Source code for pyflink.datastream.connectors.kinesis

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from typing import Dict, Union, List

from pyflink.common import SerializationSchema, DeserializationSchema, \
from pyflink.datastream.functions import SourceFunction
from pyflink.datastream.connectors import Sink
from pyflink.java_gateway import get_gateway

__all__ = [

# ---- KinesisSource ----

[docs]class KinesisShardAssigner(object): """ Utility to map Kinesis shards to Flink subtask indices. Users can provide a Java KinesisShardAssigner in Python if they want to provide custom shared assigner. """ def __init__(self, j_kinesis_shard_assigner): self._j_kinesis_shard_assigner = j_kinesis_shard_assigner @staticmethod def default_shard_assigner() -> 'KinesisShardAssigner': """ A Default KinesisShardAssigner that maps Kinesis shard hash-key ranges to Flink subtasks. """ return KinesisShardAssigner(get_gateway() kinesis.internals.KinesisDataFetcher.DEFAULT_SHARD_ASSIGNER) @staticmethod def uniform_shard_assigner() -> 'KinesisShardAssigner': """ A KinesisShardAssigner that maps Kinesis shard hash-key ranges to Flink subtasks. It creates a more uniform distribution of shards across subtasks than org.apache.flink. \ streaming.connectors.kinesis.internals.KinesisDataFetcher.DEFAULT_SHARD_ASSIGNER when the Kinesis records in the stream have hash keys that are uniformly distributed over all possible hash keys, which is the case if records have randomly-generated partition keys. (This is the same assumption made if you use the Kinesis UpdateShardCount operation with UNIFORM_SCALING.) """ return KinesisShardAssigner(get_gateway() kinesis.util.UniformShardAssigner())
[docs]class KinesisDeserializationSchema(object): """ This is a deserialization schema specific for the Flink Kinesis Consumer. Different from the basic DeserializationSchema, this schema offers additional Kinesis-specific information about the record that may be useful to the user application. """ def __init__(self, j_kinesis_deserialization_schema): self._j_kinesis_deserialization_schema = j_kinesis_deserialization_schema
[docs]class WatermarkTracker(object): """ The watermark tracker is responsible for aggregating watermarks across distributed operators. It can be used for sub tasks of a single Flink source as well as multiple heterogeneous sources or other operators.The class essentially functions like a distributed hash table that enclosing operators can use to adopt their processing / IO rates """ def __init__(self, j_watermark_tracker): self._j_watermark_tracker = j_watermark_tracker @staticmethod def job_manager_watermark_tracker( aggregate_name: str, log_accumulator_interval_millis: int = -1) -> 'WatermarkTracker': j_watermark_tracker = get_gateway() \ .JobManagerWatermarkTracker(aggregate_name, log_accumulator_interval_millis) return WatermarkTracker(j_watermark_tracker)
[docs]class FlinkKinesisConsumer(SourceFunction): """ The Flink Kinesis Consumer is an exactly-once parallel streaming data source that subscribes to multiple AWS Kinesis streams within the same AWS service region, and can handle resharding of streams. Each subtask of the consumer is responsible for fetching data records from multiple Kinesis shards. The number of shards fetched by each subtask will change as shards are closed and created by Kinesis. To leverage Flink's checkpointing mechanics for exactly-once streaming processing guarantees, the Flink Kinesis consumer is implemented with the AWS Java SDK, instead of the officially recommended AWS Kinesis Client Library, for low-level control on the management of stream state. The Flink Kinesis Connector also supports setting the initial starting points of Kinesis streams, namely TRIM_HORIZON and LATEST. Kinesis and the Flink consumer support dynamic re-sharding and shard IDs, while sequential, cannot be assumed to be consecutive. There is no perfect generic default assignment function. Default shard to subtask assignment, which is based on hash code, may result in skew, with some subtasks having many shards assigned and others none. It is recommended to monitor the shard distribution and adjust assignment appropriately. A custom assigner implementation can be set via setShardAssigner(KinesisShardAssigner) to optimize the hash function or use static overrides to limit skew. In order for the consumer to emit watermarks, a timestamp assigner needs to be set via setPeriodicWatermarkAssigner(AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks) and the auto watermark emit interval configured via ExecutionConfig.setAutoWatermarkInterval(long). Watermarks can only advance when all shards of a subtask continuously deliver records. To avoid an inactive or closed shard to block the watermark progress, the idle timeout should be configured via configuration property ConsumerConfigConstants.SHARD_IDLE_INTERVAL_MILLIS. By default, shards won't be considered idle and watermark calculation will wait for newer records to arrive from all shards. Note that re-sharding of the Kinesis stream while an application (that relies on the Kinesis records for watermarking) is running can lead to incorrect late events. This depends on how shards are assigned to subtasks and applies regardless of whether watermarks are generated in the source or a downstream operator. """ def __init__(self, streams: Union[str, List[str]], deserializer: Union[DeserializationSchema, KinesisDeserializationSchema], config_props: Dict ): gateway = get_gateway() j_properties = for key, value in config_props.items(): j_properties.setProperty(key, value) JFlinkKinesisConsumer = \ FlinkKinesisConsumer JKinesisDeserializationSchemaWrapper = get_gateway() \ connectors.kinesis.serialization.KinesisDeserializationSchemaWrapper if isinstance(streams, str): streams = [streams] if isinstance(deserializer, DeserializationSchema): deserializer = JKinesisDeserializationSchemaWrapper( deserializer._j_deserialization_schema) self._j_kinesis_consumer = JFlinkKinesisConsumer(streams, deserializer, j_properties) super(FlinkKinesisConsumer, self).__init__(self._j_kinesis_consumer) def set_shard_assigner(self, shard_assigner: KinesisShardAssigner) -> 'FlinkKinesisConsumer': """ Provide a custom assigner to influence how shards are distributed over subtasks. """ self._j_kinesis_consumer.setShardAssigner(shard_assigner._j_kinesis_shard_assigner) return self def set_periodic_watermark_assigner( self, periodic_watermark_assigner: AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarksWrapper) \ -> 'FlinkKinesisConsumer': """ Set the assigner that will extract the timestamp from T and calculate the watermark. """ self._j_kinesis_consumer.setPeriodicWatermarkAssigner( periodic_watermark_assigner._j_assigner_with_periodic_watermarks) return self def set_watermark_tracker(self, watermark_tracker: WatermarkTracker) -> 'FlinkKinesisConsumer': """ Set the global watermark tracker. When set, it will be used by the fetcher to align the shard consumers by event time. """ self._j_kinesis_consumer.setWatermarkTracker(watermark_tracker._j_watermark_tracker) return self
# ---- KinesisSink ----
[docs]class PartitionKeyGenerator(object): """ This is a generator convert from an input element to the partition key, a string. """ def __init__(self, j_partition_key_generator): self._j_partition_key_generator = j_partition_key_generator @staticmethod def fixed() -> 'PartitionKeyGenerator': """ A partitioner ensuring that each internal Flink partition ends up in the same Kinesis partition. This is achieved by using the index of the producer task as a PartitionKey. """ return PartitionKeyGenerator(get_gateway() FixedKinesisPartitionKeyGenerator()) @staticmethod def random() -> 'PartitionKeyGenerator': """ A PartitionKeyGenerator that maps an arbitrary input element to a random partition ID. """ return PartitionKeyGenerator(get_gateway() RandomKinesisPartitionKeyGenerator())
[docs]class KinesisStreamsSink(Sink): """ A Kinesis Data Streams (KDS) Sink that performs async requests against a destination stream using the buffering protocol. The sink internally uses a to communicate with the AWS endpoint. The behaviour of the buffering may be specified by providing configuration during the sink build time. - maxBatchSize: the maximum size of a batch of entries that may be sent to KDS - maxInFlightRequests: the maximum number of in flight requests that may exist, if any more in flight requests need to be initiated once the maximum has been reached, then it will be blocked until some have completed - maxBufferedRequests: the maximum number of elements held in the buffer, requests to add elements will be blocked while the number of elements in the buffer is at the maximum - maxBatchSizeInBytes: the maximum size of a batch of entries that may be sent to KDS measured in bytes - maxTimeInBufferMS: the maximum amount of time an entry is allowed to live in the buffer, if any element reaches this age, the entire buffer will be flushed immediately - maxRecordSizeInBytes: the maximum size of a record the sink will accept into the buffer, a record of size larger than this will be rejected when passed to the sink - failOnError: when an exception is encountered while persisting to Kinesis Data Streams, the job will fail immediately if failOnError is set """ def __init__(self, j_kinesis_streams_sink): super(KinesisStreamsSink, self).__init__(sink=j_kinesis_streams_sink) @staticmethod def builder() -> 'KinesisStreamsSinkBuilder': return KinesisStreamsSinkBuilder()
[docs]class KinesisStreamsSinkBuilder(object): """ Builder to construct KinesisStreamsSink. The following example shows the minimum setup to create a KinesisStreamsSink that writes String values to a Kinesis Data Streams stream named your_stream_here. Example: :: >>> from pyflink.common.serialization import SimpleStringSchema >>> sink_properties = {"aws.region": "eu-west-1"} >>> sink = KinesisStreamsSink.builder() \\ ... .set_kinesis_client_properties(sink_properties) \\ ... .set_stream_name("your_stream_name") \\ ... .set_serialization_schema(SimpleStringSchema()) \\ ... .set_partition_key_generator(PartitionKeyGenerator.random()) \\ ... .build() If the following parameters are not set in this builder, the following defaults will be used: - maxBatchSize will be 500 - maxInFlightRequests will be 50 - maxBufferedRequests will be 10000 - maxBatchSizeInBytes will be 5 MB i.e. 5 * 1024 * 1024 - maxTimeInBufferMS will be 5000ms - maxRecordSizeInBytes will be 1 MB i.e. 1 * 1024 * 1024 - failOnError will be false """ def __init__(self): JKinesisStreamsSink = get_gateway()\ KinesisStreamsSink self._j_kinesis_sink_builder = JKinesisStreamsSink.builder() def set_stream_name(self, stream_name: Union[str, List[str]]) -> 'KinesisStreamsSinkBuilder': """ Sets the name of the KDS stream that the sink will connect to. There is no default for this parameter, therefore, this must be provided at sink creation time otherwise the build will fail. """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setStreamName(stream_name) return self def set_serialization_schema(self, serialization_schema: SerializationSchema) \ -> 'KinesisStreamsSinkBuilder': """ Sets the SerializationSchema of the KinesisSinkBuilder. """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setSerializationSchema( serialization_schema._j_serialization_schema) return self def set_partition_key_generator(self, partition_key_generator: PartitionKeyGenerator) \ -> 'KinesisStreamsSinkBuilder': """ Sets the PartitionKeyGenerator of the KinesisSinkBuilder. """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setPartitionKeyGenerator( partition_key_generator._j_partition_key_generator) return self def set_fail_on_error(self, fail_on_error: bool) -> 'KinesisStreamsSinkBuilder': """ Sets the failOnError of the KinesisSinkBuilder. If failOnError is on, then a runtime exception will be raised. Otherwise, those records will be requested in the buffer for retry. """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setFailOnError(fail_on_error) return self def set_kinesis_client_properties(self, kinesis_client_properties: Dict) \ -> 'KinesisStreamsSinkBuilder': """ Sets the kinesisClientProperties of the KinesisSinkBuilder. """ j_properties = get_gateway() for key, value in kinesis_client_properties.items(): j_properties.setProperty(key, value) self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setKinesisClientProperties(j_properties) return self def set_max_batch_size(self, max_batch_size: int) -> 'KinesisStreamsSinkBuilder': """ Maximum number of elements that may be passed in a list to be written downstream. """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setMaxBatchSize(max_batch_size) return self def set_max_in_flight_requests(self, max_in_flight_requests: int) \ -> 'KinesisStreamsSinkBuilder': """ Maximum number of uncompleted calls to submitRequestEntries that the SinkWriter will allow at any given point. Once this point has reached, writes and callbacks to add elements to the buffer may block until one or more requests to submitRequestEntries completes. """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setMaxInFlightRequests(max_in_flight_requests) return self def set_max_buffered_requests(self, max_buffered_requests: int) -> 'KinesisStreamsSinkBuilder': """ The maximum buffer length. Callbacks to add elements to the buffer and calls to write will block if this length has been reached and will only unblock if elements from the buffer have been removed for flushing. """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setMaxBufferedRequests(max_buffered_requests) return self def set_max_batch_size_in_bytes(self, max_batch_size_in_bytes: int) \ -> 'KinesisStreamsSinkBuilder': """ The flush will be attempted if the most recent call to write introduces an element to the buffer such that the total size of the buffer is greater than or equal to this threshold value. If this happens, the maximum number of elements from the head of the buffer will be selected, that is smaller than maxBatchSizeInBytes in size will be flushed. """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setMaxBatchSizeInBytes(max_batch_size_in_bytes) return self def set_max_time_in_buffer_ms(self, max_time_in_buffer_ms: int) -> 'KinesisStreamsSinkBuilder': """ The maximum amount of time an element may remain in the buffer. In most cases elements are flushed as a result of the batch size (in bytes or number) being reached or during a snapshot. However, there are scenarios where an element may remain in the buffer forever or a long period of time. To mitigate this, a timer is constantly active in the buffer such that: while the buffer is not empty, it will flush every maxTimeInBufferMS milliseconds. """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setMaxTimeInBufferMS(max_time_in_buffer_ms) return self def set_max_record_size_in_bytes(self, max_record_size_in_bytes: int) \ -> 'KinesisStreamsSinkBuilder': """ The maximum size of each records in bytes. If a record larger than this is passed to the sink, it will throw an IllegalArgumentException. """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setMaxRecordSizeInBytes(max_record_size_in_bytes) return self def build(self) -> 'KinesisStreamsSink': """ Build thd KinesisStreamsSink. """ return KinesisStreamsSink(
[docs]class KinesisFirehoseSink(Sink): """ A Kinesis Data Firehose (KDF) Sink that performs async requests against a destination delivery stream using the buffering protocol. """ def __init__(self, j_kinesis_firehose_sink): super(KinesisFirehoseSink, self).__init__(sink=j_kinesis_firehose_sink) @staticmethod def builder() -> 'KinesisFirehoseSinkBuilder': return KinesisFirehoseSinkBuilder()
[docs]class KinesisFirehoseSinkBuilder(object): """ Builder to construct KinesisFirehoseSink. The following example shows the minimum setup to create a KinesisFirehoseSink that writes String values to a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream named delivery-stream-name. Example: :: >>> from pyflink.common.serialization import SimpleStringSchema >>> sink_properties = {"aws.region": "eu-west-1"} >>> sink = KinesisFirehoseSink.builder() \\ ... .set_firehose_client_properties(sink_properties) \\ ... .set_delivery_stream_name("delivery-stream-name") \\ ... .set_serialization_schema(SimpleStringSchema()) \\ ... .set_max_batch_size(20) \\ ... .build() If the following parameters are not set in this builder, the following defaults will be used: - maxBatchSize will be 500 - maxInFlightRequests will be 50 - maxBufferedRequests will be 10000 - maxBatchSizeInBytes will be 4 MB i.e. 4 * 1024 * 1024 - maxTimeInBufferMS will be 5000ms - maxRecordSizeInBytes will be 1000 KB i.e. 1000 * 1024 - failOnError will be false """ def __init__(self): JKinesisFirehoseSink = get_gateway() \ KinesisFirehoseSink self._j_kinesis_sink_builder = JKinesisFirehoseSink.builder() def set_delivery_stream_name(self, delivery_stream_name: str) -> 'KinesisFirehoseSinkBuilder': """ Sets the name of the KDF delivery stream that the sink will connect to. There is no default for this parameter, therefore, this must be provided at sink creation time otherwise the build will fail. """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setDeliveryStreamName(delivery_stream_name) return self def set_serialization_schema(self, serialization_schema: SerializationSchema) \ -> 'KinesisFirehoseSinkBuilder': """ Allows the user to specify a serialization schema to serialize each record to persist to Firehose. """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setSerializationSchema( serialization_schema._j_serialization_schema) return self def set_fail_on_error(self, fail_on_error: bool) -> 'KinesisFirehoseSinkBuilder': """ If writing to Kinesis Data Firehose results in a partial or full failure being returned, the job will fail """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setFailOnError(fail_on_error) return self def set_firehose_client_properties(self, firehose_client_properties: Dict) \ -> 'KinesisFirehoseSinkBuilder': """ A set of properties used by the sink to create the firehose client. This may be used to set the aws region, credentials etc. See the docs for usage and syntax. """ j_properties = get_gateway() for key, value in firehose_client_properties.items(): j_properties.setProperty(key, value) self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setFirehoseClientProperties(j_properties) return self def set_max_batch_size(self, max_batch_size: int) -> 'KinesisFirehoseSinkBuilder': """ Maximum number of elements that may be passed in a list to be written downstream. """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setMaxBatchSize(max_batch_size) return self def set_max_in_flight_requests(self, max_in_flight_requests: int) \ -> 'KinesisFirehoseSinkBuilder': """ Maximum number of uncompleted calls to submitRequestEntries that the SinkWriter will allow at any given point. Once this point has reached, writes and callbacks to add elements to the buffer may block until one or more requests to submitRequestEntries completes. """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setMaxInFlightRequests(max_in_flight_requests) return self def set_max_buffered_requests(self, max_buffered_requests: int) -> 'KinesisFirehoseSinkBuilder': """ The maximum buffer length. Callbacks to add elements to the buffer and calls to write will block if this length has been reached and will only unblock if elements from the buffer have been removed for flushing. """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setMaxBufferedRequests(max_buffered_requests) return self def set_max_batch_size_in_bytes(self, max_batch_size_in_bytes: int) \ -> 'KinesisFirehoseSinkBuilder': """ The flush will be attempted if the most recent call to write introduces an element to the buffer such that the total size of the buffer is greater than or equal to this threshold value. If this happens, the maximum number of elements from the head of the buffer will be selected, that is smaller than maxBatchSizeInBytes in size will be flushed. """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setMaxBatchSizeInBytes(max_batch_size_in_bytes) return self def set_max_time_in_buffer_ms(self, max_time_in_buffer_ms: int) -> 'KinesisFirehoseSinkBuilder': """ The maximum amount of time an element may remain in the buffer. In most cases elements are flushed as a result of the batch size (in bytes or number) being reached or during a snapshot. However, there are scenarios where an element may remain in the buffer forever or a long period of time. To mitigate this, a timer is constantly active in the buffer such that: while the buffer is not empty, it will flush every maxTimeInBufferMS milliseconds. """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setMaxTimeInBufferMS(max_time_in_buffer_ms) return self def set_max_record_size_in_bytes(self, max_record_size_in_bytes: int) \ -> 'KinesisFirehoseSinkBuilder': """ The maximum size of each records in bytes. If a record larger than this is passed to the sink, it will throw an IllegalArgumentException. """ self._j_kinesis_sink_builder.setMaxRecordSizeInBytes(max_record_size_in_bytes) return self def build(self) -> 'KinesisFirehoseSink': """ Build thd KinesisFirehoseSink. """ return KinesisFirehoseSink(