Interface AdminMgr

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AdminMgrImpl, AdminMgrRestImpl

    public interface AdminMgr
    extends Manageable
    This class performs administrative functions to provision Fortress RBAC entities into the LDAP directory. These APIs map directly to similar named APIs specified by ANSI and NIST RBAC models. Many of the java doc function descriptions found below were taken directly from ANSI INCITS 359-2004. The RBAC Functional specification describes administrative operations for the creation and maintenance of RBAC element sets and relations; administrative review functions for performing administrative queries; and system functions for creating and managing RBAC attributes on user sessions and making access control decisions.

    RBAC0 - Core

    Many-to-many relationship between Users, Roles and Permissions. Selective role activation into sessions. API to add, update, delete identity data and perform identity and access control decisions during runtime operations.

    RBAC1 - General Hierarchical Roles

    Simplifies role engineering tasks using inheritance of one or more parent roles.

    RBAC2 - Static Separation of Duty (SSD) Relations

    Enforce mutual membership exclusions across role assignments. Facilitate dual control policies by restricting which roles may be assigned to users in combination. SSD provide added granularity for authorization limits which help enterprises meet strict compliance regulations.

    RBAC3 - Dynamic Separation of Duty (DSD) Relations

    Control allowed role combinations to be activated within an RBAC session. DSD policies fine tune role policies that facilitate authorization dual control and two man policy restrictions during runtime security checks.

    This interface's implementer will NOT be thread safe if parent instance variables (Manageable.setContextId(String) or Manageable.setAdmin( are set.

    Apache Directory Project
    • Method Detail

      • addUser

        User addUser​(User user)
              throws SecurityException
        This command creates a new RBAC user. The command is valid only if the new user is not already a member of the USERS data set. The USER data set is updated. The new user does not own any session at the time of its creation.

        required parameters

        • User#userId - maps to INetOrgPerson uid
        • User#password - used to authenticate the User
        • User#ou - contains the name of an already existing User OU node

        optional parameters

        • User#pwPolicy - contains the name of an already existing OpenLDAP password policy node
        • User#cn - maps to INetOrgPerson common name attribute
        • User#sn - maps to INetOrgPerson surname attribute
        • User#description - maps to INetOrgPerson description attribute
        • User#title - maps to INetOrgPerson title attribute
        • User#employeeType - maps to INetOrgPerson employeeType attribute
        • User#phones * - multivalued attribute maps to organizationalPerson telephoneNumber attribute
        • User#mobiles * - multivalued attribute maps to INetOrgPerson mobile attribute
        • User#emails * - multivalued attribute maps to INetOrgPerson mail attribute
        • User#address * - multivalued attribute maps to organizationalPerson postalAddress, st, l, postalCode, postOfficeBox attributes
        • User#beginTime - HHMM - determines begin hour user may activate session
        • User#endTime - HHMM - determines end hour user may activate session.
        • User#beginDate - YYYYMMDD - determines date when user may sign on
        • User#endDate - YYYYMMDD - indicates latest date user may sign on
        • User#beginLockDate - YYYYMMDD - determines beginning of enforced inactive status
        • User#endLockDate - YYYYMMDD - determines end of enforced inactive status
        • User#dayMask - 1234567, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, etc - specifies which day of user may sign on
        • User#timeout - number (in minutes) of session inactivity time allowed
        • User#props * - multivalued attribute contains property key and values are separated with a ':'. e.g. mykey1:myvalue1
        user - User entity must contain User#userId and User#ou (required) and optional User#description,User#roles and many others.
        Returns entity containing user data that was added.
        SecurityException - thrown in the event of data validation or system error.
      • disableUser

        void disableUser​(User user)
                  throws SecurityException
        This command deletes an existing user from the RBAC database. The command is valid if and only if the user to be deleted is a member of the USERS data set. The USERS and UA data sets and the assigned_users function are updated. Method performs a "soft" delete. It performs the following:
        • sets the user status to "deleted"
        • deassigns all roles from the user
        • locks the user's password in LDAP
        • revokes all perms that have been granted to user entity.

        required parameters

        • User#userId - maps to INetOrgPerson uid
        user - Contains the User#userId of the User targeted for deletion.
        SecurityException - thrown in the event of data validation or system error.
      • deleteUser

        void deleteUser​(User user)
                 throws SecurityException
        This command deletes an existing user from the RBAC database. The command is valid if and only if the user to be deleted is a member of the USERS data set. The USERS and UA data sets and the assigned_users function are updated. This method performs a "hard" delete. It completely removes all data associated with this user from the directory. User entity must exist in directory prior to making this call else exception will be thrown.

        required parameters

        • User#userId - maps to INetOrgPerson uid
        user - Contains the User#userId of the User targeted for deletion.
        SecurityException - thrown in the event of data validation or system error.
      • updateUser

        User updateUser​(User user)
                 throws SecurityException
        This method performs an update on User entity in directory. Prior to making this call the entity must exist in directory.

        required parameters

        • User#userId - maps to INetOrgPerson uid

        optional parameters

        • User#password - used to authenticate the User
        • User#ou - contains the name of an already existing User OU node
        • User#pwPolicy - contains the name of an already existing OpenLDAP password policy node
        • User#cn - maps to INetOrgPerson common name attribute
        • User#sn - maps to INetOrgPerson surname attribute
        • User#description - maps to INetOrgPerson description attribute
        • User#title - maps to INetOrgPerson title attribute
        • User#employeeType - maps to INetOrgPerson employeeType attribute
        • User#phones * - multivalued attribute maps to organizationalPerson telephoneNumber attribute
        • User#mobiles * - multivalued attribute maps to INetOrgPerson mobile attribute
        • User#emails * - multivalued attribute maps to INetOrgPerson mail attribute
        • User#address * - multivalued attribute maps to organizationalPerson postalAddress, st, l, postalCode, postOfficeBox attributes
        • User#beginTime - HHMM - determines begin hour user may activate session
        • User#endTime - HHMM - determines end hour user may activate session.
        • User#beginDate - YYYYMMDD - determines date when user may sign on
        • User#endDate - YYYYMMDD - indicates latest date user may sign on
        • User#beginLockDate - YYYYMMDD - determines beginning of enforced inactive status
        • User#endLockDate - YYYYMMDD - determines end of enforced inactive status
        • User#dayMask - 1234567, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, etc - specifies which day of user may sign on
        • User#timeout - number (in minutes) of session inactivity time allowed
        • User#props * - multivalued attribute contains property key and values are separated with a ':'. e.g. mykey1:myvalue1
        user - must contain User#userId and optional entity data to update i.e. desc, ou, properties, all attributes that are not set will be ignored.
        Updated user entity data.
        SecurityException - thrown in the event of validation or system error.
      • changePassword

        void changePassword​(User user,
                            String newPassword)
                     throws SecurityException
        Method will change user's password. This method will evaluate user's password policies.

        required parameters

        • User#userId - maps to INetOrgPerson uid
        • User#password - contains the User's old password
        • newPassword - contains the User's new password
        user - contains User#userId and old user password User#password.
        newPassword - contains new user password.
        SecurityException - will be thrown in the event of password policy violation or system error.
      • lockUserAccount

        void lockUserAccount​(User user)
                      throws SecurityException
        Method will lock user's password which will prevent the user from authenticating with directory.

        required parameters

        • User#userId - maps to INetOrgPerson uid
        user - entity contains User#userId of User to be locked.
        SecurityException - will be thrown in the event of pw policy violation or system error.
      • unlockUserAccount

        void unlockUserAccount​(User user)
                        throws SecurityException
        Method will unlock user's password which will enable user to authenticate with directory.

        required parameters

        • User#userId - maps to INetOrgPerson uid
        user - entity contains User#userId of User to be unlocked.
        SecurityException - will be thrown in the event of pw policy violation or system error.
      • resetPassword

        void resetPassword​(User user,
                           String newPassword)
                    throws SecurityException
        Method will reset user's password which will require user to change password before successful authentication with directory. This method will not evaluate password policies on the new user password as it must be changed before use.

        required parameters

        • User#userId - maps to INetOrgPerson uid
        • newPassword - contains the User's new password
        user - entity contains User#userId of User to be reset.
        newPassword - The new password to set
        SecurityException - will be thrown in the event of pw policy violation or system error.
      • deletePasswordPolicy

        void deletePasswordPolicy​(User user)
                           throws SecurityException
        Method will delete user's password policy designation.

        required parameters

        • User#userId - maps to INetOrgPerson uid
        • newPassword - contains the User's new password
        user - contains User#userId.
        SecurityException - will be thrown in the event of password policy violation or system error.
      • addRole

        Role addRole​(Role role)
              throws SecurityException
        This command creates a new role. The command is valid if and only if the new role is not already a member of the ROLES data set. The ROLES data set is updated. Initially, no user or permission is assigned to the new role.

        required parameters

        • Role#name - contains the name to use for the Role to be created.

        optional parameters

        • Role#description - maps to description attribute on organizationalRole object class
        • Role#beginTime - HHMM - determines begin hour role may be activated into user's RBAC session
        • Role#endTime - HHMM - determines end hour role may be activated into user's RBAC session.
        • Role#beginDate - YYYYMMDD - determines date when role may be activated into user's RBAC session
        • Role#endDate - YYYYMMDD - indicates latest date role may be activated into user's RBAC session
        • Role#beginLockDate - YYYYMMDD - determines beginning of enforced inactive status
        • Role#endLockDate - YYYYMMDD - determines end of enforced inactive status
        • Role#dayMask - 1234567, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, etc - specifies which day role may be activated into user's RBAC session
        role - must contains Role#name (required) and optional Role#description.
        copy of the added Role
        SecurityException - thrown in the event of data validation or system error.
      • deleteRole

        void deleteRole​(Role role)
                 throws SecurityException
        This command deletes an existing role from the RBAC database. The command is valid if and only if the role to be deleted is a member of the ROLES data set. This command will also deassign role from all users.

        required parameters

        • Role#name - contains the name to use for the Role to be deleted.
        role - Must contain Role#name for Role to delete.
        SecurityException - thrown in the event of data validation or system error.
      • updateRole

        Role updateRole​(Role role)
                 throws SecurityException
        Method will update a Role entity in the directory. The role must exist in role container prior to this call.

        required parameters

        • Role#name - contains the name to use for the Role to be updated.

        optional parameters

        • Role#description - maps to description attribute on organizationalRole object class
        • Role#beginTime - HHMM - determines begin hour role may be activated into user's RBAC session
        • Role#endTime - HHMM - determines end hour role may be activated into user's RBAC session.
        • Role#beginDate - YYYYMMDD - determines date when role may be activated into user's RBAC session
        • Role#endDate - YYYYMMDD - indicates latest date role may be activated into user's RBAC session
        • Role#beginLockDate - YYYYMMDD - determines beginning of enforced inactive status
        • Role#endLockDate - YYYYMMDD - determines end of enforced inactive status
        • {Role#dayMask - 1234567, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, etc - specifies which day role may be activated into user's RBAC session
        role - Must contains Role#name and may contain new description or Constraint
        Role contains reference to entity operated on.
        SecurityException - in the event of validation or system error.
      • assignUser

        void assignUser​(UserRole uRole)
                 throws SecurityException
        This command assigns a user to a role.
        • The command is valid if and only if:
          • The user is a member of the USERS data set
          • The role is a member of the ROLES data set
          • The user is not already assigned to the role
          • The SSD constraints are satisfied after assignment.

        Successful completion of this op, the following occurs:

        • User entity (resides in people container) has role assignment added to aux object class attached to actual user record.
        • Role entity (resides in role container) has userId added as role occupant.
        • (optional) Temporal constraints may be associated with ftUserAttrs aux object class based on:
          • timeout - number (in minutes) of session inactivity time allowed.
          • beginDate - YYYYMMDD - determines date when role may be activated.
          • endDate - YYMMDD - indicates latest date role may be activated.
          • beginLockDate - YYYYMMDD - determines beginning of enforced inactive status
          • endLockDate - YYMMDD - determines end of enforced inactive status.
          • beginTime - HHMM - determines begin hour role may be activated in user's session.
          • endTime - HHMM - determines end hour role may be activated in user's session.*
          • dayMask - 1234567, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, etc - specifies which day of week role may be activated.

        required parameters

        • UserRole#name - contains the name for already existing Role to be assigned
        • UserRole#userId - contains the userId for existing User

        optional parameters

        • UserRole#beginTime - HHMM - determines begin hour role may be activated into user's RBAC session
        • UserRole#endTime - HHMM - determines end hour role may be activated into user's RBAC session.
        • UserRole#beginDate - YYYYMMDD - determines date when role may be activated into user's RBAC session
        • UserRole#endDate - YYYYMMDD - indicates latest date role may be activated into user's RBAC session
        • UserRole#beginLockDate - YYYYMMDD - determines beginning of enforced inactive status
        • UserRole#endLockDate - YYYYMMDD - determines end of enforced inactive status
        • UserRole#dayMask - 1234567, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, etc - specifies which day role may be activated into user's RBAC session
        uRole - must contain UserRole#userId and UserRole#name and optional Constraints.
        SecurityException - in the event of validation or system error.
      • enableRoleConstraint

        void enableRoleConstraint​(Role role,
                                  RoleConstraint roleConstraint)
                           throws SecurityException
        This method enables a role to be constrainted by attributes.

        required parameters

        • Role#name - contains the name for already existing Role to be constrained
        • RoleConstraint#key - contains the name of the constraint, e.g. locale, organization, or accountnumber
        role - must contain Role#name
        roleConstraint - must contain RoleConstraint#key
        SecurityException - in the event of validation or system error.
      • disableRoleConstraint

        void disableRoleConstraint​(Role role,
                                   RoleConstraint roleConstraint)
                            throws SecurityException
        This method disables a role to be constrainted by attributes.

        required parameters

        • Role#name - contains the name for already existing Role to be unconstrained
        • RoleConstraint#key - contains the name of the constraint, e.g. locale, organization, or accountnumber
        role - must contain Role#name
        roleConstraint - must contain RoleConstraint#key
        SecurityException - in the event of validation or system error.
      • addRoleConstraint

        RoleConstraint addRoleConstraint​(UserRole uRole,
                                         RoleConstraint roleConstraint)
                                  throws SecurityException
        This method adds a roleConstraint (ftRC) to the user ldap entry. (ftRC=ROLE_NAME$type$CONSTRAINT_TYPE$CONSTRAINT_PASETNAME$CONSTRAINT_VALUE)

        required parameters

        • UserRole#name - contains the name for already existing Role to be assigned
        • UserRole#userId - contains the userId for existing User
        • RoleConstraint#type - contains the type of role constraint (filter, other)
        • RoleConstraint#value - contains the value of the role constraint which is currently not validated in any way
        • RoleConstraint#key - contains the name of the permission attribute set this constraint is applicable for
        uRole - must contain UserRole#userId and UserRole#name
        roleConstraint - must contain RoleConstraint#type, RoleConstraint#value and RoleConstraint#paSetName
        RoleConstraint that was added to user role assignment
        SecurityException - in the event of validation or system error.
      • removeRoleConstraint

        void removeRoleConstraint​(UserRole uRole,
                                  RoleConstraint roleConstraint)
                           throws SecurityException
        Thie method removes a roleConstraint (ftRC) from the user ldap entry.

        required parameters

        • UserRole#name - contains the name for already existing Role to be assigned
        • UserRole#userId - contains the userId for existing User
        • RoleConstraint#type - contains the type of role constraint (filter, other)
        • RoleConstraint#value - contains the value of the role constraint which is currently not validated in any way
        • RoleConstraint#paSetName - contains the name of the permission attribute set this constraint is applicable for
        uRole - must contain UserRole#userId and UserRole#name
        roleConstraint - must contain RoleConstraint#type, RoleConstraint#value and RoleConstraint#paSetName
        SecurityException - in the event of validation or system error.
      • removeRoleConstraint

        void removeRoleConstraint​(UserRole uRole,
                                  String roleConstraintId)
                           throws SecurityException
        Thie method removes a roleConstraint (ftRC) from the user ldap entry.

        required parameters

        • UserRole#name - contains the name for already existing Role to be assigned
        • UserRole#userId - contains the userId for existing User
        • RoleConstraint#type - contains the type of role constraint (filter, other)
        • RoleConstraint#value - contains the value of the role constraint which is currently not validated in any way
        • RoleConstraint#paSetName - contains the userId for existing User, contains the name of the permission attribute set this constraint is applicable for
        uRole - must contain UserRole#userId} and UserRole#name}
        roleConstraintId - id of the role constraint to remove
        SecurityException - in the event of validation or system error.
      • deassignUser

        void deassignUser​(UserRole uRole)
                   throws SecurityException
        This command deletes the assignment of the User from the Role entities. The command is valid if and only if the user is a member of the USERS data set, the role is a member of the ROLES data set, and the user is assigned to the role. Any sessions that currently have this role activated will not be effected. Successful completion includes:
        • User entity in USER data set has role assignment removed.
        • Role entity in ROLE data set has userId removed as role occupant.
        • (optional) Temporal constraints will be removed from user aux object if set prior to call.

        required parameters

        • UserRole#name - contains the name for already existing Role to be deassigned
        • UserRole#userId - contains the userId for existing User
        uRole - must contain} and UserRole#name}.
        SecurityException - - in the event data error in user or role objects or system error.
      • addPermission

        Permission addPermission​(Permission perm)
                          throws SecurityException
        This method will add permission operation to an existing permission object which resides under ou=Permissions,ou=RBAC,dc=yourHostName,dc=com container in directory information tree. The perm operation entity may have Role or User associations. The target Permission} must not exist prior to calling. A Fortress Permission instance exists in a hierarchical, one-many relationship between its parent and itself as stored in ldap tree: (PermObj*->Permission).

        required parameters

        • Permission#objName - contains the name of existing object being targeted for the permission add
        • Permission#opName - contains the name of new permission operation being added

        optional parameters

        • Permission#roles} * - multi occurring attribute contains RBAC Roles that permission operation is being granted to
        • Permission#users} * - multi occurring attribute contains Users that permission operation is being granted to
        • Permission#props} * - multi-occurring property key and values are separated with a ':'. e.g. mykey1:myvalue1
        • Permission#type - any safe text
        perm - must contain the object,}, and operation, Permission#opName}, that identifies target along with optional other attributes..
        copy of Permission entity.
        SecurityException - - thrown in the event of perm object data or system error.
      • addPermissionAttributeSet

        PermissionAttributeSet addPermissionAttributeSet​(PermissionAttributeSet permAttributeSet)
                                                  throws SecurityException
        This method will create a new permission attribute set object with resides under the ou=Constraints,ou=RBAC,dc=yourHostName,dc=com container in directory information tree. The attribute set may contain 0 to many PermissionAttribute

        required parameters

        • PermissionAttributeSet#name - contains the name of the permission attribute set
        permAttributeSet - must contain PermissionAttributeSet#name}
        PermissionAttributeSet that was created
        SecurityException - - thrown in the event of perm attribute set data or system error.
      • deletePermissionAttributeSet

        void deletePermissionAttributeSet​(PermissionAttributeSet permAttributeSet)
                                   throws SecurityException
        This method will delete a permission attribute set object.

        required parameters

        • PermissionAttributeSet#name - contains the name of the permission attribute set
        permAttributeSet - must contain PermissionAttributeSet#name}
        SecurityException - - thrown in the event of perm attribute set data or system error.
      • addPermissionAttributeToSet

        PermissionAttribute addPermissionAttributeToSet​(PermissionAttribute permAttribute,
                                                        String attributeSetName)
                                                 throws SecurityException
        This method adds a permission attribute (ftPA) to a permission attribute set.

        required parameters

        • PermissionAttribute#attributeName - contains the name of existing object being targeted for the permission update
        • PermissionAttribute#dataType - contains the data type of the permission attribute values (string,int,long,float)
        • attributeSetName - contains the name of existing permission attribute set being modified

        optional parameters

        • PermissionAttribute#required - Flag to specify this attribute is required, defaults to false.
        • PermissionAttribute#operator - Can specify an operator this attribute must use.
        • PermissionAttribute#validValues - CSV of valid values. Currently up to interpreting application to understand these.
        • PermissionAttribute#defaultValue - A default value for the attribute value if none is specified.
        permAttribute - must contain PermissionAttribute#attributeName} and PermissionAttribute#dataType}
        attributeSetName - The name of the permission attribute set this ftPA should be added.
        PermissionAttribute entity created
        SecurityException - - thrown in the event of data or system error
      • removePermissionAttributeFromSet

        void removePermissionAttributeFromSet​(PermissionAttribute permAttribute,
                                              String attributeSetName)
                                       throws SecurityException
        This method removed a permission attribute (ftPA) from an existing permission attribute set.

        required parameters

        • PermissionAttribute#attributeName - contains the name of existing object being targeted for the permission update
        • attributeSetName - contains the name of existing permission attribute set being modified
        permAttribute - must contain PermissionAttribute#attributeName}
        attributeSetName - The name of the permission attribute set this pa should be removed from
        SecurityException - - thrown in the event of data or system error
      • updatePermissionAttributeInSet

        void updatePermissionAttributeInSet​(PermissionAttribute permAttribute,
                                            String attributeSetName,
                                            boolean replaceValidValues)
                                     throws SecurityException
        This method updates a permission attribute (ftPA) on a permission attribute set.

        required parameters

        • PermissionAttribute#attributeName - contains the name of existing object being targeted for the permission update
        • PermissionAttribute#dataType - contains the data type of the permission attribute values (string,int,long,float)
        • attributeSetName - contains the name of existing permission attribute set being modified

        optional parameters

        • PermissionAttribute#required - Flag to specify this attribute is required, defaults to false.
        • PermissionAttribute#operator - Can specify an operator this attribute must use.
        • PermissionAttribute#validValues - CSV of valid values. Currently up to interpreting application to understand these.
        • PermissionAttribute#defaultValue - A default value for the attribute value if none is specified.
        permAttribute - must contain PermissionAttribute#attributeName} and PermissionAttribute#dataType}
        attributeSetName - The name of the permission attribute set this ftPA should be updated.
        SecurityException - - thrown in the event of data or system error
      • updatePermission

        Permission updatePermission​(Permission perm)
                             throws SecurityException
        This method will update permission operation pre-existing in target directory under ou=Permissions,ou=RBAC,dc=yourHostName,dc=com container in directory information tree. The perm operation entity may also contain Role or User associations to add or remove using this function. The perm operation must exist before making this call. Only non-null attributes will be updated.

        required parameters

        • Permission#objName - contains the name of existing object being targeted for the permission update
        • Permission#opName - contains the name of existing permission operation being updated

        optional parameters

        • Permission#roles} * - multi occurring attribute contains RBAC Roles that permission operation is being granted to
        • Permission#users} * - multi occurring attribute contains Users that permission operation is being granted to
        • Permission#props} * - multi-occurring property key and values are separated with a ':'. e.g. mykey1:myvalue1
        • Permission#type - any safe text
        perm - must contain the object, Permission#objName}, and operation, Permission#opName}, that identifies target and any optional data to update. Null or empty attributes will be ignored.
        copy of Permission entity.
        SecurityException - - thrown in the event of perm object data or system error.
      • deletePermission

        void deletePermission​(Permission perm)
                       throws SecurityException
        This method will remove permission operation entity from permission object. A Fortress permission is (object->operation). The perm operation must exist before making this call.

        required parameters

        • Permission#objName - contains the name of existing object being targeted for the permission delete
        • Permission#opName - contains the name of existing permission operation being removed
        perm - must contain the object, Permission#objName}, and operation, Permission#opName}, that identifies target.
        SecurityException - - thrown in the event of perm object data or system error.
      • addPermObj

        PermObj addPermObj​(PermObj pObj)
                    throws SecurityException
        This method will add permission object to perms container in directory. The perm object must not exist before making this call. A PermObj instance exists in a hierarchical, one-many relationship between itself and children as stored in ldap tree: (PermObj*->Permission}).

        required parameters

        • PermObj#objName - contains the name of new object being added
        • PermObj#ou - contains the name of an existing PERMS OrgUnit this object is associated with

        optional parameters

        • PermObj#description - any safe text
        • PermObj#type - contains any safe text
        • PermObj#props} * - multi-occurring property key and values are separated with a ':'. e.g. mykey1:myvalue1
        pObj - must contain the PermObj#objName} and PermObj#ou}. The other attributes are optional.
        copy of PermObj entity.
        SecurityException - - thrown in the event of perm object data or system error.
      • updatePermObj

        PermObj updatePermObj​(PermObj pObj)
                       throws SecurityException
        This method will update permission object in perms container in directory. The perm object must exist before making this call. A PermObj instance exists in a hierarchical, one-many relationship between itself and children as stored in ldap tree: (PermObj*->Permission).

        required parameters

        • PermObj#objName - contains the name of existing object being updated

        optional parameters

        • PermObj#ou - contains the name of an existing PERMS OrgUnit this object is associated with
        • PermObj#description - any safe text
        • PermObj#type - contains any safe text
        • PermObj#props} * - multi-occurring property key and values are separated with a ':'. e.g. mykey1:myvalue1
        pObj - must contain the PermObj#objName}. Only non-null attributes will be updated.
        copy of newly updated PermObj entity.
        SecurityException - - thrown in the event of perm object data or system error.
      • deletePermObj

        void deletePermObj​(PermObj pObj)
                    throws SecurityException
        This method will remove permission object to perms container in directory. This method will also remove in associated permission objects that are attached to this object.

        required parameters

        • PermObj#objName - contains the name of existing object targeted for removal
        pObj - must contain the PermObj#objName} of object targeted for removal.
        SecurityException - - thrown in the event of perm object data or system error.
      • grantPermission

        void grantPermission​(Permission perm,
                             Role role)
                      throws SecurityException
        This command grants a role the permission to perform an operation on an object to a role. The command is implemented by granting permission by setting the access control list of the object involved. The command is valid if and only if the pair (operation, object) represents a permission, and the role is a member of the ROLES data set.

        required parameters

        • Permission#objName - contains the object name
        • Permission#opName - contains the operation name
        • Role#name - contains the role name
        perm - must contain the object, Permission#objName}, and operation, Permission#opName}, that identifies target.
        role - must contains Role#name}.
        SecurityException - Thrown in the event of data validation or system error.
      • revokePermission

        void revokePermission​(Permission perm,
                              Role role)
                       throws SecurityException
        This command revokes the permission to perform an operation on an object from the set of permissions assigned to a role. The command is implemented by setting the access control list of the object involved. The command is valid if and only if the pair (operation, object) represents a permission, the role is a member of the ROLES data set, and the permission is assigned to that role.

        required parameters

        • Permission#objName - contains the object name
        • Permission#opName - contains the operation name
        • Role#name - contains the role name
        perm - must contain the object, Permission#objName}, and operation, Permission#opName}, that identifies target.
        role - must contains Role#name}.
        SecurityException - Thrown in the event of data validation or system error.
      • grantPermission

        void grantPermission​(Permission perm,
                             User user)
                      throws SecurityException
        This command grants a user the permission to perform an operation on an object to a role. The command is implemented by granting permission by setting the access control list of the object involved. The command is valid if and only if the pair (operation, object) represents a permission, and the user is a member of the USERS data set.

        required parameters

        • Permission#objName - contains the object name
        • Permission#opName - contains the operation name
        • User#userId - contains the userId
        perm - must contain the object, Permission#objName}, and operation, Permission#opName}, that identifies target.
        user - must contain User#userId} of target User entity.
        SecurityException - Thrown in the event of data validation or system error.
      • revokePermission

        void revokePermission​(Permission perm,
                              User user)
                       throws SecurityException
        This command revokes the permission to perform an operation on an object from the set of permissions assigned to a user. The command is implemented by setting the access control list of the object involved. The command is valid if and only if the pair (operation, object) represents a permission, the user is a member of the USERS data set, and the permission is assigned to that user.

        required parameters

        • Permission#objName - contains the object name
        • Permission#opName - contains the operation name
        • User#userId - contains the userId
        perm - must contain the object, Permission#objName}, and operation, Permission#opName}, that identifies target.
        user - must contain User#userId} of target User entity.
        SecurityException - Thrown in the event of data validation or system error.
      • addDescendant

        void addDescendant​(Role parentRole,
                           Role childRole)
                    throws SecurityException
        This command creates a new role childRole, and inserts it in the role hierarchy as an immediate descendant of the existing role parentRole.

        The command is valid if and only if:

        • The childRole is not a member of the ROLES data set.
        • The parentRole is a member of the ROLES data set.

        This method:

        • Adds new role.
        • Assigns role relationship between new childRole and pre-existing parentRole.

        required parameters

        • parentRole - Role#name - contains the name of existing Role to be parent
        • childRole - Role#name - contains the name of new Role to be child

        optional parameters childRole

        • childRole - Role#description - maps to description attribute on organizationalRole object class for new child
        • childRole - Role#beginTime - HHMM - determines begin hour role may be activated into user's RBAC session for new child
        • childRole - Role#endTime - HHMM - determines end hour role may be activated into user's RBAC session for new child
        • childRole - Role#beginDate - YYYYMMDD - determines date when role may be activated into user's RBAC session for new child
        • childRole - Role#endDate - YYYYMMDD - indicates latest date role may be activated into user's RBAC session for new child
        • childRole - Role#beginLockDate - YYYYMMDD - determines beginning of enforced inactive status for new child
        • childRole - Role#endLockDate - YYYYMMDD - determines end of enforced inactive status for new child
        • childRole - Role#dayMask - 1234567, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, etc - specifies which day role may be activated into user's RBAC session for new child
        parentRole - This entity must be present in ROLE data set. Success will add role rel with childRole.
        childRole - This entity must not be present in ROLE data set. Success will add the new role entity to ROLE data set.
        SecurityException - thrown in the event of data validation or system error.
      • addAscendant

        void addAscendant​(Role childRole,
                          Role parentRole)
                   throws SecurityException
        This command creates a new role parentRole, and inserts it in the role hierarchy as an immediate ascendant of the existing role childRole.

        The command is valid if and only if:

        • The parentRole is not a member of the ROLES data set.
        • The childRole is a member of the ROLES data set.

        This method:

        • Adds new role.
        • Assigns role relationship between new parentRole and pre-existing childRole.

        required parameters

        • childRole - Role#name - contains the name of existing child Role
        • parentRole - Role#name - contains the name of new Role to be parent

        optional parameters parentRole

        • parentRole - Role#description - maps to description attribute on organizationalRole object class for new parent
        • parentRole - Role#beginTime - HHMM - determines begin hour role may be activated into user's RBAC session for new parent
        • parentRole - Role#endTime - HHMM - determines end hour role may be activated into user's RBAC session for new parent
        • parentRole - Role#beginDate - YYYYMMDD - determines date when role may be activated into user's RBAC session for new parent
        • parentRole - Role#endDate - YYYYMMDD - indicates latest date role may be activated into user's RBAC session for new parent
        • parentRole - Role#beginLockDate - YYYYMMDD - determines beginning of enforced inactive status for new parent
        • parentRole - Role#endLockDate - YYYYMMDD - determines end of enforced inactive status for new parent
        • parentRole - Role#dayMask - 1234567, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, etc - specifies which day role may be activated into user's RBAC session for new parent
        parentRole - completion of op assigns new child relationship with childRole.
        childRole - completion of op assigns new parent relationship with parentRole.
        SecurityException - thrown in the event of data validation or system error.
      • addInheritance

        void addInheritance​(Role parentRole,
                            Role childRole)
                     throws SecurityException
        This command establishes a new immediate inheritance relationship parentRole <<-- childRole between existing roles parentRole, childRole.

        The command is valid if and only if:

        • The parentRole and childRole are members of the ROLES data set.
        • The parentRole is not an immediate ascendant of childRole.
        • The childRole does not properly inherit parentRole (in order to avoid cycle creation).

        required parameters

        • parentRole - Role#name - contains the name of existing Role to be parent
        • childRole - Role#name - contains the name of existing Role to be child
        parentRole - completion of op deassigns child relationship with childRole.
        childRole - completion of op deassigns parent relationship with parentRole.
        SecurityException - thrown in the event of data validation or system error.
      • deleteInheritance

        void deleteInheritance​(Role parentRole,
                               Role childRole)
                        throws SecurityException
        This command deletes an existing immediate inheritance relationship parentRole <<-- childRole.

        The command is valid if and only if:

        • The roles parentRole and childRole are members of the ROLES data set.
        • The parentRole is an immediate ascendant of childRole.
        • The new inheritance relation is computed as the reflexive-transitive closure of the immediate inheritance relation resulted after deleting the relationship parentRole <<-- childRole.

        required parameters

        • parentRole - Role#name - contains the name of existing Role to remove parent relationship
        • childRole - Role#name - contains the name of existing Role to remove child relationship
        parentRole - completion of op removes child relationship with childRole.
        childRole - completion of op removes parent relationship with parentRole.
        SecurityException - thrown in the event of data validation or system error.
      • createSsdSet

        SDSet createSsdSet​(SDSet ssdSet)
                    throws SecurityException
        This command creates a named SSD set of roles and sets the cardinality n of its subsets that cannot have common users.

        The command is valid if and only if:

        • The name of the SSD set is not already in use.
        • All the roles in the SSD set are members of the ROLES data set.
        • n is a natural number greater than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to the cardinality of the SSD role set.
        • The SSD constraint for the new role set is satisfied.

        required parameters

        • SDSet#name - contains the name of new SSD role set to be added

        optional parameters

        • SDSet#members} * - multivalued attribute contains the RBAC Role names to be added to this set
        • SDSet#cardinality - default is 2 which is one more than maximum number of Roles that may be assigned to User from a particular set
        • SDSet#description - contains any safe text
        ssdSet - contains an instantiated reference to new SSD set containing, name, members, and cardinality (default 2)
        reference to newly created SSDSet object.
        SecurityException - in the event of data validation or system error.
      • updateSsdSet

        SDSet updateSsdSet​(SDSet ssdSet)
                    throws SecurityException
        This command updates existing SSD set of roles and sets the cardinality n of its subsets that cannot have common users.

        The command is valid if and only if:

        • The name of the SSD set already exists.
        • All the roles in the SSD set are members of the ROLES data set.
        • n is a natural number greater than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to the cardinality of the SSD role set.
        • The SSD constraint for the new role set is satisfied.

        required parameters

        • SDSet#name - contains the name of existing SSD role set to be updated

        optional parameters

        • SDSet#members} * - multivalued attribute contains the RBAC Role names to be added to this set
        • SDSet#cardinality - default is 2 which is one more than maximum number of Roles that may be assigned to User from a particular set
        • SDSet#description - contains any safe text
        ssdSet - contains an instantiated reference to existing SSD set containing, name, members, and cardinality (default 2)
        reference to SSDSet object targeted for update.
        SecurityException - in the event of data validation or system error.
      • addSsdRoleMember

        SDSet addSsdRoleMember​(SDSet ssdSet,
                               Role role)
                        throws SecurityException
        This command adds a role to a named SSD set of roles. The cardinality associated with the role set remains unchanged.

        The command is valid if and only if:

        • The SSD role set exists.
        • The role to be added is a member of the ROLES data set but not of a member of the SSD role set.
        • The SSD constraint is satisfied after the addition of the role to the SSD role set.

        required parameters

        • SDSet#name - contains the name of SSD role set to be modified
        • Role#name - contains the name of new SDSet#members} to be added
        ssdSet - contains an instantiated reference to new SSD set containing, name
        role - contains instantiated Role object with role name field set.
        reference to updated SSDSet object.
        SecurityException - in the event of data validation or system error.
      • deleteSsdRoleMember

        SDSet deleteSsdRoleMember​(SDSet ssdSet,
                                  Role role)
                           throws SecurityException
        This command removes a role from a named SSD set of roles. The cardinality associated with the role set remains unchanged.

        The command is valid if and only if:

        • The SSD role set exists.
        • The role to be removed is a member of the SSD role set.
        • The cardinality associated with the SSD role set is less than the number of elements of the SSD role set.
        Note that the SSD constraint should be satisfied after the removal of the role from the SSD role set.

        required parameters

        • SDSet#name - contains the name of SSD role set to be modified
        • Role#name - contains the name of existing SDSet#members} to be removed
        ssdSet - contains an instantiated reference to new SSD set containing name.
        role - contains instantiated Role object with role name field set.
        reference to updated SSDSet object.
        SecurityException - in the event of data validation or system error.
      • deleteSsdSet

        SDSet deleteSsdSet​(SDSet ssdSet)
                    throws SecurityException
        This command deletes a SSD role set completely. The command is valid if and only if the SSD role set exists.

        required parameters

        • SDSet#name - contains the name of SSD role set to be removed
        ssdSet - contains an instantiated reference to SSD set targeted for removal.
        reference to deleted SSDSet object.
        SecurityException - in the event of data validation or system error.
      • setSsdSetCardinality

        SDSet setSsdSetCardinality​(SDSet ssdSet,
                                   int cardinality)
                            throws SecurityException
        This command sets the cardinality associated with a given SSD role set.

        The command is valid if and only if:

        • The SSD role set exists.
        • The new cardinality is a natural number greater than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to the number of elements of the SSD role set.
        • The SSD constraint is satisfied after setting the new cardinality.

        required parameters

        • SDSet#name - contains the name of SSD role set to be modified
        • cardinality - contains new cardinality setting for SSD
        ssdSet - contains an instantiated reference to new SSD set containing, name
        cardinality - integer value contains new cardinality value for data set.
        reference to updated SSDSet object.
        SecurityException - in the event of data validation or system error.
      • createDsdSet

        SDSet createDsdSet​(SDSet dsdSet)
                    throws SecurityException
        This command creates a named DSD set of roles and sets an associated cardinality n. The DSD constraint stipulates that the DSD role set cannot contain n or more roles simultaneously active in the same session.

        The command is valid if and only if:

        • The name of the DSD set is not already in use.
        • All the roles in the DSD set are members of the ROLES data set.
        • n is a natural number greater than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to the cardinality of the DSD role set.
        • The DSD constraint for the new role set is satisfied.

        required parameters

        • SDSet#name - contains the name of new DSD role set to be added

        optional parameters

        • SDSet#members} * - multivalued attribute contains the RBAC Role names to be added to this set
        • SDSet#cardinality - default is 2 which is one more than maximum number of Roles that may be assigned to User from a particular set
        • SDSet#description - contains any safe text
        dsdSet - contains an instantiated reference to new DSD set containing, name, members, and cardinality (default 2)
        reference to newly created SSDSet object.
        SecurityException - in the event of data validation or system error.
      • updateDsdSet

        SDSet updateDsdSet​(SDSet dsdSet)
                    throws SecurityException
        This command updates existing DSD set of roles and sets the cardinality n of its subsets that cannot have common users.

        The command is valid if and only if:

        • The name of the DSD set already exists.
        • All the roles in the DSD set are members of the ROLES data set.
        • n is a natural number greater than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to the cardinality of the DSD role set.
        • The DSD constraint for the new role set is satisfied.

        required parameters

        • SDSet#name - contains the name of existing DSD role set to be updated

        optional parameters

        • SDSet#members} * - multivalued attribute contains the RBAC Role names to be added to this set
        • SDSet#cardinality - default is 2 which is one more than maximum number of Roles that may be assigned to User from a particular set
        • SDSet#description - contains any safe text
        dsdSet - contains an instantiated reference to existing DSD set containing, name, members, and cardinality (default 2)
        reference to DSDSet object targeted for update.
        SecurityException - in the event of data validation or system error.
      • addDsdRoleMember

        SDSet addDsdRoleMember​(SDSet dsdSet,
                               Role role)
                        throws SecurityException
        This command adds a role to a named DSD set of roles. The cardinality associated with the role set remains unchanged.

        The command is valid if and only if:

        • The DSD role set exists.
        • The role to be added is a member of the ROLES data set but not of a member of the DSD role set.
        • The DSD constraint is satisfied after the addition of the role to the SSD role set.

        required parameters

        • SDSet#name - contains the name of DSD role set to be modified
        • Role#name - contains the name of new SDSet#members} to be added
        dsdSet - contains an instantiated reference to new DSD set containing, name
        role - contains instantiated Role object with role name field set.
        reference to updated DSDSet object.
        SecurityException - in the event of data validation or system error.
      • deleteDsdRoleMember

        SDSet deleteDsdRoleMember​(SDSet dsdSet,
                                  Role role)
                           throws SecurityException
        This command removes a role from a named DSD set of roles. The cardinality associated with the role set remains unchanged.

        The command is valid if and only if:

        • The DSD role set exists
        • The role to be removed is a member of the DSD role set.
        • The cardinality associated with the DSD role set is less than the number of elements of the DSD role set.
        Note that the DSD constraint should be satisfied after the removal of the role from the DSD role set.

        required parameters

        • SDSet#name - contains the name of DSD role set to be modified
        • Role#name - contains the name of existing SDSet#members} to be removed
        dsdSet - contains an instantiated reference to new DSD set containing name.
        role - contains instantiated Role object with role name field set.
        reference to updated DSDSet object.
        SecurityException - in the event of data validation or system error.
      • deleteDsdSet

        SDSet deleteDsdSet​(SDSet dsdSet)
                    throws SecurityException
        This command deletes a DSD role set completely. The command is valid if and only if the DSD role set exists.

        required parameters

        • SDSet#name - contains the name of DSD role set to be removed
        dsdSet - contains an instantiated reference to DSD set targeted for removal.
        reference to deleted DSDSet object.
        SecurityException - in the event of data validation or system error.
      • setDsdSetCardinality

        SDSet setDsdSetCardinality​(SDSet dsdSet,
                                   int cardinality)
                            throws SecurityException
        This command sets the cardinality associated with a given DSD role set.

        The command is valid if and only if:

        • The SSD role set exists.
        • The new cardinality is a natural number greater than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to the number of elements of the SSD role set.
        • The SSD constraint is satisfied after setting the new cardinality.

        required parameters

        • SDSet#name - contains the name of DSD role set to be modified
        • cardinality - contains new cardinality setting for SSD
        dsdSet - contains an instantiated reference to new DSD set containing, name
        cardinality - integer value contains new cardinality value for data set.
        reference to updated DSDSet object.
        SecurityException - in the event of data validation or system error.