Class FailureHandlingResultSnapshot

    • Method Detail

      • getRootCauseExecution

        public Optional<Execution> getRootCauseExecution()
        Returns the Execution that handled the root cause for this failure. An empty Optional will be returned if it's a global failure.
        The Execution that handled the root cause for this failure.
      • getRootCause

        public Throwable getRootCause()
        The actual failure that is handled.
        The Throwable.
      • getFailureLabels

        public CompletableFuture<Map<String,​String>> getFailureLabels()
        Returns the labels future associated with the failure.
        the CompletableFuture map of String labels
      • getTimestamp

        public long getTimestamp()
        The time the failure occurred.
        The time of the failure.
      • getConcurrentlyFailedExecution

        public Set<Execution> getConcurrentlyFailedExecution()
        All Executions that failed and are planned to be restarted as part of this failure handling.
        The concurrently failed Executions.
      • isRootCause

        public boolean isRootCause()
        True means that the current failure is a new attempt, false means that there has been a failure before and has not been tried yet, and the current failure will be merged into the previous attempt, and these merged exceptions will be considered as the concurrent exceptions.