AbstractRowTimeUnboundedPrecedingOver<K> |
A basic implementation to support unbounded event-time over-window.
BufferDataOverWindowOperator |
the operator for OVER window need cache data by ResettableExternalBuffer for OverWindowFrame .
NonBufferOverWindowOperator |
The operator for OVER window don't need cache data.
ProcTimeRangeBoundedPrecedingFunction<K> |
Process Function used for the aggregate in bounded proc-time OVER window.
ProcTimeRowsBoundedPrecedingFunction<K> |
Process Function for ROW clause processing-time bounded OVER window.
ProcTimeUnboundedPrecedingFunction<K> |
Process Function for processing-time unbounded OVER window.
RowTimeRangeBoundedPrecedingFunction<K> |
Process Function for RANGE clause event-time bounded OVER window.
RowTimeRangeUnboundedPrecedingFunction<K> |
A ProcessFunction to support unbounded RANGE window.
RowTimeRowsBoundedPrecedingFunction<K> |
Process Function for ROWS clause event-time bounded OVER window.
RowTimeRowsUnboundedPrecedingFunction<K> |
A ProcessFunction to support unbounded ROWS window.