Source code for pyflink.table.expression

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#  distributed with this work for additional information
#  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
#  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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from enum import Enum
from typing import Union, TypeVar, Generic, Any

from pyflink import add_version_doc
from pyflink.java_gateway import get_gateway
from pyflink.table.types import DataType, DataTypes, _to_java_data_type
from pyflink.util.java_utils import to_jarray

__all__ = [

_aggregation_doc = """


    >>> tab \\
    >>>     .group_by(col("a")) \\
    >>>     .select(col("a"),
    >>>             col("b").sum.alias("d"),
    >>>             col("b").sum0.alias("e"),
    >>>             col("b").min.alias("f"),
    >>>             col("b").max.alias("g"),
    >>>             col("b").count.alias("h"),
    >>>             col("b").avg.alias("i"),
    >>>             col("b").stddev_pop.alias("j"),
    >>>             col("b").stddev_samp.alias("k"),
    >>>             col("b").var_pop.alias("l"),
    >>>             col("b").var_samp.alias("m"),
    >>>             col("b").collect.alias("n"))

.. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.sum`, :py:attr:`~Expression.sum0`, :py:attr:`~Expression.min`,
             :py:attr:`~Expression.max`, :py:attr:`~Expression.count`, :py:attr:`~Expression.avg`,
             :py:attr:`~Expression.stddev_pop`, :py:attr:`~Expression.stddev_samp`,
             :py:attr:`~Expression.var_pop`, :py:attr:`~Expression.var_samp`,

_math_log_doc = """

.. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.log10`, :py:attr:`~Expression.log2`, :py:attr:`~Expression.ln`,

_math_trigonometric_doc = """
Calculates the {op_desc} of a given number.

.. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.sin`, :py:attr:`~Expression.cos`, :py:attr:`~Expression.sinh`,
             :py:attr:`~Expression.cosh`, :py:attr:`~Expression.tan`, :py:attr:`~Expression.cot`,
             :py:attr:`~Expression.asin`, :py:attr:`~Expression.acos`, :py:attr:`~Expression.atan`,

_string_doc_seealso = """
.. seealso:: :func:`~Expression.trim_leading`, :func:`~Expression.trim_trailing`,
             :func:`~Expression.trim`, :func:`~Expression.replace`,
             :py:attr:`~Expression.char_length`, :py:attr:`~Expression.upper_case`,
             :py:attr:`~Expression.lower_case`, :py:attr:`~Expression.init_cap`,
             :func:``, :func:`~Expression.similar`,
             :func:`~Expression.position`, :func:`~Expression.lpad`, :func:`~Expression.rpad`,
             :func:`~Expression.overlay`, :func:`~Expression.regexp_replace`,
             :func:`~Expression.regexp_extract`, :func:`~Expression.substring`,
             :py:attr:`~Expression.from_base64`, :py:attr:`~Expression.to_base64`,
             :func:`~Expression.ltrim`, :func:`~Expression.rtrim`, :func:`~Expression.repeat`,
             :func:`~Expression.json_quote`, :func:`~Expression.json_unquote`

_temporal_doc_seealso = """
.. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.to_date`, :py:attr:`~Expression.to_time`,
             :py:attr:`~Expression.to_timestamp`, :func:`~Expression.extract`,
             :func:`~Expression.floor`, :func:`~Expression.ceil`

_time_doc = """
Creates an interval of the given number of {op_desc}.

The produced expression is of type :func:`~DataTypes.INTERVAL`.

.. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.year`, :py:attr:`~Expression.years`,
             :py:attr:`~Expression.quarter`, :py:attr:`~Expression.quarters`,
             :py:attr:`~Expression.month`, :py:attr:`~Expression.months`,
             :py:attr:`~Expression.week`, :py:attr:`~Expression.weeks`, :py:attr:``,
             :py:attr:`~Expression.days`, :py:attr:`~Expression.hour`, :py:attr:`~Expression.hours`,
             :py:attr:`~Expression.minute`, :py:attr:`~Expression.minutes`,
             :py:attr:`~Expression.second`, :py:attr:`~Expression.seconds`,
             :py:attr:`~Expression.milli`, :py:attr:`~Expression.millis`

_hash_doc = """
Returns the {op_desc} hash of the string argument; null if string is null.

:return: string of {bit} hexadecimal digits or null.

.. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.md5`, :py:attr:`~Expression.sha1`, :py:attr:`~Expression.sha224`,
             :py:attr:`~Expression.sha256`, :py:attr:`~Expression.sha384`,
             :py:attr:`~Expression.sha512`, :py:attr:`~Expression.sha2`

def _make_math_log_doc():
    math_log_funcs = {
        Expression.log10: "Calculates the base 10 logarithm of the given value.",
        Expression.log2: "Calculates the base 2 logarithm of the given value.",
        Expression.ln: "Calculates the natural logarithm of the given value.",
        Expression.log: "Calculates the natural logarithm of the given value if base is not "
                        "specified. Otherwise, calculates the logarithm of the given value to the "
                        "given base.",

    for func, op_desc in math_log_funcs.items():
        func.__doc__ = _math_log_doc.format(op_desc=op_desc)

def _make_math_trigonometric_doc():
    math_trigonometric_funcs = {
        Expression.cosh: "hyperbolic cosine",
        Expression.sinh: "hyperbolic sine",
        Expression.sin: "sine",
        Expression.cos: "cosine",
        Expression.tan: "tangent",
        Expression.cot: "cotangent",
        Expression.asin: "arc sine",
        Expression.acos: "arc cosine",
        Expression.atan: "arc tangent",
        Expression.tanh: "hyperbolic tangent",

    for func, op_desc in math_trigonometric_funcs.items():
        func.__doc__ = _math_trigonometric_doc.format(op_desc=op_desc)

def _make_aggregation_doc():
    aggregation_funcs = {
        Expression.sum: "Returns the sum of the numeric field across all input values. "
                        "If all values are null, null is returned.",
        Expression.sum0: "Returns the sum of the numeric field across all input values. "
                         "If all values are null, 0 is returned.",
        Expression.min: "Returns the minimum value of field across all input values.",
        Expression.max: "Returns the maximum value of field across all input values.",
        Expression.count: "Returns the number of input rows for which the field is not null.",
        Expression.avg: "Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the numeric field across all "
                        "input values.",
        Expression.stddev_pop: "Returns the population standard deviation of an expression(the "
                               "square root of var_pop).",
        Expression.stddev_samp: "Returns the sample standard deviation of an expression(the square "
                                "root of var_samp).",
        Expression.var_pop: "Returns the population standard variance of an expression.",
        Expression.var_samp: "Returns the sample variance of a given expression.",
        Expression.collect: "Returns multiset aggregate of a given expression.",

    for func, op_desc in aggregation_funcs.items():
        func.__doc__ = _aggregation_doc.format(op_desc=op_desc)

def _make_string_doc():
    string_funcs = [
        Expression.substring, Expression.trim_leading, Expression.trim_trailing, Expression.trim,
        Expression.replace, Expression.char_length, Expression.upper_case, Expression.lower_case,
        Expression.init_cap,, Expression.similar, Expression.position,
        Expression.lpad, Expression.rpad, Expression.overlay, Expression.regexp_replace,
        Expression.regexp_extract, Expression.from_base64, Expression.to_base64,
        Expression.ltrim, Expression.rtrim, Expression.repeat,
        Expression.json_quote, Expression.json_unquote

    for func in string_funcs:
        func.__doc__ = func.__doc__.replace('  ', '') + _string_doc_seealso

def _make_temporal_doc():
    temporal_funcs = [
        Expression.to_date, Expression.to_time, Expression.to_timestamp, Expression.extract,
        Expression.floor, Expression.ceil

    for func in temporal_funcs:
        func.__doc__ = func.__doc__.replace('  ', '') + _temporal_doc_seealso

def _make_time_doc():
    time_funcs = {
        Expression.year: "years",
        Expression.years: "years",
        Expression.quarter: "quarters",
        Expression.quarters: "quarters",
        Expression.month: "months",
        Expression.months: "months",
        Expression.week: "weeks",
        Expression.weeks: "weeks", "days",
        Expression.days: "days",
        Expression.hour: "hours",
        Expression.hours: "hours",
        Expression.minute: "minutes",
        Expression.minutes: "minutes",
        Expression.second: "seconds",
        Expression.seconds: "seconds",
        Expression.milli: "millis",
        Expression.millis: "millis"

    for func, op_desc in time_funcs.items():
        func.__doc__ = _time_doc.format(op_desc=op_desc)

def _make_hash_doc():
    hash_funcs = {
        Expression.md5: ("MD5", 32),
        Expression.sha1: ("SHA-1", 40),
        Expression.sha224: ("SHA-224", 56),
        Expression.sha256: ("SHA-256", 64),
        Expression.sha384: ("SHA-384", 96),
        Expression.sha512: ("SHA-512", 128)

    for func, (op_desc, bit) in hash_funcs.items():
        func.__doc__ = _hash_doc.format(op_desc=op_desc, bit=bit)

def _add_version_doc():
    for func_name in dir(Expression):
        if not func_name.startswith("_"):
            add_version_doc(getattr(Expression, func_name), "1.12.0")

def _get_java_expression(expr, to_expr: bool = False):
    Returns the Java expression for the given expr. If expr is a Python expression, returns the
    underlying Java expression, otherwise, convert it to a Java expression if to_expr is true.
    if isinstance(expr, Expression):
        return expr._j_expr
    elif to_expr:
        gateway = get_gateway()
        return gateway.jvm.Expressions.lit(expr)
        return expr

def _unary_op(op_name: str):
    def _(self) -> 'Expression':
        return Expression(getattr(self._j_expr, op_name)())

    return _

def _binary_op(op_name: str, reverse: bool = False):
    def _(self, other) -> 'Expression':
        if reverse:
            return Expression(getattr(_get_java_expression(other, True), op_name)(self._j_expr))
            return Expression(getattr(self._j_expr, op_name)(_get_java_expression(other)))

    return _

def _ternary_op(op_name: str):
    def _(self, first, second) -> 'Expression':
        return Expression(getattr(self._j_expr, op_name)(
            _get_java_expression(first), _get_java_expression(second)))

    return _

def _varargs_op(op_name: str):
    def _(self, *args) -> 'Expression':
        return Expression(
            getattr(self._j_expr, op_name)(*[_get_java_expression(arg) for arg in args]))

    return _

def _expressions_op(op_name: str):
    def _(self, *args) -> 'Expression':
        from pyflink.table import expressions
        return getattr(expressions, op_name)(self, *[_get_java_expression(arg) for arg in args])

    return _

class TimeIntervalUnit(Enum):
    Units for working with time intervals.

    .. versionadded:: 1.12.0

    YEAR = 0,
    YEAR_TO_MONTH = 1,
    QUARTER = 2,
    MONTH = 3,
    WEEK = 4,
    DAY = 5,
    DAY_TO_HOUR = 6,
    DAY_TO_MINUTE = 7,
    DAY_TO_SECOND = 8,
    HOUR = 9,
    SECOND = 10,
    HOUR_TO_MINUTE = 11,
    HOUR_TO_SECOND = 12,
    MINUTE = 13,

    def _to_j_time_interval_unit(self):
        gateway = get_gateway()
        JTimeIntervalUnit =
        return getattr(JTimeIntervalUnit,

class TimePointUnit(Enum):
    Units for working with points in time.

    .. versionadded:: 1.12.0

    YEAR = 0,
    MONTH = 1,
    DAY = 2,
    HOUR = 3,
    MINUTE = 4,
    SECOND = 5,
    QUARTER = 6,
    WEEK = 7,

    def _to_j_time_point_unit(self):
        gateway = get_gateway()
        JTimePointUnit =
        return getattr(JTimePointUnit,

class JsonType(Enum):
    Types of JSON objects for is_json().

    VALUE = 0,
    SCALAR = 1,
    ARRAY = 2,
    OBJECT = 3

    def _to_j_json_type(self):
        gateway = get_gateway()
        JJsonType =
        return getattr(JJsonType,

class JsonExistsOnError(Enum):
    Behavior in case of errors for json_exists().

    TRUE = 0,
    FALSE = 1,
    UNKNOWN = 2,
    ERROR = 3

    def _to_j_json_exists_on_error(self):
        gateway = get_gateway()
        JJsonExistsOnError =
        return getattr(JJsonExistsOnError,

class JsonValueOnEmptyOrError(Enum):
    Behavior in case of emptiness or errors for json_value().

    NULL = 0,
    ERROR = 1,
    DEFAULT = 2

    def _to_j_json_value_on_empty_or_error(self):
        gateway = get_gateway()
        JJsonValueOnEmptyOrError =
        return getattr(JJsonValueOnEmptyOrError,

class JsonQueryWrapper(Enum):
    Defines whether and when to wrap the result of json_query() into an array.


    def _to_j_json_query_wrapper(self):
        gateway = get_gateway()
        JJsonQueryWrapper =
        return getattr(JJsonQueryWrapper,

class JsonQueryOnEmptyOrError(Enum):
    Defines the behavior of json_query() in case of emptiness or errors.

    NULL = 0,
    EMPTY_ARRAY = 1,
    ERROR = 3

    def _to_j_json_query_on_error_or_empty(self):
        gateway = get_gateway()
        JJsonQueryOnEmptyOrError =
        return getattr(JJsonQueryOnEmptyOrError,

class JsonOnNull(Enum):
    Behavior for entries with a null value for json_object().

    NULL = 0,
    ABSENT = 1

    def _to_j_json_on_null(self):
        gateway = get_gateway()
        JJsonOnNull =
        return getattr(JJsonOnNull,

T = TypeVar('T')

class Expression(Generic[T]):
    Expressions represent a logical tree for producing a computation result.
    Expressions might be literal values, function calls, or field references.

    .. versionadded:: 1.12.0

    def __init__(self, j_expr_or_property_name):
        self._j_expr_or_property_name = j_expr_or_property_name

    __abs__ = _unary_op("abs")

    # comparison functions
    __eq__ = _binary_op("isEqual")
    __ne__ = _binary_op("isNotEqual")
    __lt__ = _binary_op("isLess")
    __gt__ = _binary_op("isGreater")
    __le__ = _binary_op("isLessOrEqual")
    __ge__ = _binary_op("isGreaterOrEqual")

    # logic functions
    __and__ = _binary_op("and")
    __or__ = _binary_op("or")
    __invert__ = _unary_op('isNotTrue')

    __rand__ = _binary_op("and")
    __ror__ = _binary_op("or")

    # arithmetic functions
    __add__ = _binary_op("plus")
    __sub__ = _binary_op("minus")
    __mul__ = _binary_op("times")
    __truediv__ = _binary_op("dividedBy")
    __mod__ = _binary_op("mod")
    __pow__ = _binary_op("power")
    __neg__ = _expressions_op("negative")

    __radd__ = _binary_op("plus", True)
    __rsub__ = _binary_op("minus", True)
    __rmul__ = _binary_op("times")
    __rtruediv__ = _binary_op("dividedBy", True)
    __rmod__ = _binary_op("mod", True)
    __rpow__ = _binary_op("power", True)

    def __str__(self):
        return self._j_expr.asSummaryString()

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if name == '_j_expr':
            if isinstance(self._j_expr_or_property_name, str):
                gateway = get_gateway()
                return getattr(gateway.jvm.Expressions, self._j_expr_or_property_name)
                return self._j_expr_or_property_name
        return self.get(name)

    def __getitem__(self, index):

    # ---------------------------- arithmetic functions ----------------------------------

    def exp(self) -> 'Expression[float]':
        Calculates the Euler's number raised to the given power.
        return _unary_op("exp")(self)

    def log10(self) -> 'Expression[float]':
        return _unary_op("log10")(self)

    def log2(self) -> 'Expression[float]':
        return _unary_op("log2")(self)

    def ln(self) -> 'Expression[float]':
        return _unary_op("ln")(self)

[docs] def log(self, base=None) -> 'Expression[float]': if base is None: return _unary_op("log")(self) else: return _binary_op("log")(self, base)
@property def cosh(self) -> 'Expression[float]': return _unary_op("cosh")(self) @property def sinh(self) -> 'Expression[float]': return _unary_op("sinh")(self) @property def sin(self) -> 'Expression[float]': return _unary_op("sin")(self) @property def cos(self) -> 'Expression[float]': return _unary_op("cos")(self) @property def tan(self) -> 'Expression[float]': return _unary_op("tan")(self) @property def cot(self) -> 'Expression[float]': return _unary_op("cot")(self) @property def asin(self) -> 'Expression[float]': return _unary_op("asin")(self) @property def acos(self) -> 'Expression[float]': return _unary_op("acos")(self) @property def atan(self) -> 'Expression[float]': return _unary_op("atan")(self) @property def tanh(self) -> 'Expression[float]': return _unary_op("tanh")(self) @property def degrees(self) -> 'Expression[float]': """ Converts numeric from radians to degrees. .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.radians` """ return _unary_op("degrees")(self) @property def radians(self) -> 'Expression[float]': """ Converts numeric from degrees to radians. .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.degrees` """ return _unary_op("radians")(self) @property def sqrt(self) -> 'Expression[float]': """ Calculates the square root of a given value. """ return _unary_op("sqrt")(self) @property def abs(self) -> 'Expression[T]': """ Calculates the absolute value of given value. """ return _unary_op("abs")(self) @property def sign(self) -> 'Expression[T]': """ Calculates the signum of a given number. e.g. `lit(1.23).sign` leads to `1.00`, `lit(-1.23).sign` leads to `-1.00`. """ return _unary_op("sign")(self)
[docs] def round(self, places: Union[int, 'Expression[int]']): """ Rounds the given number to integer places right to the decimal point. e.g. `lit(646.646).round(2)` leads to `646.65`, `lit(646.646).round(3)` leads to `646.646`, `lit(646.646).round(0)` leads to `647`, `lit(646.646).round(-2)` leads to `600`. """ return _binary_op("round")(self, places)
def concat(self, other: Union[str, 'Expression[str]']) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Concatenates two strings. """ return _binary_op("concat")(self, other)
[docs] def between(self, lower_bound, upper_bound) -> 'Expression[bool]': """ Returns true if the given expression is between lower_bound and upper_bound (both inclusive). False otherwise. The parameters must be numeric types or identical comparable types. e.g. `lit(2.1).between(2.1, 2.1)` leads to `true`, `lit("2018-05-05").to_date.between(lit("2018-05-01").to_date, lit("2018-05-10").to_date)` leads to `true`. :param lower_bound: numeric or comparable expression :param upper_bound: numeric or comparable expression .. seealso:: :func:`~Expression.not_between` """ return _ternary_op("between")(self, lower_bound, upper_bound)
[docs] def not_between(self, lower_bound, upper_bound) -> 'Expression[bool]': """ Returns true if the given expression is not between lower_bound and upper_bound (both inclusive). False otherwise. The parameters must be numeric types or identical comparable types. e.g. `lit(2.1).not_between(2.1, 2.1)` leads to `false`, `lit("2018-05-05").to_date.not_between(lit("2018-05-01").to_date, lit("2018-05-10").to_date)` leads to `false`. :param lower_bound: numeric or comparable expression :param upper_bound: numeric or comparable expression .. seealso:: :func:`~Expression.between` """ return _ternary_op("notBetween")(self, lower_bound, upper_bound)
[docs] def then(self, if_true, if_false) -> 'Expression': """ Ternary conditional operator that decides which of two other expressions should be evaluated based on a evaluated boolean condition. e.g. lit(42).is_greater(5).then("A", "B") leads to "A" :param if_true: expression to be evaluated if condition holds :param if_false: expression to be evaluated if condition does not hold """ return _ternary_op("then")(self, if_true, if_false)
[docs] def if_null(self, null_replacement) -> 'Expression': """ Returns null_replacement if the given expression is null; otherwise the expression is returned. This function returns a data type that is very specific in terms of nullability. The returned type is the common type of both arguments but only nullable if the null_replacement is nullable. The function allows to pass nullable columns into a function or table that is declared with a NOT NULL constraint. e.g. col("nullable_column").if_null(5) returns never null. """ return _binary_op("ifNull")(self, null_replacement)
@property def is_null(self) -> 'Expression[bool]': """ Returns true if the given expression is null. .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.is_not_null` """ return _unary_op("isNull")(self) @property def is_not_null(self) -> 'Expression[bool]': """ Returns true if the given expression is not null. .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.is_null` """ return _unary_op("isNotNull")(self) @property def is_true(self) -> 'Expression[bool]': """ Returns true if given boolean expression is true. False otherwise (for null and false). .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.is_false`, :py:attr:`~Expression.is_not_true`, :py:attr:`~Expression.is_not_false` """ return _unary_op("isTrue")(self) @property def is_false(self) -> 'Expression[bool]': """ Returns true if given boolean expression is false. False otherwise (for null and true). .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.is_true`, :py:attr:`~Expression.is_not_true`, :py:attr:`~Expression.is_not_false` """ return _unary_op("isFalse")(self) @property def is_not_true(self) -> 'Expression[bool]': """ Returns true if given boolean expression is not true (for null and false). False otherwise. .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.is_true`, :py:attr:`~Expression.is_false`, :py:attr:`~Expression.is_not_false` """ return _unary_op("isNotTrue")(self) @property def is_not_false(self) -> 'Expression[bool]': """ Returns true if given boolean expression is not false (for null and true). False otherwise. .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.is_true`, :py:attr:`~Expression.is_false`, :py:attr:`~Expression.is_not_true` """ return _unary_op("isNotFalse")(self) @property def distinct(self) -> 'Expression': """ Similar to a SQL distinct aggregation clause such as COUNT(DISTINCT a), declares that an aggregation function is only applied on distinct input values. Example: :: >>> tab \\ >>> .group_by(col("a")) \\ >>> .select(col("a"), col("b").sum.distinct.alias("d")) """ return _unary_op("distinct")(self) @property def sum(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("sum")(self) @property def sum0(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("sum0")(self) @property def min(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("min")(self) @property def max(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("max")(self) @property def count(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("count")(self) @property def avg(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("avg")(self) @property def first_value(self) -> 'Expression': """ Returns the first value of field across all input values. """ return _unary_op("firstValue")(self) @property def last_value(self) -> 'Expression': """ Returns the last value of field across all input values. """ return _unary_op("lastValue")(self)
[docs] def list_agg(self, separator: Union[str, 'Expression[str]'] = None) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Concatenates the values of string expressions and places separator values between them. The separator is not added at the end of string. The default value of separator is ‘,’. """ if separator is None: return _unary_op("listAgg")(self) else: return _binary_op("listAgg")(self, separator)
@property def stddev_pop(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("stddevPop")(self) @property def stddev_samp(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("stddevSamp")(self) @property def var_pop(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("varPop")(self) @property def var_samp(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("varSamp")(self) @property def collect(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("collect")(self) @property def array_agg(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("arrayAgg")(self)
[docs] def alias(self, name: str, *extra_names: str) -> 'Expression[T]': """ Specifies a name for an expression i.e. a field. Example: :: >>>'a').alias('b')) :param name: name for one field. :param extra_names: additional names if the expression expands to multiple fields """ gateway = get_gateway() return _ternary_op("as")(self, name, to_jarray(gateway.jvm.String, extra_names))
[docs] def cast(self, data_type: DataType) -> 'Expression': """ Returns a new value being cast to type type. A cast error throws an exception and fails the job. When performing a cast operation that may fail, like STRING to INT, one should rather use try_cast, in order to handle errors. If "table.exec.legacy-cast-behaviour" is enabled, cast behaves like try_cast. E.g. lit("4").cast(DataTypes.INT()) returns 42; lit(null).cast(DataTypes.STRING()) returns NULL of type STRING; lit("non-number").cast(DataTypes.INT()) throws an exception and fails the job. """ return _binary_op("cast")(self, _to_java_data_type(data_type))
[docs] def try_cast(self, data_type: DataType) -> 'Expression': """ Like cast, but in case of error, returns NULL rather than failing the job. E.g. lit("42").try_cast(DataTypes.INT()) returns 42; lit(null).try_cast(DataTypes.STRING()) returns NULL of type STRING; lit("non-number").cast(DataTypes.INT()) returns NULL of type INT. coalesce(lit("non-number").cast(DataTypes.INT()), lit(0)) returns 0 of type INT. """ return _binary_op("tryCast")(self, _to_java_data_type(data_type))
@property def asc(self) -> 'Expression': """ Specifies ascending order of an expression i.e. a field for order_by. Example: :: >>> tab.order_by(col('a').asc) .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.desc` """ return _unary_op("asc")(self) @property def desc(self) -> 'Expression': """ Specifies descending order of an expression i.e. a field for order_by. Example: :: >>> tab.order_by(col('a').desc) .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.asc` """ return _unary_op("desc")(self)
[docs] def in_(self, first_element_or_table, *remaining_elements) -> 'Expression': """ If first_element_or_table is a Table, Returns true if an expression exists in a given table sub-query. The sub-query table must consist of one column. This column must have the same data type as the expression. .. note:: This operation is not supported in a streaming environment yet if first_element_or_table is a Table. Otherwise, Returns true if an expression exists in a given list of expressions. This is a shorthand for multiple OR conditions. If the testing set contains null, the result will be null if the element can not be found and true if it can be found. If the element is null, the result is always null. e.g. lit("42").in(1, 2, 3) leads to false. Example: :: >>> tab.where(col("a").in_(1, 2, 3)) >>> table_a.where(col("x").in_("y")))) """ from pyflink.table import Table if isinstance(first_element_or_table, Table): assert len(remaining_elements) == 0 return _binary_op("in")(self, first_element_or_table._j_table) else: gateway = get_gateway() ApiExpressionUtils = remaining_elements = (first_element_or_table, *remaining_elements) exprs = [ApiExpressionUtils.objectToExpression(_get_java_expression(e)) for e in remaining_elements] return _binary_op("in")(self, to_jarray(gateway.jvm.Object, exprs))
@property def start(self) -> 'Expression': """ Returns the start time (inclusive) of a window when applied on a window reference. Example: :: >>> tab.window(Tumble >>> .over(row_interval(2)) >>> .on(col("a")) >>> .alias("w")) \\ >>> .group_by(col("c"), col("w")) \\ >>> .select(col("c"), col("w").start, col("w").end, col("w").proctime) .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.end` """ return _unary_op("start")(self) @property def end(self) -> 'Expression': """ Returns the end time (exclusive) of a window when applied on a window reference. e.g. if a window ends at 10:59:59.999 this property will return 11:00:00.000. Example: :: >>> orders.window(Tumble >>> .over(row_interval(2)) >>> .on(col("a")) >>> .alias("w")) \\ >>> .group_by(col("c"), col("w")) \\ >>> .select(col("c"), col("w").start, col("w").end, col("w").proctime) .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.start` """ return _unary_op("end")(self) @property def bin(self) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Returns a string representation of an integer numeric value in binary format. Returns null if numeric is null. E.g. "4" leads to "100", "12" leads to "1100". .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.hex` """ return _unary_op("bin")(self) @property def hex(self) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Returns a string representation of an integer numeric value or a string in hex format. Returns null if numeric or string is null. E.g. a numeric 20 leads to "14", a numeric 100 leads to "64", and a string "hello,world" leads to "68656c6c6f2c776f726c64". .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.bin` """ return _unary_op("hex")(self) @property def unhex(self) -> 'Expression': """ Converts hexadecimal string expr to BINARY. If the length of expr is odd, the first character is discarded and the result is left padded with a null byte. :return: a BINARY. null if expr is null or expr contains non-hex characters. """ return _unary_op("unhex")(self)
[docs] def truncate(self, n: Union[int, 'Expression[int]'] = 0) -> 'Expression[T]': """ Returns a number of truncated to n decimal places. If n is 0, the result has no decimal point or fractional part. n can be negative to cause n digits left of the decimal point of the value to become zero. E.g. truncate(42.345, 2) to 42.34, 42.truncate(-1) to 40 """ return _binary_op("truncate")(self, n)
[docs] def percentile(self, percentage, frequency=None) -> 'Expression': """ Returns the exact percentile value of expr at the specified percentage in a group. percentage must be a literal numeric value between [0.0, 1.0] or an array of such values. If a variable expression is passed to this function, the result will be calculated using any one of them. frequency describes how many times expr should be counted, the default value is 1. If no expr lies exactly at the desired percentile, the result is calculated using linear interpolation of the two nearest exprs. If expr or frequency is null, or frequency is not positive, the input row will be ignored. NOTE: It is recommended to use this function in a window scenario, as it typically offers better performance. In a regular group aggregation scenario, users should be aware of the performance overhead caused by a full sort triggered by each record. :param percentage: A NUMERIC NOT NULL or ARRAY<NUMERIC NOT NULL> NOT NULL expression. :param frequency: An optional INTEGER_NUMERIC expression. :return: A DOUBLE if percentage is numeric, or an ARRAY<DOUBLE> if percentage is an array. null if percentage is an empty array. """ if frequency is None: return _binary_op("percentile")(self, percentage) else: return _ternary_op("percentile")(self, percentage, frequency)
# ---------------------------- string functions ----------------------------------
[docs] def starts_with(self, start_expr) -> 'Expression': """ Returns whether expr starts with start_expr. If start_expr is empty, the result is true. expr and start_expr should have same type. :param start_expr: A STRING or BINARY expression. :return: A BOOLEAN. """ return _binary_op("startsWith")(self, start_expr)
[docs] def ends_with(self, end_expr) -> 'Expression': """ Returns whether expr ends with end_expr. If end_expr is empty, the result is true. expr and end_expr should have same type. :param end_expr: A STRING or BINARY expression. :return: A BOOLEAN. """ return _binary_op("endsWith")(self, end_expr)
[docs] def substring(self, begin_index: Union[int, 'Expression[int]'], length: Union[int, 'Expression[int]'] = None) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Creates a substring of the given string at given index for a given length. :param begin_index: first character of the substring (starting at 1, inclusive) :param length: number of characters of the substring """ if length is None: return _binary_op("substring")(self, begin_index) else: return _ternary_op("substring")(self, begin_index, length)
[docs] def substr(self, begin_index: Union[int, 'Expression[int]'], length: Union[int, 'Expression[int]'] = None) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Creates a substring of the given string at given index for a given length. :param begin_index: first character of the substring (starting at 1, inclusive) :param length: number of characters of the substring """ if length is None: return _binary_op("substr")(self, begin_index) else: return _ternary_op("substr")(self, begin_index, length)
[docs] def trim_leading(self, character: Union[str, 'Expression[str]'] = None) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Removes leading space characters from the given string if character is None. Otherwise, removes leading specified characters from the given string. """ if character is None: return _unary_op("trimLeading")(self) else: return _binary_op("trimLeading")(self, character)
[docs] def trim_trailing(self, character: Union[str, 'Expression[str]'] = None) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Removes trailing space characters from the given string if character is None. Otherwise, removes trailing specified characters from the given string. """ if character is None: return _unary_op("trimTrailing")(self) else: return _binary_op("trimTrailing")(self, character)
[docs] def trim(self, character: Union[str, 'Expression[str]'] = None) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Removes leading and trailing space characters from the given string if character is None. Otherwise, removes leading and trailing specified characters from the given string. """ if character is None: return _unary_op("trim")(self) else: return _binary_op("trim")(self, character)
[docs] def replace(self, search: Union[str, 'Expression[str]'] = None, replacement: Union[str, 'Expression[str]'] = None) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Returns a new string which replaces all the occurrences of the search target with the replacement string (non-overlapping). e.g. `lit('This is a test String.').replace(' ', '_')` leads to `This_is_a_test_String.` """ return _ternary_op("replace")(self, search, replacement)
[docs] def translate(self, from_str, to_str) -> 'Expression': """ Translate an expr where all characters in from_str have been replaced with those in to_str. If to_str has a shorter length than from_str, unmatched characters are removed. """ return _ternary_op("translate")(self, from_str, to_str)
@property def char_length(self) -> 'Expression[int]': """ Returns the length of a string. """ return _unary_op("charLength")(self) @property def upper_case(self) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Returns all of the characters in a string in upper case using the rules of the default locale. """ return _unary_op("upperCase")(self) @property def lower_case(self) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Returns all of the characters in a string in lower case using the rules of the default locale. """ return _unary_op("lowerCase")(self) @property def init_cap(self) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Converts the initial letter of each word in a string to uppercase. Assumes a string containing only [A-Za-z0-9], everything else is treated as whitespace. """ return _unary_op("initCap")(self)
[docs] def like(self, pattern: Union[str, 'Expression[str]'] = None, escape=None) -> 'Expression[bool]': """ Returns true, if a string matches the specified LIKE pattern e.g. 'Jo_n%' matches all strings that start with 'Jo(arbitrary letter)n'. An escape character consisting of a single char can be defined if necessary, '\\' by default. """ if escape is None: return _binary_op("like")(self, pattern) else: return _ternary_op("like")(self, pattern, escape)
[docs] def similar(self, pattern: Union[str, 'Expression[str]'] = None) -> 'Expression[bool]': """ Returns true, if a string matches the specified SQL regex pattern. e.g. 'A+' matches all strings that consist of at least one A """ return _binary_op("similar")(self, pattern)
[docs] def position(self, haystack: Union[str, 'Expression[str]'] = None) -> 'Expression[int]': """ Returns the position of string in an other string starting at 1. Returns 0 if string could not be found. e.g. lit('a').position('bbbbba') leads to 6. """ return _binary_op("position")(self, haystack)
[docs] def lpad(self, length: Union[int, 'Expression[int]'], pad: Union[str, 'Expression[str]']) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Returns a string left-padded with the given pad string to a length of len characters. If the string is longer than len, the return value is shortened to len characters. e.g. lit('hi').lpad(4, '??') returns '??hi', lit('hi').lpad(1, '??') returns 'h' """ return _ternary_op("lpad")(self, length, pad)
[docs] def rpad(self, length: Union[int, 'Expression[int]'], pad: Union[str, 'Expression[str]']) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Returns a string right-padded with the given pad string to a length of len characters. If the string is longer than len, the return value is shortened to len characters. e.g. lit('hi').rpad(4, '??') returns 'hi??', lit('hi').rpad(1, '??') returns 'h' """ return _ternary_op("rpad")(self, length, pad)
[docs] def overlay(self, new_string: Union[str, 'Expression[str]'], starting: Union[int, 'Expression[int]'], length: Union[int, 'Expression[int]'] = None) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Replaces a substring of string with a string starting at a position (starting at 1). e.g. lit('xxxxxtest').overlay('xxxx', 6) leads to 'xxxxxxxxx' lit('xxxxxtest').overlay('xxxx', 6, 2) leads to 'xxxxxxxxxst' """ if length is None: return _ternary_op("overlay")(self, new_string, starting) else: j_expr_new_string = new_string._j_expr \ if isinstance(new_string, Expression) else new_string j_expr_starting = starting._j_expr \ if isinstance(starting, Expression) else starting j_expr_length = length._j_expr \ if isinstance(length, Expression) else length return Expression(getattr(self._j_expr, "overlay")( j_expr_new_string, j_expr_starting, j_expr_length))
[docs] def regexp(self, regex: Union[str, 'Expression[str]']) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Returns True if any (possibly empty) substring matches the regular expression, otherwise False. Returns None if any of arguments is None. """ return _binary_op("regexp")(self, regex)
[docs] def regexp_count(self, regex) -> 'Expression': """ Returns the number of times str matches the regex pattern. regex must be a Java regular expression. null if any of the arguments are null or regex is invalid. :param regex: A STRING expression with a matching pattern. :return: An INTEGER representation of the number of matches. """ return _binary_op("regexpCount")(self, regex)
[docs] def regexp_replace(self, regex: Union[str, 'Expression[str]'], replacement: Union[str, 'Expression[str]']) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Returns a string with all substrings that match the regular expression consecutively being replaced. """ return _ternary_op("regexpReplace")(self, regex, replacement)
[docs] def regexp_extract(self, regex: Union[str, 'Expression[str]'], extract_index: Union[int, 'Expression[int]'] = None) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Returns a string extracted with a specified regular expression and a regex match group index. """ if extract_index is None: return _binary_op("regexpExtract")(self, regex) else: return _ternary_op("regexpExtract")(self, regex, extract_index)
[docs] def regexp_extract_all(self, regex, extract_index=None) -> 'Expression': """ Extracts all the substrings in str that match the regex expression and correspond to the regex group extract_index. regex may contain multiple groups. extract_index indicates which regex group to extract and starts from 1, also the default value if not specified. 0 means matching the entire regular expression. null if any of the arguments are null or invalid. :param regex: A STRING expression with a matching pattern. :param extract_index: An optional INTEGER expression with default 1. :return: An ARRAY<STRING> of all the matched substrings. """ if extract_index is None: return _binary_op("regexpExtractAll")(self, regex) else: return _ternary_op("regexpExtractAll")(self, regex, extract_index)
[docs] def regexp_instr(self, regex) -> 'Expression': """ Returns the position of the first substring in str that matches regex. Result indexes begin at 1, 0 if there is no match. null if any of the arguments are null or regex is invalid. :param regex: A STRING expression with a matching pattern. :return: An INTEGER representation of the first matched substring index. """ return _binary_op("regexpInstr")(self, regex)
[docs] def regexp_substr(self, regex) -> 'Expression': """ Returns the first substring in str that matches regex. null if any of the arguments are null or regex is invalid or pattern is not found. :param regex: A STRING expression with a matching pattern. :return: A STRING representation of the first matched substring. """ return _binary_op("regexpSubstr")(self, regex)
@property def from_base64(self) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Returns the base string decoded with base64. """ return _unary_op("fromBase64")(self) @property def to_base64(self) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Returns the base64-encoded result of the input string. """ return _unary_op("toBase64")(self) @property def ascii(self) -> 'Expression[int]': """ Returns the numeric value of the first character of the input string. """ return _unary_op("ascii")(self) @property def chr(self) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Returns the ASCII character result of the input integer. """ return _unary_op("chr")(self)
[docs] def decode(self, charset: Union[str, 'Expression[str]']) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Decodes the first argument into a String using the provided character set. """ return _binary_op("decode")(self, charset)
[docs] def encode(self, charset: Union[str, 'Expression[str]']) -> 'Expression[bytes]': """ Encodes the string into a BINARY using the provided character set. """ return _binary_op("encode")(self, charset)
[docs] def left(self, length: Union[int, 'Expression[int]']) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Returns the leftmost integer characters from the input string. """ return _binary_op("left")(self, length)
[docs] def right(self, length: Union[int, 'Expression[int]']) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Returns the rightmost integer characters from the input string. """ return _binary_op("right")(self, length)
[docs] def instr(self, s: Union[str, 'Expression[str]']) -> 'Expression[int]': """ Returns the position of the first occurrence in the input string. """ return _binary_op("instr")(self, s)
[docs] def locate(self, s: Union[str, 'Expression[str]'], pos: Union[int, 'Expression[int]'] = None) -> 'Expression[int]': """ Returns the position of the first occurrence in the input string after position integer. """ if pos is None: return _binary_op("locate")(self, s) else: return _ternary_op("locate")(self, s, pos)
[docs] def url_decode(self) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Decodes a given string in 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' format using the UTF-8 encoding scheme. If the input is null, or there is an issue with the decoding process (such as encountering an illegal escape pattern), or the encoding scheme is not supported, the function returns null. """ return _unary_op("urlDecode")(self)
[docs] def url_encode(self) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Translates a string into 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' format using the UTF-8 encoding scheme. If the input is null, or there is an issue with the encoding process, or the encoding scheme is not supported, will return null. """ return _unary_op("urlEncode")(self)
[docs] def parse_url(self, part_to_extract: Union[str, 'Expression[str]'], key: Union[str, 'Expression[str]'] = None) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Parse url and return various parameter of the URL. If accept any null arguments, return null. """ if key is None: return _binary_op("parseUrl")(self, part_to_extract) else: return _ternary_op("parseUrl")(self, part_to_extract, key)
[docs] def printf(self, *obj) -> 'Expression': """ Returns a formatted string from printf-style format strings. The function exploits the java.util.Formatter class with Locale.US. :param obj: any expression :return: a formatted string. null if format is null or invalid. """ gateway = get_gateway() ApiExpressionUtils = exprs = [ApiExpressionUtils.objectToExpression(_get_java_expression(e)) for e in obj] return _binary_op("printf")(self, to_jarray(gateway.jvm.Object, exprs))
[docs] def ltrim(self, trim_str=None) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Removes any leading characters within trim_str from str. trim_str is set to whitespace by default. """ if trim_str is None: return _unary_op("ltrim")(self) else: return _binary_op("ltrim")(self, trim_str)
[docs] def rtrim(self, trim_str=None) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Removes any trailing characters within trim_str from str. trim_str is set to whitespace by default. """ if trim_str is None: return _unary_op("rtrim")(self) else: return _binary_op("rtrim")(self, trim_str)
[docs] def btrim(self, trim_str=None) -> 'Expression': """ Removes any leading and trailing characters within trim_str from str. trim_str is set to whitespace by default. """ if trim_str is None: return _unary_op("btrim")(self) else: return _binary_op("btrim")(self, trim_str)
[docs] def repeat(self, n: Union[int, 'Expression[int]']) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Returns a string that repeats the base string n times. """ return _binary_op("repeat")(self, n)
[docs] def over(self, alias) -> 'Expression': """ Defines an aggregation to be used for a previously specified over window. Example: :: >>> tab.window(Over >>> .partition_by(col('c')) >>> .order_by(col('rowtime')) >>> .preceding(row_interval(2)) >>> .following(CURRENT_ROW) >>> .alias("w")) \\ >>> .select(col('c'), col('a'), col('a').count.over(col('w'))) """ return _binary_op("over")(self, alias)
@property def reverse(self) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Reverse each character in current string. """ return _unary_op("reverse")(self)
[docs] def split_index(self, separator: Union[str, 'Expression[str]'], index: Union[int, 'Expression[int]']) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Split target string with custom separator and pick the index-th(start with 0) result. """ return _ternary_op("splitIndex")(self, separator, index)
[docs] def str_to_map(self, list_delimiter: Union[str, 'Expression[str]'] = None, key_value_delimiter: Union[str, 'Expression[str]'] = None) -> 'Expression[dict]': """ Creates a map by parsing text. Split text into key-value pairs using two delimiters. The first delimiter separates pairs, and the second delimiter separates key and value. Both list_delimiter and key_value_delimiter are treated as regular expressions. Default delimiters are used: ',' as list_delimiter and '=' as key_value_delimiter. """ if list_delimiter is None or key_value_delimiter is None: return _unary_op("strToMap")(self) else: return _ternary_op("strToMap")(self, list_delimiter, key_value_delimiter)
[docs] def elt(self, expr, *exprs) -> 'Expression': """ Returns the index-th expression. null if index is null or out of range. index must be an integer between 1 and the number of expressions. :param expr: a STRING or BINARY expression :param exprs: a STRING or BINARY expression :return: result type is the least common type of all expressions. """ gateway = get_gateway() ApiExpressionUtils = expr_list = [ApiExpressionUtils.objectToExpression(_get_java_expression(e)) for e in exprs] return _ternary_op("elt")(self, expr, to_jarray(gateway.jvm.Object, expr_list))
# ---------------------------- temporal functions ---------------------------------- @property def to_date(self) -> 'Expression': """ Parses a date string in the form "yyyy-MM-dd" to a SQL Date. It's equivalent to `col.cast(DataTypes.DATE())`. Example: :: >>> lit("2016-06-15").to_date """ return _unary_op("toDate")(self) @property def to_time(self) -> 'Expression': """ Parses a time string in the form "HH:mm:ss" to a SQL Time. It's equivalent to `col.cast(DataTypes.TIME())`. Example: :: >>> lit("3:30:00").to_time """ return _unary_op("toTime")(self) @property def to_timestamp(self) -> 'Expression': """ Parses a timestamp string in the form "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss[.SSS]" to a SQL Timestamp. It's equivalent to `col.cast(DataTypes.TIMESTAMP(3))`. Example: :: >>> lit('2016-06-15 3:30:00.001').to_timestamp """ return _unary_op("toTimestamp")(self)
[docs] def extract(self, time_interval_unit: TimeIntervalUnit) -> 'Expression': """ Extracts parts of a time point or time interval. Returns the part as a long value. e.g. `lit("2006-06-05").to_date.extract(TimeIntervalUnit.DAY)` leads to `5`. """ return _binary_op("extract")( self, time_interval_unit._to_j_time_interval_unit())
[docs] def floor(self, time_interval_unit: TimeIntervalUnit = None) -> 'Expression': """ If time_interval_unit is specified, it rounds down a time point to the given unit, e.g. `lit("12:44:31").to_date.floor(TimeIntervalUnit.MINUTE)` leads to `12:44:00`. Otherwise, it calculates the largest integer less than or equal to a given number. """ if time_interval_unit is None: return _unary_op("floor")(self) else: return _binary_op("floor")( self, time_interval_unit._to_j_time_interval_unit())
[docs] def ceil(self, time_interval_unit: TimeIntervalUnit = None) -> 'Expression': """ If time_interval_unit is specified, it rounds up a time point to the given unit, e.g. `lit("12:44:31").to_date.floor(TimeIntervalUnit.MINUTE)` leads to 12:45:00. Otherwise, it calculates the smallest integer greater than or equal to a given number. """ if time_interval_unit is None: return _unary_op("ceil")(self) else: return _binary_op("ceil")( self, time_interval_unit._to_j_time_interval_unit())
# ---------------------------- advanced type helper functions -----------------------------
[docs] def get(self, name_or_index: Union[str, int]) -> 'Expression': """ Accesses the field of a Flink composite type (such as Tuple, POJO, etc.) by name or index and returns it's value. :param name_or_index: name or index of the field (similar to Flink's field expressions) .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.flatten` """ return _binary_op("get")(self, name_or_index)
@property def flatten(self) -> 'Expression': """ Converts a Flink composite type (such as Tuple, POJO, etc.) and all of its direct subtypes into a flat representation where every subtype is a separate field. .. seealso:: :func:`~Expression.get` """ return _unary_op("flatten")(self)
[docs] def at(self, index) -> 'Expression': """ Accesses the element of an array or map based on a key or an index (starting at 1). :param index: index key or position of the element (array index starting at 1) .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.cardinality`, :py:attr:`~Expression.element` """ return _binary_op("at")(self, index)
@property def cardinality(self) -> 'Expression': """ Returns the number of elements of an array or number of entries of a map. .. seealso:: :func:``, :py:attr:`~Expression.element` """ return _unary_op("cardinality")(self) @property def element(self) -> 'Expression': """ Returns the sole element of an array with a single element. Returns null if the array is empty. Throws an exception if the array has more than one element. .. seealso:: :func:``, :py:attr:`~Expression.cardinality` """ return _unary_op("element")(self) def array_append(self, addition) -> 'Expression': """ Appends an element to the end of the array and returns the result. If the array itself is null, the function will return null. If an element to add is null, the null element will be added to the end of the array. """ return _binary_op("arrayAppend")(self, addition)
[docs] def array_contains(self, needle) -> 'Expression': """ Returns whether the given element exists in an array. Checking for null elements in the array is supported. If the array itself is null, the function will return null. The given element is cast implicitly to the array's element type if necessary. """ return _binary_op("arrayContains")(self, needle)
[docs] def array_distinct(self) -> 'Expression': """ Returns an array with unique elements. If the array itself is null, the function will return null. Keeps ordering of elements. """ return _binary_op("arrayDistinct")(self)
[docs] def array_position(self, needle) -> 'Expression': """ Returns the position of the first occurrence of element in the given array as int. Returns 0 if the given value could not be found in the array. Returns null if either of the arguments are null. NOTE: that this is not zero based, but 1-based index. The first element in the array has index 1. """ return _binary_op("arrayPosition")(self, needle)
def array_prepend(self, addition) -> 'Expression': """ Appends an element to the beginning of the array and returns the result. If the array itself is null, the function will return null. If an element to add is null, the null element will be added to the beginning of the array. """ return _binary_op("arrayPrepend")(self, addition)
[docs] def array_remove(self, needle) -> 'Expression': """ Removes all elements that equal to element from array. If the array itself is null, the function will return null. Keeps ordering of elements. """ return _binary_op("arrayRemove")(self, needle)
[docs] def array_reverse(self) -> 'Expression': """ Returns an array in reverse order. If the array itself is null, the function will return null. """ return _binary_op("arrayReverse")(self)
[docs] def array_slice(self, start_offset, end_offset=None) -> 'Expression': """ Returns a subarray of the input array between 'start_offset' and 'end_offset' inclusive. The offsets are 1-based however 0 is also treated as the beginning of the array. Positive values are counted from the beginning of the array while negative from the end. If 'end_offset' is omitted then this offset is treated as the length of the array. If 'start_offset' is after 'end_offset' or both are out of array bounds an empty array will be returned. Returns null if any input is null. """ if end_offset is None: return _binary_op("array_slice")(self, start_offset) else: return _ternary_op("array_slice")(self, start_offset, end_offset)
[docs] def array_sort(self, ascending_order=None, null_first=None) -> 'Expression': """ Returns the array in sorted order. The function sorts an array, defaulting to ascending order with NULLs at the start when only the array is input. Specifying ascending_order as true orders the array in ascending with NULLs first, and setting it to false orders it in descending with NULLs last. Independently, null_first as true moves NULLs to the beginning, and as false to the end, irrespective of the sorting order. The function returns null if any input is null. """ if ascending_order and null_first is None: return _unary_op("array_sort")(self) elif null_first is None: return _binary_op("array_sort")(self, ascending_order) else: return _ternary_op("array_sort")(self, ascending_order, null_first)
[docs] def array_union(self, array) -> 'Expression': """ Returns an array of the elements in the union of array1 and array2, without duplicates. If any of the array is null, the function will return null. """ return _binary_op("arrayUnion")(self, array)
[docs] def array_concat(self, *arrays) -> 'Expression': """ Returns an array that is the result of concatenating at least one array. This array contains all the elements in the first array, followed by all the elements in the second array, and so forth, up to the Nth array. If any input array is NULL, the function returns NULL. """ return _binary_op("arrayConcat")(self, *arrays)
[docs] def array_max(self) -> 'Expression': """ Returns the maximum value from the array. if array itself is null, the function returns null. """ return _unary_op("arrayMax")(self)
[docs] def array_join(self, delimiter, null_replacement=None) -> 'Expression': """ Returns a string that represents the concatenation of the elements in the given array and the elements' data type in the given array is string. The `delimiter` is a string that separates each pair of consecutive elements of the array. The optional `null_replacement` is a string that replaces null elements in the array. If `null_replacement` is not specified, null elements in the array will be omitted from the resulting string. Returns null if input array or delimiter or nullReplacement are null. """ if null_replacement is None: return _binary_op("array_join")(self, delimiter) else: return _ternary_op("array_join")(self, delimiter, null_replacement)
[docs] def array_min(self) -> 'Expression': """ Returns the minimum value from the array. if array itself is null, the function returns null. """ return _unary_op("arrayMin")(self)
[docs] def array_except(self, array) -> 'Expression': """ Returns an ARRAY that contains the elements from array1 that are not in array2. If no elements remain after excluding the elements in array2 from array1, the function returns an empty ARRAY. If one or both arguments are NULL, the function returns NULL. The order of the elements from array1 is kept however the duplicates are removed. """ return _binary_op("arrayExcept")(self, array)
[docs] def array_intersect(self, array) -> 'Expression': """ Returns an ARRAY that contains the elements from array1 that are also in array2, without duplicates. If no elements are both in array1 and array2, the function returns an empty ARRAY. If one or both arguments are NULL, the function returns NULL. The order of the elements from array1 is kept. """ return _binary_op("arrayIntersect")(self, array)
[docs] def split(self, delimiter) -> 'Expression': """ Returns an array of substrings by splitting the input string based on the given delimiter. If the delimiter is not found in the string, the original string is returned as the only element in the array. If the delimiter is empty, every character in the string is split. If the string or delimiter is null, a null value is returned. If the delimiter is found a t the beginning or end of the string, or there are contiguous delimiters, then an empty string is added to the array. """ return _binary_op("split")(self, delimiter)
@property def map_keys(self) -> 'Expression': """ Returns the keys of the map as an array. No order guaranteed. .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.map_keys` """ return _unary_op("mapKeys")(self)
[docs] def map_union(self, *maps) -> 'Expression': """ Returns a map created by merging at least one map. These maps should have a common map type. If there are overlapping keys, the value from 'map2' will overwrite the value from 'map1', the value from 'map3' will overwrite the value from 'map2', the value from 'mapn' will overwrite the value from 'map(n-1)'. If any of maps is null, return null. .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.map_union` """ return _binary_op("mapUnion")(self, *maps)
@property def map_values(self) -> 'Expression': """ Returns the values of the map as an array. No order guaranteed. .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.map_values` """ return _unary_op("mapValues")(self) @property def map_entries(self) -> 'Expression': """ Returns an array of all entries in the given map. No order guaranteed. .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.map_entries` """ return _unary_op("mapEntries")(self) # ---------------------------- time definition functions ----------------------------- @property def rowtime(self) -> 'Expression': """ Declares a field as the rowtime attribute for indicating, accessing, and working in Flink's event time. .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.rowtime` """ return _unary_op("rowtime")(self) @property def proctime(self) -> 'Expression': """ Declares a field as the proctime attribute for indicating, accessing, and working in Flink's processing time. .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.proctime` """ return _unary_op("proctime")(self) @property def year(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("year")(self) @property def years(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("years")(self) @property def quarter(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("quarter")(self) @property def quarters(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("quarters")(self) @property def month(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("month")(self) @property def months(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("months")(self) @property def week(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("week")(self) @property def weeks(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("weeks")(self) @property def day(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("day")(self) @property def days(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("days")(self) @property def hour(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("hour")(self) @property def hours(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("hours")(self) @property def minute(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("minute")(self) @property def minutes(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("minutes")(self) @property def second(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("second")(self) @property def seconds(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("seconds")(self) @property def milli(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("milli")(self) @property def millis(self) -> 'Expression': return _unary_op("millis")(self) # ---------------------------- hash functions ----------------------------- @property def md5(self) -> 'Expression[str]': return _unary_op("md5")(self) @property def sha1(self) -> 'Expression[str]': return _unary_op("sha1")(self) @property def sha224(self) -> 'Expression[str]': return _unary_op("sha224")(self) @property def sha256(self) -> 'Expression[str]': return _unary_op("sha256")(self) @property def sha384(self) -> 'Expression[str]': return _unary_op("sha384")(self) @property def sha512(self) -> 'Expression[str]': return _unary_op("sha512")(self)
[docs] def sha2(self, hash_length: Union[int, 'Expression[int]']) -> 'Expression[str]': """ Returns the hash for the given string expression using the SHA-2 family of hash functions (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, or SHA-512). :param hash_length: bit length of the result (either 224, 256, 384, or 512) :return: string or null if one of the arguments is null. .. seealso:: :py:attr:`~Expression.md5`, :py:attr:`~Expression.sha1`, :py:attr:`~Expression.sha224`, :py:attr:`~Expression.sha256`, :py:attr:`~Expression.sha384`, :py:attr:`~Expression.sha512` """ return _binary_op("sha2")(self, hash_length)
# ---------------------------- JSON functions -----------------------------
[docs] def is_json(self, json_type: JsonType = None) -> 'Expression[bool]': """ Determine whether a given string is valid JSON. Specifying the optional `json_type` argument puts a constraint on which type of JSON object is allowed. If the string is valid JSON, but not that type, `false` is returned. The default is `JsonType.VALUE`. Examples: :: >>> lit('1').is_json() # True >>> lit('[]').is_json() # True >>> lit('{}').is_json() # True >>> lit('"abc"').is_json() # True >>> lit('abc').is_json() # False >>> null_of(DataTypes.STRING()).is_json() # False >>> lit('1').is_json(JsonType.SCALAR) # True >>> lit('1').is_json(JsonType.ARRAY) # False >>> lit('1').is_json(JsonType.OBJECT) # False >>> lit('{}').is_json(JsonType.SCALAR) # False >>> lit('{}').is_json(JsonType.ARRAY) # False >>> lit('{}').is_json(JsonType.OBJECT) # True """ if json_type is None: return _unary_op("isJson")(self) else: return _binary_op("isJson")(self, json_type._to_j_json_type())
[docs] def json_exists(self, path: str, on_error: JsonExistsOnError = None) -> 'Expression[bool]': """ Determines whether a JSON string satisfies a given search criterion. This follows the ISO/IEC TR 19075-6 specification for JSON support in SQL. Examples: :: >>> lit('{"a": true}').json_exists('$.a') # True >>> lit('{"a": true}').json_exists('$.b') # False >>> lit('{"a": [{ "b": 1 }]}').json_exists('$.a[0].b') # True >>> lit('{"a": true}').json_exists('strict $.b', JsonExistsOnError.TRUE) # True >>> lit('{"a": true}').json_exists('strict $.b', JsonExistsOnError.FALSE) # False """ if on_error is None: return _binary_op("jsonExists")(self, path) else: return _ternary_op("jsonExists")(self, path, on_error._to_j_json_exists_on_error())
[docs] def json_value(self, path: str, returning_type: DataType = DataTypes.STRING(), on_empty: JsonValueOnEmptyOrError = JsonValueOnEmptyOrError.NULL, default_on_empty: Any = None, on_error: JsonValueOnEmptyOrError = JsonValueOnEmptyOrError.NULL, default_on_error: Any = None) -> 'Expression': """ Extracts a scalar from a JSON string. This method searches a JSON string for a given path expression and returns the value if the value at that path is scalar. Non-scalar values cannot be returned. By default, the value is returned as `DataTypes.STRING()`. Using `returningType` a different type can be chosen, with the following types being supported: * `STRING` * `BOOLEAN` * `INT` * `DOUBLE` For empty path expressions or errors a behavior can be defined to either return `null`, raise an error or return a defined default value instead. seealso:: :func:`~Expression.json_query` Examples: :: >>> lit('{"a": true}').json_value('$.a') # STRING: 'true' >>> lit('{"a.b": [0.998,0.996]}').json_value("$.['a.b'][0]", \ DataTypes.DOUBLE()) # DOUBLE: 0.998 >>> lit('{"a": true}').json_value('$.a', DataTypes.BOOLEAN()) # BOOLEAN: True >>> lit('{"a": true}').json_value('lax $.b', \ JsonValueOnEmptyOrError.DEFAULT, False) # BOOLEAN: False >>> lit('{"a": true}').json_value('strict $.b', \ JsonValueOnEmptyOrError.NULL, None, \ JsonValueOnEmptyOrError.DEFAULT, False) # BOOLEAN: False """ return _varargs_op("jsonValue")(self, path, _to_java_data_type(returning_type), on_empty._to_j_json_value_on_empty_or_error(), default_on_empty, on_error._to_j_json_value_on_empty_or_error(), default_on_error)
[docs] def json_query(self, path: str, wrapping_behavior=JsonQueryWrapper.WITHOUT_ARRAY, on_empty=JsonQueryOnEmptyOrError.NULL, on_error=JsonQueryOnEmptyOrError.NULL) -> 'Expression': """ Extracts JSON values from a JSON string. This follows the ISO/IEC TR 19075-6 specification for JSON support in SQL. The result is always returned as a `STRING`. The `wrapping_behavior` determines whether the extracted value should be wrapped into an array, and whether to do so unconditionally or only if the value itself isn't an array already. `on_empty` and `on_error` determine the behavior in case the path expression is empty, or in case an error was raised, respectively. By default, in both cases `null` is returned. Other choices are to use an empty array, an empty object, or to raise an error. seealso:: :func:`~Expression.json_value` Examples: :: >>> lit('{"a":{"b":1}}').json_query('$.a') # '{"b":1}' >>> lit('[1,2]').json_query('$') # '[1,2]' >>> null_of(DataTypes.STRING()).json_query('$') # None >>> lit('{}').json_query('$', JsonQueryWrapper.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY) # '[{}]' >>> lit('[1,2]').json_query('$', JsonQueryWrapper.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY) # '[1,2]' >>> lit('[1,2]').json_query('$', JsonQueryWrapper.UNCONDITIONAL_ARRAY) # '[[1,2]]' >>> lit(1).json_query('$') # null >>> lit(1).json_query('$', JsonQueryWrapper.CONDITIONAL_ARRAY) # '[1]' >>> lit('{}').json_query('lax $.invalid', JsonQueryWrapper.WITHOUT_ARRAY, \ JsonQueryOnEmptyOrError.EMPTY_OBJECT, \ JsonQueryOnEmptyOrError.NULL) # '{}' >>> lit('{}').json_query('strict $.invalid', JsonQueryWrapper.WITHOUT_ARRAY, \ JsonQueryOnEmptyOrError.NULL, \ JsonQueryOnEmptyOrError.EMPTY_ARRAY) # '[]' """ return _varargs_op("jsonQuery")(self, path, wrapping_behavior._to_j_json_query_wrapper(), on_empty._to_j_json_query_on_error_or_empty(), on_error._to_j_json_query_on_error_or_empty())
[docs] def json_quote(self) -> 'Expression': """ Quotes a string as a JSON value by wrapping it with double quote characters, escaping interior quote and special characters ('"', '\', '/', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't'), and returning the result as a string. If the argument is NULL, the function returns NULL. """ return _unary_op("jsonQuote")(self)
[docs] def json_unquote(self) -> 'Expression': """ Unquotes JSON value, unescapes escaped special characters ('"', '\', '/', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', 'u' hex hex hex hex) and returns the result as a string. If the argument is NULL, returns NULL. If the value starts and ends with double quotes but is not a valid JSON string literal, an error occurs. """ return _unary_op("jsonUnquote")(self)
# add the docs _make_math_log_doc() _make_math_trigonometric_doc() _make_aggregation_doc() _make_string_doc() _make_temporal_doc() _make_time_doc() _make_hash_doc() # add the version docs _add_version_doc()