EventId |
EventId.EventIdSerializer |
EventId.EventIdSerializer.EventIdSerializerSnapshot |
Serializer configuration snapshot for compatibility and format evolution.
Lockable<T> |
Implements locking logic for incoming event and SharedBufferNode using a lock reference
Lockable.LockableTypeSerializer<E> |
LockableTypeSerializerSnapshot<E> |
NodeId |
NodeId.NodeIdSerializer |
NodeId.NodeIdSerializer.NodeIdSerializerSnapshot |
Serializer configuration snapshot for compatibility and format evolution.
SharedBuffer<V> |
A shared buffer implementation which stores values under according state.
SharedBufferAccessor<V> |
Accessor to SharedBuffer that allows operations on the underlying structures in batches.
SharedBufferEdge |
Versioned edge in SharedBuffer that allows retrieving predecessors.
SharedBufferEdge.SharedBufferEdgeSerializer |
SharedBufferEdge.SharedBufferEdgeSerializer.SharedBufferEdgeSerializerSnapshot |
Serializer configuration snapshot for compatibility and format evolution.
SharedBufferNode |
An entry in SharedBuffer that allows to store relations between different entries.
SharedBufferNodeSerializer |
SharedBufferNodeSerializerSnapshotV2 |
Serializer configuration snapshot for compatibility and format evolution.