Interface SpeculativeExecutionHandler

    • Method Detail

      • stopSlowTaskDetector

        void stopSlowTaskDetector()
        Stops the slow task detector.
      • notifyTaskFinished

        void notifyTaskFinished​(Execution execution,
                                Function<ExecutionVertexID,​CompletableFuture<?>> cancelPendingExecutionsFunction)
        Notifies that a task has finished its execution.
        execution - the execution that has finished
        cancelPendingExecutionsFunction - the function to cancel pending executions
      • notifyTaskFailed

        void notifyTaskFailed​(Execution execution)
        Notifies that a task has failed its execution.
        execution - the execution that has failed
      • handleTaskFailure

        boolean handleTaskFailure​(Execution failedExecution,
                                  Throwable error,
                                  BiConsumer<Execution,​Throwable> handleLocalExecutionAttemptFailure)
        Handles a task failure.
        failedExecution - the execution that failed
        error - the error that caused the failure, if available
        handleLocalExecutionAttemptFailure - a consumer that handles local execution attempt failure
        true if the failure was handled as a local failure, false otherwise
      • resetForNewExecution

        void resetForNewExecution​(ExecutionVertexID executionVertexId)
        Resets the state of the component for a new execution of a specific execution vertex.
        executionVertexId - the ID of the execution vertex to reset