Interface TaskExecutorPartitionTracker

    • Method Detail

      • startTrackingPartition

        void startTrackingPartition​(JobID producingJobId,
                                    TaskExecutorPartitionInfo partitionInfo)
        Starts the tracking of the given partition for the given job.
        producingJobId - ID of job by which the partition is produced
        partitionInfo - information about the partition
      • stopTrackingAndReleaseJobPartitions

        void stopTrackingAndReleaseJobPartitions​(Collection<ResultPartitionID> resultPartitionIds)
        Releases the given partitions and stop the tracking of partitions that were released.
      • stopTrackingAndReleaseJobPartitionsFor

        void stopTrackingAndReleaseJobPartitionsFor​(JobID producingJobId)
        Releases all partitions for the given job and stop the tracking of partitions that were released.
      • getTrackedPartitionsFor

        Collection<TaskExecutorPartitionInfo> getTrackedPartitionsFor​(JobID producingJobId)
        Get all partitions tracked for the given job.
        producingJobId - the job id
        the tracked partitions
      • promoteJobPartitions

        void promoteJobPartitions​(Collection<ResultPartitionID> partitionsToPromote)
        Promotes the given partitions.
      • stopTrackingAndReleaseClusterPartitions

        void stopTrackingAndReleaseClusterPartitions​(Collection<IntermediateDataSetID> dataSetsToRelease)
        Releases partitions associated with the given datasets and stops tracking of partitions that were released.
        dataSetsToRelease - data sets to release
      • stopTrackingAndReleaseAllClusterPartitions

        void stopTrackingAndReleaseAllClusterPartitions()
        Releases and stops tracking all partitions.