Class ConfigurationUtils

  • public class ConfigurationUtils
    extends Object
    Utility class for Configuration related helper functions.
    • Method Detail

      • parseTempDirectories

        public static String[] parseTempDirectories​(Configuration configuration)
        Extracts the task manager directories for temporary files as defined by CoreOptions.TMP_DIRS.
        configuration - configuration object
        array of configured directories (in order)
      • getRandomTempDirectory

        public static File getRandomTempDirectory​(Configuration configuration)
        Picks a temporary directory randomly from the given configuration.
        configuration - to extract the temp directory from
        a randomly picked temporary directory
      • parseStringToMap

        public static Map<String,​String> parseStringToMap​(String stringSerializedMap)
        Parses a string as a map of strings. The expected format of the map to be parsed` by FLINK parser is:

        The expected format of the map to be parsed by standard YAML parser is:

         {key1: value1, key2: value2}

        Parts of the string can be escaped by wrapping with single or double quotes.

        stringSerializedMap - a string to parse
        parsed map
      • getStandaloneClusterStartupPeriodTime

        public static Duration getStandaloneClusterStartupPeriodTime​(Configuration configuration)
      • splitPaths

        public static String[] splitPaths​(@Nonnull
                                          String separatedPaths)
      • convertConfigToWritableLines

        public static List<String> convertConfigToWritableLines​(Configuration configuration,
                                                                boolean flattenYaml)
        Converts the provided configuration data into a format suitable for writing to a file, based on the flattenYaml flag and the standardYaml attribute of the configuration object.

        Only when flattenYaml is set to false and the configuration object is standard yaml, a nested YAML format is used. Otherwise, a flat key-value pair format is output.

        Each entry in the returned list represents a single line that can be written directly to a file.

        Example input (flat map configuration data):

              "parent.child": "value1",
              "parent.child2": "value2"

        Example output when flattenYaml is false and the configuration object is standard yaml:

           child: value1
           child2: value2

        Otherwise, the Example output is:

         parent.child: value1
         parent.child2: value2
        configuration - The configuration to be converted.
        flattenYaml - A boolean flag indicating if the configuration data should be output in a flattened format.
        A list of strings, where each string represents a line of the file-writable data in the chosen format.
      • assembleDynamicConfigsStr

        public static String assembleDynamicConfigsStr​(Map<String,​String> config)
        Creates a dynamic parameter list String of the passed configuration map.
        config - A Map containing parameter/value entries that shall be used in the dynamic parameter list.
        The dynamic parameter list String.
      • getPrefixedKeyValuePairs

        public static Map<String,​String> getPrefixedKeyValuePairs​(String prefix,
                                                                        Configuration configuration)
        Extract and parse Flink configuration properties with a given name prefix and return the result as a Map.
      • convertValue

        public static <T> T convertValue​(Object rawValue,
                                         Class<?> clazz)
        Tries to convert the raw value into the provided type.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the result
        rawValue - rawValue to convert into the provided type clazz
        clazz - clazz specifying the target type
        the converted value if rawValue is of type clazz
        IllegalArgumentException - if the rawValue cannot be converted in the specified target type clazz
      • convertToList

        public static <T> T convertToList​(Object rawValue,
                                          Class<?> atomicClass)
      • convertToEnum

        public static <E extends Enum<?>> E convertToEnum​(Object o,
                                                          Class<E> clazz)
      • canBePrefixMap

        public static boolean canBePrefixMap​(ConfigOption<?> configOption)
        Maps can be represented in two ways.

        With constant key space:

    = schema: 1, other-prop: 2

        Or with variable key space (i.e. prefix notation):

    = 1
    = 2
      • filterPrefixMapKey

        public static boolean filterPrefixMapKey​(String key,
                                                 String candidate)
        Filter condition for prefix map keys.