AbstractShowOperation |
Base class for SHOW operations.
AggregateQueryOperation |
Relational operation that performs computations on top of subsets of input rows grouped by key.
BeginStatementSetOperation |
Operation to describe a BEGIN STATEMENT SET statement.
CalculatedQueryOperation |
Describes a relational operation that was created from applying a TableFunction .
CollectModifyOperation |
CompileAndExecutePlanOperation |
Operation to describe an COMPILE AND EXECUTE PLAN statement.
CreateTableASOperation |
Operation to describe a CREATE TABLE AS statement.
DataStreamQueryOperation<E> |
Deprecated. |
DeleteFromFilterOperation |
The operation for deleting data in a table according to filters directly.
DescribeCatalogOperation |
Operation to describe a DESCRIBE CATALOG catalog_name statement.
DescribeFunctionOperation |
Operation to describe a FUNCTION.
DescribeTableOperation |
Operation to describe a DESCRIBE [EXTENDED] [[catalogName.] dataBasesName].sqlIdentifier
DistinctQueryOperation |
Removes duplicated rows of underlying relational operation.
EndStatementSetOperation |
Operation to describe a End statement.
ExplainOperation |
Operation to describe an EXPLAIN statement.
ExternalModifyOperation |
Internal operation used to convert a Table into a DataStream.
ExternalQueryOperation<E> |
Describes a relational operation that reads from a DataStream .
FilterQueryOperation |
Filters out rows of underlying relational operation that do not match given condition.
JoinQueryOperation |
Table operation that joins two relational operations based on given condition.
LoadModuleOperation |
Operation to describe a LOAD MODULE statement.
NopOperation |
An Operation to represent that nothing needs to be done.
OperationUtils |
OutputConversionModifyOperation |
ProjectQueryOperation |
Table operation that computes new table using given Expression s from its input relational
ReplaceTableAsOperation |
Operation to describe a [CREATE OR] REPLACE TABLE AS statement.
SetQueryOperation |
A set operation on two relations.
ShowCatalogsOperation |
Operation to describe a SHOW CATALOGS statement.
ShowColumnsOperation |
Operation to describe a SHOW COLUMNS statement.
ShowCreateCatalogOperation |
Operation to describe a SHOW CREATE CATALOG statement.
ShowCreateTableOperation |
Operation to describe a SHOW CREATE TABLE statement.
ShowCreateViewOperation |
Operation to describe a SHOW CREATE VIEW statement.
ShowCurrentCatalogOperation |
Operation to describe a SHOW CURRENT CATALOG statement.
ShowCurrentDatabaseOperation |
Operation to describe SHOW CURRENT DATABASE operation.
ShowDatabasesOperation |
Operation to describe a SHOW DATABASES statement.
ShowFunctionsOperation |
Operation to describe a SHOW FUNCTIONS statement.
ShowModulesOperation |
Operation to describe a SHOW [FULL] MODULES statement.
ShowPartitionsOperation |
Operation to describe a SHOW PARTITIONS statement.
ShowProceduresOperation |
Operation to describe a SHOW PROCEDURES statement.
ShowTablesOperation |
Operation to describe a SHOW TABLES statement.
ShowViewsOperation |
Operation to describe a SHOW VIEWS statement.
SinkModifyOperation |
DML operation that tells to write to a sink.
SortQueryOperation |
Expresses sort operation of rows of the underlying relational operation with given order.
SourceQueryOperation |
StagedSinkModifyOperation |
DML operation that tells to write to a sink which implements SupportsStaging .
StatementSetOperation |
A Operation that describes the statement set, e.g.
TableSourceQueryOperation<T> |
TruncateTableOperation |
Operation to describe an TRUNCATE TABLE statement.
UnloadModuleOperation |
Operation to describe an UNLOAD MODULE statement.
UnregisteredSinkModifyOperation<T> |
DML operation that tells to write to the given sink.
UseCatalogOperation |
Operation to describe a USE CATALOG statement.
UseDatabaseOperation |
Operation to describe a USE [catalogName.]dataBaseName statement.
UseModulesOperation |
Operation to describe a USE MODULES statement.
ValuesQueryOperation |
Table operation that computes new table using given Expression s from its input relational
WindowAggregateQueryOperation |
Relational operation that performs computations on top of subsets of input rows grouped by key
and group window.
WindowAggregateQueryOperation.ResolvedGroupWindow |