Class ChannelReaderInputView

    • Constructor Detail

      • ChannelReaderInputView

        public ChannelReaderInputView​(BlockChannelReader<MemorySegment> reader,
                                      List<MemorySegment> memory,
                                      boolean waitForFirstBlock)
                               throws IOException
        Creates a new channel reader that reads from the given channel until the last block (as marked by a ChannelWriterOutputView) is found.
        reader - The reader that reads the data from disk back into memory.
        memory - A list of memory segments that the reader uses for reading the data in. If the list contains more than one segment, the reader will asynchronously pre-fetch blocks ahead.
        waitForFirstBlock - A flag indicating weather this constructor call should block until the first block has returned from the asynchronous I/O reader.
        IOException - Thrown, if the read requests for the first blocks fail to be served by the reader.
      • ChannelReaderInputView

        public ChannelReaderInputView​(BlockChannelReader<MemorySegment> reader,
                                      List<MemorySegment> memory,
                                      int numBlocks,
                                      boolean waitForFirstBlock)
                               throws IOException
        Creates a new channel reader that reads from the given channel, expecting a specified number of blocks in the channel.

        WARNING: The reader will lock if the number of blocks given here is actually lower than the actual number of blocks in the channel.

        reader - The reader that reads the data from disk back into memory.
        memory - A list of memory segments that the reader uses for reading the data in. If the list contains more than one segment, the reader will asynchronously pre-fetch blocks ahead.
        numBlocks - The number of blocks this channel will read. If this value is given, the reader avoids issuing pre-fetch requests for blocks beyond the channel size.
        waitForFirstBlock - A flag indicating weather this constructor call should block until the first block has returned from the asynchronous I/O reader.
        IOException - Thrown, if the read requests for the first blocks fail to be served by the reader.
    • Method Detail

      • isClosed

        public boolean isClosed()
      • close

        public List<MemorySegment> close()
                                  throws IOException
        Closes this InputView, closing the underlying reader and returning all memory segments.
        Specified by:
        close in class AbstractChannelReaderInputView
        A list containing all memory segments originally supplied to this view.
        IOException - Thrown, if the underlying reader could not be properly closed.
      • nextSegment

        protected MemorySegment nextSegment​(MemorySegment current)
                                     throws IOException
        Gets the next segment from the asynchronous block reader. If more requests are to be issued, the method first sends a new request with the current memory segment. If no more requests are pending, the method adds the segment to the readers return queue, which thereby effectively collects all memory segments. Secondly, the method fetches the next non-consumed segment returned by the reader. If no further segments are available, this method thrown an EOFException.
        Specified by:
        nextSegment in class AbstractPagedInputView
        current - The memory segment used for the next request.
        The memory segment to read from next.
        EOFException - Thrown, if no further segments are available.
        IOException - Thrown, if an I/O error occurred while reading
        See Also:
      • getLimitForSegment

        protected int getLimitForSegment​(MemorySegment segment)
        Description copied from class: AbstractPagedInputView
        Gets the limit for reading bytes from the given memory segment. This method must return the position of the byte after the last valid byte in the given memory segment. When the position returned by this method is reached, the view will attempt to switch to the next memory segment.
        Specified by:
        getLimitForSegment in class AbstractPagedInputView
        segment - The segment to determine the limit for.
        The limit for the given memory segment.
      • sendReadRequest

        protected void sendReadRequest​(MemorySegment seg)
                                throws IOException
        Sends a new read requests, if further requests remain. Otherwise, this method adds the segment directly to the readers return queue.
        seg - The segment to use for the read request.
        IOException - Thrown, if the reader is in error.