Interface PartitionProducerStateChecker

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PartitionProducerStateChecker
    Intermediate partition state checker to query the JobManager about the state of the producer of a result partition.

    These checks are triggered when a partition request is answered with a PartitionNotFound event. This usually happens when the producer of that partition has not registered itself with the network stack or terminated.

    • Method Detail

      • requestPartitionProducerState

        CompletableFuture<ExecutionState> requestPartitionProducerState​(JobID jobId,
                                                                        IntermediateDataSetID intermediateDataSetId,
                                                                        ResultPartitionID resultPartitionId)
        Requests the execution state of the execution producing a result partition.
        jobId - ID of the job the partition belongs to.
        intermediateDataSetId - ID of the parent intermediate data set.
        resultPartitionId - ID of the result partition to check. This identifies the producing execution and partition.
        Future holding the execution state of the producing execution.