@DefaultQualifier(value=org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull.class,locations=FIELD) @DefaultQualifier(value=org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull.class,locations=PARAMETER) @DefaultQualifier(value=org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull.class,locations=RETURN)
Package org.apache.calcite.rex
Class Summary Class Description RexFieldAccess Access to a field of a row-expression.RexUtil Default implementation ofRexUtil
, the class was copied over because of current Calcite way of inferring constants from IS NOT DISTINCT FROM clashes with filter push down.RexUtil.ExprSimplifier Deprecated. RexUtil.FieldAccessFinder Visitor which builds a bitmap of the inputs used by an expression.RexUtil.FixNullabilityShuttle Shuttle that fixes up an expression to match changes in nullability of input fields.RexUtil.RexFinder Visitor that tells whether a node matching a particular description exists in a tree.RexUtil.SubQueryFinder Visitor that throwsUtil.FoundOne
if applied to an expression that contains aRexSubQuery