)
      Set distinguished name associated with User.
      void setEmail​(String email)
      Set a single email address in rfc822Mailbox format to be assoicated with inetOrgPerson object class.
      void setEmails​(List<String> emails)
      Set multi-occurring email address to stored in rfc822Mailbox format and associated with inetOrgPerson object class.
      void setEmployeeType​(String employeeType)
      Used to identify the employer to employee relationship.
      void setEndDate​(String endDate)
      Set the end date when user is not allowed to signon to system.
      void setEndLockDate​(String endLockDate)
      Set the end lock date when user is allowed to signon to system once again.
      void setEndTime​(String endTime)
      Set the end time of day user is allowed to signon to system.
      void setGecos​(String gecos)  
      void setGidNumber​(String gidNumber)  
      void setHomeDirectory​(String homeDirectory)  
      void setInternalId()
      Generate an internal userId that is associated with User.
      void setInternalId​(String internalId)
      Set the internal userId that is associated with User.
      void setJpegPhoto​(byte[] jpegPhoto)
      Set one image of a person using the JPEG File Interchange Format [JFIF].
      void setLocked​(boolean locked)
      If set to true User's password has been locked by administrator or directory itself due to password policy violations.
      void setLoginShell​(String loginShell)  
      void setMobile​(String mobile)
      Set a single mobile associated with inetOrgPerson object class.
      void setMobiles​(List<String> mobiles)
      Set multi-occurring mobile associated with inetOrgPerson object class.
      void setName​(String name)
      This is used internally by Fortress for Constraint operations.
      void setNewPassword​(String newPassword)
      Set the new password which will be used in a password change.
      void setOu​(String ou)
      Set the orgUnit name associated with User.
      void setPassword​(String password)
      Set the optional password attribute associated for a User.
      void setPhone​(String phone)
      Set phone number to stored in rfc822Mailbox format and associated with inetOrgPerson object class.
      void setPhones​(List<String> phones)
      Set multi-occurring telephoneNumber number to associated with organizationalPerson object class.
      void setProps​(Props value)
      Sets the value of the Props property.
      void setPwPolicy​(String pwPolicy)
      Sets the OpenLDAP password policy name to enable for User.
      void setReset​(boolean reset)
      If set to true User's password has been reset by administrator.
      void setRole​(UserRole role)
      Add a single user-role object to the list of UserRoles for User.
      void setRoleName​(String roleName)
      Add a single user-role object to the list of UserRoles for User.
      void setRoles​(List<UserRole> roles)
      Add a list of RBAC Roles to this entity be considered for later processing: AccessMgr (user-role activation) or AdminMgr (user-role assignment).
      void setSn​(String sn)
      Set the surname associated with User.
      void setSystem​(Boolean system)  
      void setTimeout​(Integer timeout)
      Set the integer timeout that contains max time ((in minutes)) that User's session may remain inactive.
      void setTitle​(String title)
      The honorific prefix(es) of the User, or "Title" in most Western languages (e.g.
      void setUidNumber​(String uidNumber)  
      void setUserId​(String userId)
      Set the userId that is associated with User.
      String toString()
      Used to retrieve userId attributes concatenated in a comma separated value String..
    • Constructor Detail

      • User

        public User()
        Default constructor not intended for external use and is typically used by internal Fortress classes. User entity constructed in this manner cannot be used by other until additional attributes (i.e. userId) are set.
      • User

        public User​(String userId)
        Construct User given userId. Once loaded this entity can be passed to AccessMgr.createSession iff trusted == 'true'..
        userId - String validated using simple length test and optional regular expression, i.e. safe text.
      • User

        public User​(String userId,
                    String password)
        Construct User given userId and password. Once loaded this entity can be passed to AccessMgr.createSession.
        userId - String validated using simple length test and optional regular expression, i.e. safe text.
        password - validated using simple length test and OpenLDAP password policies.
      • User

        public User​(String userId,
                    String password,
                    String roleName)
        Construct User given userId and password. Once loaded this entity can be passed to AccessMgr.createSession.
        userId - String validated using simple length test and optional regular expression, i.e. safe text.
        password - validated using simple length test and OpenLDAP password policies.
        roleName - contains role that caller is requesting activation.
      • User

        public User​(String userId,
                    String password,
                    String[] roleNames)
        Construct User given userId and password. Once loaded this entity can be passed to AccessMgr.createSession.
        userId - String validated using simple length test and optional regular expression, i.e. safe text.
        password - validated using simple length test and OpenLDAP password policies.
        roleNames - contains array of roleNames that caller is requesting activation.
      • User

        public User​(String userId,
                    String password,
                    String roleName,
                    String ou)
        Construct User given userId and password. Once loaded this entity can be passed to AccessMgr.createSession.
        userId - String validated using simple length test and optional regular expression, i.e. safe text.
        password - validated using simple length test and OpenLDAP password policies.
        roleName - contains role that caller is requesting activation (see AccessMgr.createSession(User, boolean)) or assignment (see AdminMgr.addUser(User)).
        ou - org unit name that caller is requesting assigned to newly created User (see AdminMgr.addUser(User)).
    • Method Detail

      • getUidNumber

        public String getUidNumber()
      • setUidNumber

        public void setUidNumber​(String uidNumber)
      • getGidNumber

        public String getGidNumber()
      • setGidNumber

        public void setGidNumber​(String gidNumber)
      • getHomeDirectory

        public String getHomeDirectory()
      • setHomeDirectory

        public void setHomeDirectory​(String homeDirectory)
      • getLoginShell

        public String getLoginShell()
      • setLoginShell

        public void setLoginShell​(String loginShell)
      • getGecos

        public String getGecos()
      • setGecos

        public void setGecos​(String gecos)
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Used to retrieve userId attributes concatenated in a comma separated value String..
        toString in class Object
        String value containing attributes in CSV format.
      • getRawData

        public String getRawData()
        Required by Constraint Interface but not needed for user entity. Not intended for external use.
        Specified by:
        getRawData in interface Constraint
        String containing constraint data ready for ldap.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        This is used internally by Fortress for Constraint operations.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface Constraint
        String contains name attribute used internally for constraint checking.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        This is used internally by Fortress for Constraint operations. Values set here by external caller will be ignored.
        Specified by:
        setName in interface Constraint
        name - contains attribute used internally for constraint checking.
      • getEmployeeType

        public String getEmployeeType()
        Used to identify the employer to employee relationship. Typical values used will be "Contractor", "Employee", "Intern", "Temp", "External", and "Unknown" but any value may be used.
        attribute maps to 'employeeType' attribute in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • setEmployeeType

        public void setEmployeeType​(String employeeType)
        Used to identify the employer to employee relationship. Typical values used will be "Contractor", "Employee", "Intern", "Temp", "External", and "Unknown" but any value may be used.
        employeeType - maps to 'employeeType' attribute in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • getTitle

        public String getTitle()
        The honorific prefix(es) of the User, or "Title" in most Western languages (e.g. Ms. given the full name Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III.).
        maps to 'title' attribute in 'inetOrgPerson' objectclass.
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle​(String title)
        The honorific prefix(es) of the User, or "Title" in most Western languages (e.g. Ms. given the full name Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III.).
        title - maps to 'title' attribute in 'inetOrgPerson' objectclass.
      • getPwPolicy

        public String getPwPolicy()
        Return the name of the OpenLDAP password policy that is set for this user. This attribute may be null. The attribute maps to 'pwdPolicySubentry' attribute from pwpolicy ldap object class.
        name maps to name of OpenLDAP policy in effect for User.
      • setPwPolicy

        public void setPwPolicy​(String pwPolicy)
        Sets the OpenLDAP password policy name to enable for User. This attribute is optional but if set, will be validated to ensure contains actual OpenLDAP password policy name.
        pwPolicy - parameter must contain valid OpenLDAP policy name.
      • getRoles

        public List<UserRole> getRoles()
        Return a list of User's RBAC Roles.
        List containing User's RBAC roles. This list may be empty if User not assigned RBAC.
      • setRoles

        public void setRoles​(List<UserRole> roles)
        Add a list of RBAC Roles to this entity be considered for later processing: AccessMgr (user-role activation) or AdminMgr (user-role assignment).
        roles - List of type UserRole that contains at minimum UserId and Role name.
      • setRole

        public void setRole​(UserRole role)
        Add a single user-role object to the list of UserRoles for User.
        role - UserRole contains to target for activation into Session.
      • setRoleName

        public void setRoleName​(String roleName)
        Add a single user-role object to the list of UserRoles for User.
        roleName - contains role name to target for activation into Session.
      • delRole

        public void delRole​(UserRole role)
        Removes a user-role object from the list of UserRoles.
        role - UserRole must contain userId and role name.
      • getAdminRoles

        public List<UserAdminRole> getAdminRoles()
        Return a list of User's Admin Roles.
        List containing User's Admin roles. This list may be empty if User not assigned Administrative role.
      • setAdminRoles

        public void setAdminRoles​(List<UserAdminRole> roles)
        Add a single user-adminRole object to the list of UserAdminRoles for User.
        roles - UserAdminRole contains at least userId and admin role name (activation) and additional constraints (assignment)
      • setAdminRole

        public void setAdminRole​(UserAdminRole role)
        Add a single user-adminRole object to the list of UserAdminRoles for User.
        role - UserAdminRole contains at least userId and adminRole name (activation) and additional constraints (assignment)
      • setAdminRoleName

        public void setAdminRoleName​(String roleName)
        Add a single user-adminRole object to the list of UserAdminRoles for User.
        roleName - contrains adminRole name.
      • delAdminRole

        public void delAdminRole​(UserAdminRole adminRole)
        Removes a user-adminRole object from the list of UserAdminRoles.
        adminRole - UserAdminRole must contain userId and adminRole name.
      • getUserId

        public String getUserId()
        Return the userId that is associated with User. UserId is required attribute and must be set on add, update, delete, createSession, authenticate, etc..
        attribute maps to 'uid' in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • setUserId

        public void setUserId​(String userId)
        Set the userId that is associated with User. UserId is required attribute and must be set on add, update, delete, createSession, authenticate, etc..
        userId - maps to 'uid' attribute in 'inNetOrgPerson' object class.
      • getInternalId

        public String getInternalId()
        Return the internal userId that is associated with User. This attribute is generated automatically by Fortress when new User is added to directory and is not known or changeable by external client.
        attribute maps to 'ftId' in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • setInternalId

        public void setInternalId​(String internalId)
        Set the internal userId that is associated with User. This method is used by DAO class and is generated automatically by Fortress. Attribute stored in LDAP cannot be changed by external caller. This method can be used by client for search purposes only.
        internalId - maps to 'ftId' in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • setInternalId

        public void setInternalId()
        Generate an internal userId that is associated with User. This method is used by DAO class and is not available to outside classes. The generated attribute maps to 'ftId' in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Returns optional description that is associated with User. This attribute is validated but not constrained by Fortress.
        value that is mapped to 'description' in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
        Sets the optional description that is associated with User. This attribute is validated but not constrained by Fortress.
        description - that is mapped to same name in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • getPassword

        public String getPassword()
        Get the optional password attribute associated for a User. Note, this value is required before User will pass Fortress authentication in AccessMgrImpl.createSession(User, boolean). Even though password is char[] format here it will be stored on the ldap server (using server-side controls) in configurable and standard hashed formats.
        value maps to 'userPassword' attribute in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • setPassword

        public void setPassword​(String password)
        Set the optional password attribute associated for a User. Note, this value is required before User will pass Fortress authentication in AccessMgrImpl.createSession(User, boolean). Even though password is char[] format here it will be stored on the ldap server (using server-side controls) in configurable and standard hashed formats.
        password - maps to 'userPassword' attribute in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • getNewPassword

        public String getNewPassword()
        Get the new password which will be used in a password change.
        value maps to a new 'userPassword' attribute in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • setNewPassword

        public void setNewPassword​(String newPassword)
        Set the new password which will be used in a password change.
        newPassword - maps to a new 'userPassword' attribute in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • getCn

        public String getCn()
        Returns common name associated with User. This attribute is validated but not constrained by Fortress. cn is not required but if not supplied by caller on create, will default to same value as userId attribute.
        value that is mapped to 'cn' in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • setCn

        public void setCn​(String cn)
        Set the common name associated with User. This attribute is validated but not constrained by Fortress. cn is not required but if not supplied by caller on create, will default to same value as userId attribute.
        cn - mapped to same name in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • getSn

        public String getSn()
        Returns surname associated with User. This attribute is validated but not constrained by Fortress. sn is not required but if not supplied by caller on create, will default to same value as userId attribute.
        value that is mapped to 'sn' in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • setSn

        public void setSn​(String sn)
        Set the surname associated with User. This attribute is validated but not constrained by Fortress. sn is not required but if not supplied by caller on create, will default to same value as userId attribute.
        sn - mapped to same name in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • getDn

        public String getDn()
        Returns distinguished name associated with User. This attribute is generated by DAO and is not allowed for outside classes to modify. This attribute is for internal user only and need not be processed by external clients.
        value that is mapped to 'dn' in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • setDn

        public void setDn​(String dn)
        Set distinguished name associated with User. This attribute is used by DAO and is not allowed for outside classes. This attribute cannot be set by external callers.
        dn - that is mapped to same name in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • getOu

        public String getOu()
        Returns orgUnit name for User. This attribute is validated and constrained by Fortress and must contain name of existing User OU. This attribute is required on AdminMgrImpl.addUser(User) but not on ReviewMgrImpl.readUser(User).
        value that is mapped to 'ou' in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • setOu

        public void setOu​(String ou)
        Set the orgUnit name associated with User. This attribute is validated and constrained by Fortress and must contain name of existing User OU. This attribute is required on AdminMgrImpl.addUser(User) but not on ReviewMgrImpl.readUser(User).
        ou - mapped to same name in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • getDisplayName

        public String getDisplayName()
        Optional attribute maps to 'displayName' attribute on inetOrgPerson object class.
        value that is mapped to 'displayName' in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • setDisplayName

        public void setDisplayName​(String displayName)
        Optional attribute maps to 'displayName' attribute on inetOrgPerson object class.
        displayName - maps to attribute of same name in 'inetOrgPerson' object class.
      • isTemporalSet

        public boolean isTemporalSet()
        temporal boolean flag is used by internal Fortress components.
        Specified by:
        isTemporalSet in interface Constraint
        boolean indicating if temporal constraints are placed on user.
      • getBeginTime

        public String getBeginTime()
        Contains the begin time of day user is allowed to signon to system. The format is military time - HHMM, i.e. 0800 (8:00 am) or 1700 (5:00 p.m.). This attribute is optional but if set will be validated for reasonableness.
        Specified by:
        getBeginTime in interface Constraint
        attribute maps to 'ftCstr' attribute in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • setBeginTime

        public void setBeginTime​(String beginTime)
        Set the begin time of day user is allowed to signon to system. The format is military time - HHMM, i.e. 0800 (8:00 am) or 1700 (5:00 p.m.). This attribute is optional but if set will be validated for reasonableness.
        Specified by:
        setBeginTime in interface Constraint
        beginTime - maps to 'ftCstr' attribute in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • getEndTime

        public String getEndTime()
        Contains the end time of day user is allowed to occupy system. The format is military time - HHMM, i.e. 0000 (12:00 am) or 2359 (11:59 p.m.). This attribute is optional but if set will be validated for reasonableness.
        Specified by:
        getEndTime in interface Constraint
        attribute maps to 'ftCstr' attribute in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • setEndTime

        public void setEndTime​(String endTime)
        Set the end time of day user is allowed to signon to system. The format is military time - HHMM, i.e. 0000 (12:00 am) or 2359 (11:59 p.m.). This attribute is optional but if set will be validated for reasonableness.
        Specified by:
        setEndTime in interface Constraint
        endTime - maps to 'ftCstr' attribute in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • getBeginDate

        public String getBeginDate()
        Contains the begin date when user is allowed to signon to system. The format is - YYYYMMDD, i.e. 20100101 (January 1. 2010). This attribute is optional but if set will be validated for reasonableness.
        Specified by:
        getBeginDate in interface Constraint
        attribute maps to 'ftCstr' attribute in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • setBeginDate

        public void setBeginDate​(String beginDate)
        Set the beginDate when user is allowed to signon to system. The format is - YYYYMMDD, i.e. 20100101 (January 1. 2010). This attribute is optional but if set will be validated for reasonableness.
        Specified by:
        setBeginDate in interface Constraint
        beginDate - maps to 'ftCstr' attribute in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • getEndDate

        public String getEndDate()
        Contains the end date when user is allowed to signon to system. The format is - YYYYMMDD, i.e. 20101231 (December 31, 2010). This attribute is optional but if set will be validated for reasonableness.
        Specified by:
        getEndDate in interface Constraint
        attribute maps to 'ftCstr' attribute in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • setEndDate

        public void setEndDate​(String endDate)
        Set the end date when user is not allowed to signon to system. The format is - YYYYMMDD, i.e. 20100101 (January 1. 2010). This attribute is optional but if set will be validated for reasonableness.
        Specified by:
        setEndDate in interface Constraint
        endDate - maps to 'ftCstr' attribute in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • getBeginLockDate

        public String getBeginLockDate()
        Contains the begin lock date when user is temporarily not allowed to signon to system. The format is - YYYYMMDD, i.e. 20100101 (January 1. 2010). This attribute is optional but if set will be validated for reasonableness.
        Specified by:
        getBeginLockDate in interface Constraint
        attribute maps to 'ftCstr' attribute in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • setBeginLockDate

        public void setBeginLockDate​(String beginLockDate)
        Set the begin lock date when user is temporarily not allowed to signon to system. The format is - YYYYMMDD, i.e. 20100101 (January 1. 2010). This attribute is optional but if set will be validated for reasonableness.
        Specified by:
        setBeginLockDate in interface Constraint
        beginLockDate - maps to 'ftCstr' attribute in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • getEndLockDate

        public String getEndLockDate()
        Contains the end lock date when user is allowed to signon to system once again. The format is - YYYYMMDD, i.e. 20100101 (January 1. 2010). This attribute is optional but if set will be validated for reasonableness.
        Specified by:
        getEndLockDate in interface Constraint
        attribute maps to 'ftCstr' attribute in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • setEndLockDate

        public void setEndLockDate​(String endLockDate)
        Set the end lock date when user is allowed to signon to system once again. The format is - YYYYMMDD, i.e. 20100101 (January 1. 2010). This attribute is optional but if set will be validated for reasonableness.
        Specified by:
        setEndLockDate in interface Constraint
        endLockDate - maps to 'ftCstr' attribute in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • getDayMask

        public String getDayMask()
        Get the daymask that indicates what days of week user is allowed to signon to system. The format is 1234567, i.e. 23456 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday). This attribute is optional but if set will be validated for reasonableness.
        Specified by:
        getDayMask in interface Constraint
        attribute maps to 'ftCstr' attribute in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • setDayMask

        public void setDayMask​(String dayMask)
        Set the daymask that specifies what days of week user is allowed to signon to system. The format is 1234567, i.e. 23456 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday). This attribute is optional but if set will be validated for reasonableness.
        Specified by:
        setDayMask in interface Constraint
        dayMask - maps to 'ftCstr' attribute in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • getTimeout

        public Integer getTimeout()
        Return the integer timeout that contains total time ((in minutes)) that User's session may remain inactive. This attribute is optional but if set will be validated for reasonableness.
        Specified by:
        getTimeout in interface Constraint
        attribute maps to 'ftCstr' attribute in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • setTimeout

        public void setTimeout​(Integer timeout)
        Set the integer timeout that contains max time ((in minutes)) that User's session may remain inactive. This attribute is optional but if set will be validated for reasonableness.
        Specified by:
        setTimeout in interface Constraint
        timeout - maps to 'ftCstr' attribute in 'ftUserAttrs' object class.
      • isReset

        public boolean isReset()
        If set to true User's password has been reset by administrator. This attribute will be ignored if set by external callers.
        boolean value maps to 'pwdResetTime' in OpenLDAP's pwpolicy object class.
      • setReset

        public void setReset​(boolean reset)
        If set to true User's password has been reset by administrator. This attribute will be ignored if set by external callers.
        reset - contains boolean value which maps to 'pwdResetTime' in OpenLDAP's pwpolicy object class.
      • isLocked

        public boolean isLocked()
        If set to true User's password has been locked by administrator or directory itself due to password policy violations. This attribute will be ignored if set by external callers.
        boolean value maps to 'pwdLockedTime' in OpenLDAP's pwpolicy object class.
      • setLocked

        public void setLocked​(boolean locked)
        If set to true User's password has been locked by administrator or directory itself due to password policy violations. This attribute will be ignored if set by external callers.
        locked - contains boolean value which maps to 'pwdResetTime' in OpenLDAP's pwpolicy object class.
      • getProps

        public Props getProps()
        Gets the value of the Props property. This method is used by Fortress Core and Rest and should not be called by external programs.
        possible object is Props
      • setProps

        public void setProps​(Props value)
        Sets the value of the Props property. This method is used by Fortress Core and Rest and should not be called by external programs.
        value - allowed object is Props
      • addProperty

        public void addProperty​(String key,
                                String value)
        Add name/value pair to list of properties associated with User. These values are not constrained by Fortress. Properties are optional.
        key - contains property name and maps to 'ftProps' attribute in 'ftProperties' aux object class.
        value - The property value to add
      • getProperty

        public String getProperty​(String key)
        Get a name/value pair attribute from list of properties associated with User. These values are not constrained by Fortress. Properties are optional.
        key - contains property name and maps to 'ftProps' attribute in 'ftProperties' aux object class.
        value containing name/value pair that maps to 'ftProps' attribute in 'ftProperties' aux object class.
      • addProperties

        public void addProperties​(Properties props)
        Add new collection of name/value pairs to attributes associated with User. These values are not constrained by Fortress. Properties are optional.
        props - contains collection of name/value pairs and maps to 'ftProps' attribute in 'ftProperties' aux object class.
      • getProperties

        public Properties getProperties()
        Return the collection of name/value pairs to attributes associated with User. These values are not constrained by Fortress. Properties are optional.
        Properties contains collection of name/value pairs and maps to 'ftProps' attribute in 'ftProperties' aux object class.
      • getAddress

        public Address getAddress()
        Get address data from entity that was persisted in directory as attributes defined by RFC 2798's LDAP inetOrgPerson Object Class:
        • ------------------------------------------
        • postalAddress
        • st
        • postalCode
        • postOfficeBox
        • ------------------------------------------
      • setAddress

        public void setAddress​(Address address)
        Set address data onto entity that stored in directory as attributes defined by RFC 2798's LDAP inetOrgPerson Object Class:
        • ------------------------------------------
        • postalAddress
        • st
        • postalCode
        • postOfficeBox
        • ------------------------------------------
        address - The addreess to set
      • getPhones

        public List<String> getPhones()
        Retrieve multi-occurring telephoneNumber associated with organizationalPerson object class.
        List of type String that contains zero or more phone numbers associated with the user.
      • setPhones

        public void setPhones​(List<String> phones)
        Set multi-occurring telephoneNumber number to associated with organizationalPerson object class.
        phones - contains an ArrayList of type String with zero or more phone numbers associated with the user.
      • setPhone

        public void setPhone​(String phone)
        Set phone number to stored in rfc822Mailbox format and associated with inetOrgPerson object class.
        phone - contains String bound to telephoneNumber attribute on organizationalPerson object class.
      • getMobiles

        public List<String> getMobiles()
        Retrieve multi-occurring mobile associated with inetOrgPerson object class.
        List of type String that contains zero or more mobile phone numbers associated with the user.
      • setMobiles

        public void setMobiles​(List<String> mobiles)
        Set multi-occurring mobile associated with inetOrgPerson object class.
        mobiles - contains an ArrayList of type String with zero or more mobile phone numbers associated with the user.
      • setMobile

        public void setMobile​(String mobile)
        Set a single mobile associated with inetOrgPerson object class.
        mobile - contains a String containing mobile phone numbers associated with the user.
      • getEmails

        public List<String> getEmails()
        Retrieve multi-occurring email address stored in rfc822Mailbox format associated with inetOrgPerson object class.
        List of type String that contains zero or more email addresses associated with the user.
      • setEmails

        public void setEmails​(List<String> emails)
        Set multi-occurring email address to stored in rfc822Mailbox format and associated with inetOrgPerson object class.
        emails - contains an ArrayList of type String with zero or more email addresses associated with the user.
      • setEmail

        public void setEmail​(String email)
        Set a single email address in rfc822Mailbox format to be assoicated with inetOrgPerson object class.
        email - contains a String to be stored as email address on user.
      • isSystem

        public Boolean isSystem()
        true if the SYSTEM flag is set
      • setSystem

        public void setSystem​(Boolean system)
        system - the SYSTEM flag to set
      • getJpegPhoto

        public byte[] getJpegPhoto()
        Get one image of a person using the JPEG File Interchange Format [JFIF]. ( 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.60 NAME 'jpegPhoto' DESC 'a JPEG image' SYNTAX )
        byte array containing the jpeg image.
      • setJpegPhoto

        public void setJpegPhoto​(byte[] jpegPhoto)
        Set one image of a person using the JPEG File Interchange Format [JFIF]. ( 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.60 NAME 'jpegPhoto' DESC 'a JPEG image' SYNTAX )
        jpegPhoto - contains the jpeg image stored as byte array.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Override hashcode so User compare operations work in case insensitive manner in collection classes.
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object thatObj)
        Matches the userId from two User entities.
        equals in class Object
        thatObj - contains a User entity.
        boolean indicating both objects contain matching userIds.