HybridSource<T> |
Hybrid source that switches underlying sources based on configured source chain.
HybridSource.HybridSourceBuilder<T,EnumT extends SplitEnumerator> |
Builder for HybridSource.
HybridSourceEnumeratorState |
The state of hybrid source enumerator.
HybridSourceEnumeratorStateSerializer |
HybridSourceReader<T> |
Hybrid source reader that delegates to the actual source reader.
HybridSourceSplit |
Source split that wraps the actual split type.
HybridSourceSplitEnumerator |
Wraps the actual split enumerators and facilitates source switching.
HybridSourceSplitSerializer |
Serializes splits by delegating to the source-indexed underlying split serializer.
SourceReaderFinishedEvent |
A source event sent from the HybridSourceReader to the enumerator to indicate that the current
reader has finished and splits for the next reader can be sent.
SwitchSourceEvent |