Interface BlobWriter

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    BlobServer, VoidBlobWriter

    public interface BlobWriter
    BlobWriter is used to upload data to the BLOB store.
    • Field Detail

      • LOG

        static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG
    • Method Detail

      • putPermanent

        PermanentBlobKey putPermanent​(JobID jobId,
                                      byte[] value)
                               throws IOException
        Uploads the data of the given byte array for the given job to the BLOB server and makes it a permanent BLOB.
        jobId - the ID of the job the BLOB belongs to
        value - the buffer to upload
        the computed BLOB key identifying the BLOB on the server
        IOException - thrown if an I/O error occurs while writing it to a local file, or uploading it to the HA store
      • putPermanent

        PermanentBlobKey putPermanent​(JobID jobId,
                                      InputStream inputStream)
                               throws IOException
        Uploads the data from the given input stream for the given job to the BLOB server and makes it a permanent BLOB.
        jobId - ID of the job this blob belongs to
        inputStream - the input stream to read the data from
        the computed BLOB key identifying the BLOB on the server
        IOException - thrown if an I/O error occurs while reading the data from the input stream, writing it to a local file, or uploading it to the HA store
      • deletePermanent

        boolean deletePermanent​(JobID jobId,
                                PermanentBlobKey permanentBlobKey)
        Delete the uploaded data with the given JobID and PermanentBlobKey.
        jobId - ID of the job this blob belongs to
        permanentBlobKey - the key of this blob
      • getMinOffloadingSize

        int getMinOffloadingSize()
        Returns the min size before data will be offloaded to the BLOB store.
        minimum offloading size
      • serializeAndTryOffload

        static <T> Either<SerializedValue<T>,​PermanentBlobKey> serializeAndTryOffload​(T value,
                                                                                            JobID jobId,
                                                                                            BlobWriter blobWriter)
                                                                                     throws IOException
        Serializes the given value and offloads it to the BlobServer if its size exceeds the minimum offloading size of the BlobServer.
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of the value to serialize
        value - to serialize
        jobId - to which the value belongs.
        blobWriter - to use to offload the serialized value
        Either the serialized value or the stored blob key
        IOException - if the data cannot be serialized