Class IOUtils

  • public final class IOUtils
    extends Object
    An utility class for I/O related functionality.
    • Method Detail

      • copyBytes

        public static void copyBytes​(InputStream in,
                                     OutputStream out,
                                     int buffSize,
                                     boolean close)
                              throws IOException
        Copies from one stream to another.
        in - InputStream to read from
        out - OutputStream to write to
        buffSize - the size of the buffer
        close - whether or not close the InputStream and OutputStream at the end. The streams are closed in the finally clause.
        IOException - thrown if an error occurred while writing to the output stream
      • copyBytes

        public static void copyBytes​(InputStream in,
                                     OutputStream out)
                              throws IOException
        Copies from one stream to another. closes the input and output streams at the end.
        in - InputStream to read from
        out - OutputStream to write to
        IOException - thrown if an I/O error occurs while copying
      • copyBytes

        public static void copyBytes​(InputStream in,
                                     OutputStream out,
                                     boolean close)
                              throws IOException
        Copies from one stream to another.
        in - InputStream to read from
        out - OutputStream to write to
        close - whether or not close the InputStream and OutputStream at the end. The streams are closed in the finally clause.
        IOException - thrown if an I/O error occurs while copying
      • readFully

        public static void readFully​(InputStream in,
                                     byte[] buf,
                                     int off,
                                     int len)
                              throws IOException
        Reads len bytes in a loop.
        in - The InputStream to read from
        buf - The buffer to fill
        off - offset from the buffer
        len - the length of bytes to read
        IOException - if it could not read requested number of bytes for any reason (including EOF)
      • tryReadFully

        public static int tryReadFully​(InputStream in,
                                       byte[] buf)
                                throws IOException
        Similar to readFully(InputStream, byte[], int, int). Returns the total number of bytes read into the buffer.
        in - The InputStream to read from
        buf - The buffer to fill
        The total number of bytes read into the buffer
        IOException - If the first byte cannot be read for any reason other than end of file, or if the input stream has been closed, or if some other I/O error occurs.
      • skipFully

        public static void skipFully​(InputStream in,
                                     long len)
                              throws IOException
        Similar to readFully(). Skips bytes in a loop.
        in - The InputStream to skip bytes from
        len - number of bytes to skip
        IOException - if it could not skip requested number of bytes for any reason (including EOF)
      • cleanup

        public static void cleanup​(org.slf4j.Logger log,
                                   AutoCloseable... closeables)
        Close the AutoCloseable objects and ignore any Exception or null pointers. Must only be used for cleanup in exception handlers.
        log - the log to record problems to at debug level. Can be null.
        closeables - the objects to close
      • closeStream

        public static void closeStream​(Closeable stream)
        Closes the stream ignoring IOException. Must only be called in cleaning up from exception handlers.
        stream - the stream to close
      • closeSocket

        public static void closeSocket​(Socket sock)
        Closes the socket ignoring IOException.
        sock - the socket to close
      • closeAll

        public static void closeAll​(Iterable<? extends AutoCloseable> closeables)
                             throws Exception
        Closes all AutoCloseable objects in the parameter, suppressing exceptions. Exception will be emitted after calling close() on every object.
        closeables - iterable with closeables to close.
        Exception - collected exceptions that occurred during closing
      • closeAll

        public static <T extends Throwable> void closeAll​(Iterable<? extends AutoCloseable> closeables,
                                                          Class<T> suppressedException)
                                                   throws Exception
        Closes all AutoCloseable objects in the parameter, suppressing exceptions. Exception will be emitted after calling close() on every object.
        closeables - iterable with closeables to close.
        suppressedException - class of exceptions which should be suppressed during the closing.
        Exception - collected exceptions that occurred during closing
      • closeAllQuietly

        public static void closeAllQuietly​(AutoCloseable... closeables)
        Closes all elements in the iterable with closeQuietly().
      • closeAllQuietly

        public static void closeAllQuietly​(Iterable<? extends AutoCloseable> closeables)
        Closes all elements in the iterable with closeQuietly().
      • closeQuietly

        public static void closeQuietly​(AutoCloseable closeable)
        Closes the given AutoCloseable.

        Important: This method is expected to never throw an exception.

      • deleteFilesRecursively

        public static void deleteFilesRecursively​(Path path)
                                           throws Exception
        Delete the given directory or file recursively.
      • deleteFileQuietly

        public static void deleteFileQuietly​(Path path)
        Deletes the given file.

        Important: This method is expected to never throw an exception.