Class JoinKeyContainsUniqueKeyBundle

  • public class JoinKeyContainsUniqueKeyBundle
    extends BufferBundle<List<RowData>>
    For the case that input has joinKey contains uniqueKey. The size of records in state is not bigger than 1.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JoinKeyContainsUniqueKeyBundle

        public JoinKeyContainsUniqueKeyBundle()
    • Method Detail

      • addRecord

        public int addRecord​(RowData joinKey,
                             RowData uniqueKey,
                             RowData record)
        Description copied from class: BufferBundle
        Adds a record into the bufferBundle when processing element in a stream and this function would return the size of the bufferBundle.
        Specified by:
        addRecord in class BufferBundle<List<RowData>>
        joinKey - the joinKey associated with the record.
        uniqueKey - the uniqueKey associated with the record. This could be null.
        record - The record to add.
        number of processed by current bundle.
      • getRecordsWithJoinKey

        public Map<RowData,​List<RowData>> getRecordsWithJoinKey​(RowData joinKey)
        Description copied from class: BufferBundle
        Get records associated with joinKeys from bufferBundle. And this function is different from getRecords() above where getRecords() returns a map whose key is joinKey and value is list of records.
        Specified by:
        getRecordsWithJoinKey in class BufferBundle<List<RowData>>
        joinKey - one of joinKeys stored in this bundle.
        a map whose key is uniqueKey and value is a list of records.