All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AccelMgr |
This object is a Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) using the OpenLDAP Accelerator Policy Decision Point (PDP) on objects that are provisioned RBAC entities
that reside in LDAP directory.
AccelMgrFactory |
Creates an instance of the AccelMgr object.
AccelMgrImpl |
Implementation class that performs runtime access control operations on data objects of type Fortress entities
This class performs runtime access control operations on objects that are provisioned RBAC entities
that reside in LDAP directory.
AccessMgr |
This object performs runtime access control operations on objects that are provisioned RBAC entities
that reside in LDAP directory.
AccessMgrFactory |
Creates an instance of the AccessMgr object.
AccessMgrImpl |
Implementation class that performs runtime access control operations on data objects of type Fortress entities
This class performs runtime access control operations on objects that are provisioned RBAC entities
that reside in LDAP directory.
AccessMgrRestImpl |
Implementation class that performs runtime access control operations on data objects of type Fortress entities
This object performs runtime access control operations on objects that are provisioned RBAC entities
using HTTP access to Fortress Rest server.
Addadminrole |
Addadminroleinheritance |
Addconfig |
Addcontainer |
Addcontext |
Addgroup |
Addgroupmember |
Addgroupproperty |
Addorgunit |
AddpermGrant |
AddpermObj |
AddpermOp |
Addpermorgunitinheritance |
Addpwpolicy |
Address |
This entity is stored on User and is used to store postal address information in LDAP.
Addrole |
Addroleconstraint |
Addroleinheritance |
Addsdset |
Addsuffix |
Adduser |
Adduseradminrole |
Adduserorgunitinheritance |
Adduserrole |
Administrator |
This interface is used by Fortress admin role processing.
AdminMgr |
This class performs administrative functions to provision Fortress RBAC entities into the LDAP directory.
AdminMgrFactory |
Creates an instance of the AdminMgr object.
AdminMgrImpl |
This class performs administrative functions to provision Fortress RBAC entities into the LDAP directory.
AdminMgrRestImpl |
This class performs administrative functions to provision Fortress RBAC entities using HTTP access to Fortress Rest server.
AdminPermissionOperation |
AdminPermissionUtil |
AdminRole |
All entities ( AdminRole , OrgUnit ,
SDSet etc...) are used to carry data between three Fortress
layers.starting with the (1) Manager layer down thru middle (2) Process layer and it's processing rules into
(3) DAO layer where persistence with the LDAP server occurs.
AdminRoleAnt |
Entity is used by custom Apache Ant task for special handling of collections.
AdminRoleRelationship |
This entity is used by Fortress Rest to communicate parent and child AdminRole information to the server.
AuditMgr |
This interface prescribes methods used to search OpenLDAP's slapd access log.
AuditMgrFactory |
Creates an instance of the AuditMgr object.
AuditMgrImpl |
This object performs searches across OpenLDAP's slapd access log.
AuditMgrRestImpl |
This class performs searches across OpenLDAP's slapd access log using HTTP access
to Fortress Rest server.
AuditUtil |
Class contains static utilities for conversions of ldap data to/from audit format
These are low-level data utilities and no validations are performed.
AuthNValidator |
This class performs authentication validation.
AuthorizationException |
This exception extends SecurityException and is thrown when administrative permission check fails.
AuthZ |
This entity class contains OpenLDAP slapo-accesslog records that correspond to authorization attempts made to the directory.
BaseException |
Base exception class for checked exceptions thrown.
BaseRuntimeException |
Base runtime exception class for Fortress runtime exceptions.
Bind |
This entity class contains OpenLDAP slapd access log records that correspond to bind attempts made to the directory.
Cache |
This Interface is implemented by cacheable Fortress objects and is used to wrap the caching implementation to provide isolation.
CachedJaxbContext |
This class contains a very simple caching mechanism for storing JAXBContext objects associated with Fortress XML
CacheMgr |
This class is a facade and shields internal Fortress objects from specifics of the actual
cache implementation that is in use.
CfgException |
This exception extends SecurityException and is thrown when Fortress cannot find correct cfg for a particular
CfgRuntimeException |
ClassUtil |
General purpose factory uses java reflection to instantiate new Manager object.
ClockTime |
This class performs time validation for Constraint .
CmdLineParser |
Largely GNU-compatible command-line options parser.
CmdLineParser.IllegalOptionValueException |
Thrown when an illegal or missing value is given by the user for
an option that takes a value.
CmdLineParser.NotFlagException |
Thrown when the parsed commandline contains multiple concatenated
short options, such as -abcd, where one or more requires a value.
CmdLineParser.Option |
Representation of a command-line option
CmdLineParser.Option.BooleanOption |
CmdLineParser.Option.DoubleOption |
An option that expects a floating-point value
CmdLineParser.Option.IntegerOption |
An option that expects an integer value
CmdLineParser.Option.LongOption |
An option that expects a long integer value
CmdLineParser.Option.StringOption |
An option that expects a string value
CmdLineParser.OptionException |
Base class for exceptions that may be thrown when options are parsed
CmdLineParser.UnknownOptionException |
Thrown when the parsed command-line contains an option that is not
CmdLineParser.UnknownSuboptionException |
Thrown when the parsed commandline contains multiple concatenated
short options, such as -abcd, where one is unknown.
CommandLineInterpreter |
Main program for Fortress Command Line Interpreter..
ComparisonOperator |
Config |
This class wraps Apache Commons Config utility and is used by internal components to retrieve name-value
pair properties from its cfg context.
ConfigAnt |
This entity contains the list of name/value pairs targeted for updating on server.
ConfigMgr |
This interface prescribes CRUD methods used to manage properties stored within the ldap directory.
ConfigMgrFactory |
Creates an instance of the ConfigMgr object.
ConfigMgrImpl |
This Manager impl supplies CRUD methods used to manage properties stored within the ldap directory.
ConfigMgrRestImpl |
This Manager impl supplies CRUD methods used to manage properties stored within the ldap directory using HTTP access to Fortress Rest server.
Configuration |
A class for passing configuration information.
Constraint |
The Fortress Constraint interface prescribes attributes that are used to store, process and retrieve temporal validation attributes on
User , UserRole , Role ,
AdminRole , UserAdminRole entities.
ConstraintUtil |
Utilities to copy constraints attributes between entities.
ConstraintValidator |
This interface provides constraint entity validation.
Context |
This class contains the Context id which is used as container for segregating data by customer
within the LDAP Directory Information Tree.
CreateException |
This exception extends SecurityException and is thrown when DAO cannot create entity.
Date |
This class performs date validation for Constraint .
Day |
This class performs lock day of week validation for Constraint .
DelAccessMgr |
This interface prescribes the API for performing runtime delegated access control operations on objects that are
provisioned Fortress ARBAC entities that reside in LDAP directory.
DelAccessMgrFactory |
Creates an instance of the DelAccessMgr object.
DelAccessMgrImpl |
This class implements the ARBAC02 DelAccessMgr interface for performing runtime delegated access control operations on
objects that are provisioned Fortress ARBAC entities that reside in LDAP directory.
DelAccessMgrRestImpl |
This class implements the ARBAC02 DelAccessMgr interface for performing runtime delegated access control operations on objects that are provisioned Fortress ARBAC entities
using HTTP access to Fortress Rest server.
DelAdminMgr |
This class prescribes the ARBAC02 DelAdminMgr interface for performing policy administration of Fortress ARBAC entities
that reside in LDAP directory.
DelAdminMgrFactory |
Creates an instance of the DelAdminMgr object.
DelAdminMgrImpl |
This class implements the ARBAC02 DelAdminMgr interface for performing policy administration of Fortress ARBAC entities
that reside in LDAP directory.
DelAdminMgrRestImpl |
This class implements the ARBAC02 DelAdminMgr interface for performing policy administration of Fortress ARBAC entities
using HTTP access to Fortress Rest server.
Deladminrole |
Deladminroleinheritance |
Delconfig |
Delcontainer |
Delgroup |
Delgroupmember |
Delgroupproperty |
Delorgunit |
DelpermGrant |
DelpermObj |
DelpermOp |
Delpermorgunitinheritance |
Delpwpolicy |
DelReviewMgr |
This class prescribes the ARBAC02 DelReviewMgr interface for performing policy interrogation of provisioned Fortress
ARBAC entities that reside in LDAP directory.
DelReviewMgrFactory |
Creates an instance of the DelReviewMgr object.
DelReviewMgrImpl |
This class implements the ARBAC02 DelReviewMgr interface for performing policy interrogation of provisioned Fortress
ARBAC entities that reside in LDAP directory.
DelReviewMgrRestImpl |
This class implements the ARBAC02 DelReviewMgr interface for performing policy interrogation of provisioned Fortress ARBAC entities
using HTTP access to Fortress Rest server.
Delrole |
Delroleconstraint |
Delroleinheritance |
Delsdset |
Delsuffix |
Deluser |
Deluseradminrole |
Deluserorgunitinheritance |
Deluserrole |
Discriminant |
Deprecated. |
DsdCacheEntry |
Value object wraps SDSet for caching purposes.
DSDChecker |
This class performs Dynamic Separation of Duty checking on a collection of roles targeted for activation within a
particular user's session.
EhCacheImpl |
This class provides cache functionality from Ehcache provider.
EncryptUtil |
Contains a simple wrapper for Jasypt open source encryption APIs, see Jasypt.
FinderException |
FortEntity |
This abstract class is extended by other Fortress entities.
FortRequest |
This class is used to pass request data to Fortress Rest server.
FortResponse |
This class is used to return response data from Fortress Rest server.
FortressAntTask |
This class implements Apache Ant custom task and is used to drive the Fortress Administrative APIs using XML files.
GlobalErrIds |
This module contains error identifiers that are used when exception need be thrown.
GlobalIds |
This class contains constants that must be defined globally but are not to be used by external programs.
GlobalPwMsgIds |
This class contains constants that contain status for Fortress password policy checking.
Graphable |
The Fortress Graphable interface prescribes attributes that are used to maintain implementor within a simple directed
Group |
All entities (User, Role, Permission, Policy, SDSet, etc...) are used to carry data between Fortress's
layers starting with the (1) Manager layer down thru middle (2) Process layer and it's processing rules into
(3) DAO layer where persistence with the LDAP server occurs.
Group.Type |
enum for User or Role data sets.
GroupMgr |
This interface prescribes CRUD methods used to manage groups stored within the ldap directory.
GroupMgrFactory |
Creates an instance of the ConfigMgr object.
GroupMgrImpl |
This Manager impl supplies CRUD methods used to manage groups stored within the ldap directory.
GroupMgrRestImpl |
This Manager impl supplies CRUD methods used to manage groups using REST.
Hier |
All entities (User, Role, Permission, Policy, SDSet, etc...) are used to carry data between Fortress's
layers starting with the (1) Manager layer down thru middle (2) Process layer and it's processing rules into
(3) DAO layer where persistence with the LDAP server occurs.
Hier.Op |
Operation type specifies if Add, Update or Deletion of relationship is being targeted.
Hier.Type |
Enumeration is used to specify which hierarchy node this entity is bound to.
HttpIds |
Contains global HttpIds that map to the Fortress REST server.
JAXBCachedEntry |
This class wraps JAXBContext and is used for simple caching mechanism during Fortress XML processing.
LdapClientTrustStoreManager |
Implement the X509TrustManager interface which will be used during JSSE truststore manager initialization for LDAP
client-to-server communications over TLS/SSL.
LdapConnectionProvider |
This utility manages the LDAP connection pools and provides methods for adding / removing connections from the three pools.
LdapCounters |
This class handles simple counters that correspond to ldap operations.
LdapDataProvider |
Abstract class contains methods to perform low-level entity to ldap persistence.
LdapUtil |
This utility is a singleton and has getters / setters to access properties for filtering data bound for ldap.
LockDate |
This class performs lock date validation for Constraint .
LogUtil |
Contains a simple wrapper for log4j that is used by test utilities.
Manageable |
Abstract class allows outside clients to manage security and multi-tenant concerns within the Fortress runtime.
Manageable |
Interface allows outside clients to manage security and multi-tenant concerns within the Fortress runtime.
Mod |
This entity class contains OpenLDAP slapd access log records that correspond to modifications made to the directory.
ObjectFactory |
This class contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the packages.
Options |
This converts between Fortress entities and the JArg Options.
OrganizationalUnit |
This class contains the container node for the OpenLDAP Directory Information Tree.
OrganizationalUnitP |
Process module for the container node used for grouping related nodes within Fortress directory structure.
OrgUnit |
All entities ( AdminRole , OrgUnit ,
SDSet etc...) are used to carry data between three Fortress
layers.starting with the (1) Manager layer down thru middle (2) Process layer and it's processing rules into
(3) DAO layer where persistence with the LDAP server occurs.
OrgUnit.Type |
The OrgUnit 'Type' attribute is required and used to specify which OrgUnit tree a particular entity is in reference to.
OrgUnitAnt |
Entity is used by custom Apache Ant task for special handling of collections.
OrgUnitRelationship |
This entity is used by Fortress Rest to communicate parent and child OrgUnit information to the server.
ParentUtil |
This interface provides a callback mechanism for entities UserRole and UserAdminRole and is implemented by RoleUtil.*
PasswordException |
PermAnt |
Entity is used by custom Apache Ant task for special handling of collections.
PermGrant |
Permission |
All entities ( User , Role , Permission , PwPolicy SDSet etc...) are used to carry
data between three Fortress layers, starting with the (1) Manager layer down thru middle (2) Process layer and it's
processing rules into (3) DAO layer where persistence with the LDAP server occurs.
PermissionAttribute |
All entities (User, Role, Permission, Policy, SDSet, etc...) are used to carry data between Fortress's
layers starting with the (1) Manager layer down thru middle (2) Process layer and it's processing rules into
(3) DAO layer where persistence with the LDAP server occurs.
PermissionAttributeSet |
All entities (User, Role, Permission, Policy, SDSet, etc...) are used to carry data between Fortress's
layers starting with the (1) Manager layer down thru middle (2) Process layer and it's processing rules into
(3) DAO layer where persistence with the LDAP server occurs.
PermObj |
All entities ( User , Role , Permission ,
PwPolicy SDSet etc...) are used to carry data between three Fortress
layers.starting with the (1) Manager layer down thru middle (2) Process layer and it's processing rules into
(3) DAO layer where persistence with the LDAP server occurs.
PropertyMgr |
PropertyMgrFactory |
PropertyMgrImpl |
PropertyMgrRestImpl |
TODO: implement me...
Props |
This class is used as a container for java.util.Properties for passing to Fortress Rest server.
Props.Entry |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
PropUpdater |
This interface is used by DAO objects that are using the GID/UID config update utility.
PropUtil |
Utilities to convert to/from property formats.
PwMessage |
Interface is implemented by Session and prescribes methods used to return Fortress
password messages to the caller.
PwPolicy |
This class contains the Password Policy entity which is used to pass directives into and out of ldap.
The unique key to locate a Policy entity (which is subsequently assigned to Users) is .
PwPolicyControl |
Interface is used to allow pluggable password policy interrogation.
PwPolicyMgr |
This class is used to perform administrative and review functions on the PWPOLICIES and USERS data sets.
PwPolicyMgrFactory |
Creates an instance of the PwPolicyMgr object.
PwPolicyMgrImpl |
This class is used to perform administrative and review functions on the PWPOLICIES and USERS data sets.
PwPolicyMgrRestImpl |
This class is used to perform administrative and review functions on the PWPOLICIES and USERS data sets using HTTP access to Fortress Rest server.
Relationship |
Contains a parent child data entity that is used for hierarchical processing.
RemoveException |
This exception extends SecurityException and is thrown when DAO cannot delete entity.
ResourceUtil |
Getting a resource.
RestException |
This exception extends SecurityException and is thrown when Fortress cannot call Fortress Rest to perform a particular
operation via RESTful interface.
RestUtils |
This utility class provides methods that wrap Apache's HTTP Client APIs.
ReviewMgr |
This interface prescribes the administrative review functions on already provisioned Fortress RBAC entities
that reside in LDAP directory.
ReviewMgrFactory |
Creates an instance of the ReviewMgr object.
ReviewMgrImpl |
This class performs administrative review functions on already provisioned Fortress RBAC entities
that reside in LDAP directory.
ReviewMgrRestImpl |
This class performs administrative review functions on already provisioned Fortress RBAC entities using HTTP access to Fortress Rest server.
Role |
All entities ( User , Role , Permission ,
PwPolicy SDSet etc...) are used to carry data between three
Fortress layers.starting with the (1) Manager layer down thru middle (2) Process layer and it's processing rules into
(3) DAO layer where persistence with the LDAP server occurs.
RoleConstraint |
The role constraint object holds non date time constraints on user to role relationships.
RoleConstraint.RCType |
The type of role constraint.
RoleConstraintAnt |
Entity is used by custom Apache Ant task for special handling of collections.
RolePerm |
This entity is used by Fortress Rest to communicate Role , Permission and Session information to the server for access control decisions.
RoleRelationship |
This entity is used by Fortress Rest to communicate parent and child Role information to the server.
SDSet |
Static Separation of Duties Schema
SDSet.SDType |
enum for SSD or DSD data sets.
SDSetAnt |
Entity is used by custom Apache Ant task for special handling of collections.
SecurityException |
Session |
This contains attributes related to a user's RBAC session.
StandardException |
Interface that is implemented by exception base class StandardException used to associate a Fortress error code to
the exception instance.
Suffix |
A class storing the suffix information
SuffixP |
Process module for the suffix or root node of Fortress directory structure.
Testable |
Interface is extended by custom Ant tasks that require JUnit validation.
Time |
Timeout |
This class performs timeout validation for Constraint .
TUtil |
UpdateException |
This exception extends SecurityException and is thrown when DAO cannot update entity.
Updconfig |
User |
All entities ( User , Role ,
Permission , PwPolicy
SDSet etc...) are used to carry data between three Fortress
layers.starting with the (1) Manager layer down thru middle (2) Process layer and it's processing rules into
(3) DAO layer where persistence with the LDAP server occurs.
UserAdminRole |
The UserAdminRole entity extends the UserRole and is used to store ARBAC User to AdminRole assignment along with temporal and
ARBAC contraint values.
UserAnt |
Entity is used by custom Apache Ant task for special handling of collections.
UserAudit |
This entity is used to pass search criteria into the AuditMgr APIs, down through the process layer and finally into the data access layer.
UserRole |
The Fortress UserRole entity is used to store an RBAC User to Role assignment along with its temporal constraint
UserRoleConstraint |
This class performs dynamic constraint validation on role activation, per FC-235
ValidationException |
This exception extends SecurityException and is thrown when Fortress cannot validate entity.
Validator |
Interface used by Fortress to provide pluggable validation routines for constraints.
VUtil |
This class contains simple data validation utilities.
VUtil.ConstraintType |
enum specifies what type of constraint is being targeted - User or Role.
Warning |
This entity is stored on Session and is used to pass warnings
that occur during role activation and password policy validation.
Warning.Type |
Type determines if warning is of type Role or Password Policy.