Class AbstractBlobCache

    • Field Detail

      • log

        protected final org.slf4j.Logger log
        The log object used for debugging.
      • tempFileCounter

        protected final AtomicLong tempFileCounter
        Counter to generate unique names for temporary files.
      • storageDir

        protected final Reference<File> storageDir
        Root directory for local file storage.
      • blobView

        protected final BlobView blobView
        Blob store for distributed file storage, e.g. in HA.
      • shutdownRequested

        protected final AtomicBoolean shutdownRequested
      • shutdownHook

        protected final Thread shutdownHook
        Shutdown hook thread to ensure deletion of the local storage directory.
      • numFetchRetries

        protected final int numFetchRetries
        The number of retries when the transfer fails.
      • blobClientConfig

        protected final Configuration blobClientConfig
        Configuration for the blob client like ssl parameters required to connect to the blob server.
      • readWriteLock

        protected final ReadWriteLock readWriteLock
        Lock guarding concurrent file accesses.
    • Method Detail

      • getStorageDir

        public File getStorageDir()
      • getFileInternal

        protected File getFileInternal​(@Nullable
                                       JobID jobId,
                                       BlobKey blobKey)
                                throws IOException
        Returns local copy of the file for the BLOB with the given key.

        The method will first attempt to serve the BLOB from its local cache. If the BLOB is not in the cache, the method will try to download it from this cache's BLOB server via a distributed BLOB store (if available) or direct end-to-end download.

        jobId - ID of the job this blob belongs to (or null if job-unrelated)
        blobKey - The key of the desired BLOB.
        file referring to the local storage location of the BLOB.
        IOException - Thrown if an I/O error occurs while downloading the BLOBs from the BLOB server.
      • getPort

        public int getPort()
        Returns the port the BLOB server is listening on.
        BLOB server port or -1 if no server address
      • setBlobServerAddress

        public void setBlobServerAddress​(InetSocketAddress blobServerAddress)
        Sets the address of the BlobServer.
        blobServerAddress - address of the BlobServer.
      • cancelCleanupTask

        protected abstract void cancelCleanupTask()
        Cancels any cleanup task that subclasses may be executing.

        This is called during close().