Creates an expression which refers to a table's column. |
Creates a SQL literal. |
Indicates a range from 'start' to 'end', which can be used in columns selection. |
Boolean AND in three-valued logic. |
Boolean OR in three-valued logic. |
Inverts a given boolean expression. |
Returns the current database |
Returns the current SQL date in local time zone. |
Returns the current SQL time in local time zone. |
Returns the current SQL timestamp in local time zone, the return type of this expression is TIMESTAMP_LTZ. |
Returns the current watermark for the given rowtime attribute, or NULL if no common watermark of all upstream operations is available at the current operation in the pipeline. |
Returns the current SQL time in local time zone. |
Returns the current SQL timestamp in local time zone, the return type of this expression s TIMESTAMP. |
Converts the date string with the given format (by default 'yyyy-MM-dd') to a date. |
Converts the date time string with the given format (by default: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') under the 'UTC+0' time zone to a timestamp. |
Converts a numeric type epoch time to TIMESTAMP_LTZ. |
Determines whether two anchored time intervals overlap. |
Formats a timestamp as a string using a specified format. |
Returns the (signed) number of |
Converts a datetime string date_str (with default ISO timestamp format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') from time zone tz_from to time zone tz_to. |
Converts unix timestamp (seconds since '1970-01-01 00:00:00' UTC) to datetime string the given format. |
Gets the current unix timestamp in seconds if no arguments are not specified. |
Creates an array of literals. |
Creates a row of expressions. |
Creates a map of expressions. |
Creates a map from an array of keys and an array of values. |
Creates an interval of rows. |
Returns a value that is closer than any other value to pi. |
Returns a value that is closer than any other value to e. |
Returns a pseudorandom double value between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive) with a initial seed if specified. |
Returns a pseudorandom integer value between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (exclusive) with a initial seed if specified. |
Calculates the arc tangent of a given coordinate. |
Returns negative numeric. |
Returns the string that results from concatenating the arguments. |
Returns the string that results from concatenating the arguments and separator. |
Returns an UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) string (e.g., "3d3c68f7-f608-473f-b60c-b0c44ad4cc4e") according to RFC 4122 type 4 (pseudo randomly generated) UUID. |
Returns a null literal value of a given data type. |
If base is specified, calculates the logarithm of the given value to the given base. |
Source watermark declaration for schema. |
Ternary conditional operator that decides which of two other expressions should be evaluated based on a evaluated boolean condition. |
Returns the first argument that is not NULL. |
Creates an expression that selects a range of columns. |
Creates an expression that selects all columns except for the given range of columns. |
Serializes a value into JSON. |
Builds a JSON object string from a list of key-value pairs. |
Builds a JSON object string by aggregating key-value expressions into a single JSON object. |
Builds a JSON array string from a list of values. |
Builds a JSON object string by aggregating items into an array. |
The first parameter f could be a str or a Python user-defined function. |
A call to a SQL expression. |
arithmetic functions#
Calculates the Euler's number raised to the given power. |
Calculates the base 10 logarithm of the given value. |
Calculates the base 2 logarithm of the given value. |
Calculates the natural logarithm of the given value. |
Calculates the natural logarithm of the given value if base is not specified. |
Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of a given number. |
Calculates the hyperbolic sine of a given number. |
Calculates the sine of a given number. |
Calculates the cosine of a given number. |
Calculates the tangent of a given number. |
Calculates the cotangent of a given number. |
Calculates the arc sine of a given number. |
Calculates the arc cosine of a given number. |
Calculates the arc tangent of a given number. |
Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of a given number. |
Converts numeric from radians to degrees. |
Converts numeric from degrees to radians. |
Calculates the square root of a given value. |
Calculates the absolute value of given value. |
Calculates the signum of a given number. |
Rounds the given number to integer places right to the decimal point. |
Returns true if the given expression is between lower_bound and upper_bound (both inclusive). |
Returns true if the given expression is not between lower_bound and upper_bound (both inclusive). |
Ternary conditional operator that decides which of two other expressions should be evaluated based on a evaluated boolean condition. |
Returns null_replacement if the given expression is null; otherwise the expression is returned. |
Returns true if the given expression is null. |
Returns true if the given expression is not null. |
Returns true if given boolean expression is true. |
Returns true if given boolean expression is false. |
Returns true if given boolean expression is not true (for null and false). |
Returns true if given boolean expression is not false (for null and true). |
Similar to a SQL distinct aggregation clause such as COUNT(DISTINCT a), declares that an aggregation function is only applied on distinct input values. |
Returns the sum of the numeric field across all input values. |
Returns the sum of the numeric field across all input values. |
Returns the minimum value of field across all input values. |
Returns the maximum value of field across all input values. |
Returns the number of input rows for which the field is not null. |
Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the numeric field across all input values. |
Returns the first value of field across all input values. |
Returns the last value of field across all input values. |
Concatenates the values of string expressions and places separator values between them. |
Returns the population standard deviation of an expression(the square root of var_pop). |
Returns the sample standard deviation of an expression(the square root of var_samp). |
Returns the population standard variance of an expression. |
Returns the sample variance of a given expression. |
Returns multiset aggregate of a given expression. |
New in version 1.12.0. |
Specifies a name for an expression i.e. a field. |
Returns a new value being cast to type type. |
Like cast, but in case of error, returns NULL rather than failing the job. |
Specifies ascending order of an expression i.e. a field for order_by. |
Specifies descending order of an expression i.e. a field for order_by. |
If first_element_or_table is a Table, Returns true if an expression exists in a given table sub-query. |
Returns the start time (inclusive) of a window when applied on a window reference. |
Returns the end time (exclusive) of a window when applied on a window reference. |
Returns a string representation of an integer numeric value in binary format. |
Returns a string representation of an integer numeric value or a string in hex format. |
Converts hexadecimal string expr to BINARY. |
Returns a number of truncated to n decimal places. |
Returns the exact percentile value of expr at the specified percentage in a group. |
string functions#
Returns whether expr starts with start_expr. |
Returns whether expr ends with end_expr. |
Creates a substring of the given string at given index for a given length. |
Creates a substring of the given string at given index for a given length. |
Removes leading space characters from the given string if character is None. |
Removes trailing space characters from the given string if character is None. |
Removes leading and trailing space characters from the given string if character is None. |
Returns a new string which replaces all the occurrences of the search target with the replacement string (non-overlapping). |
Translate an expr where all characters in from_str have been replaced with those in to_str. |
Returns the length of a string. |
Returns all of the characters in a string in upper case using the rules of the default locale. |
Returns all of the characters in a string in lower case using the rules of the default locale. |
Converts the initial letter of each word in a string to uppercase. |
Returns true, if a string matches the specified LIKE pattern e.g. |
Returns true, if a string matches the specified SQL regex pattern. |
Returns the position of string in an other string starting at 1. |
Returns a string left-padded with the given pad string to a length of len characters. |
Returns a string right-padded with the given pad string to a length of len characters. |
Replaces a substring of string with a string starting at a position (starting at 1). |
Returns True if any (possibly empty) substring matches the regular expression, otherwise False. |
Returns the number of times str matches the regex pattern. |
Returns a string with all substrings that match the regular expression consecutively being replaced. |
Returns a string extracted with a specified regular expression and a regex match group index. |
Extracts all the substrings in str that match the regex expression and correspond to the regex group extract_index. |
Returns the position of the first substring in str that matches regex. |
Returns the first substring in str that matches regex. |
Returns the base string decoded with base64. |
Returns the base64-encoded result of the input string. |
Returns the numeric value of the first character of the input string. |
Returns the ASCII character result of the input integer. |
Decodes the first argument into a String using the provided character set. |
Encodes the string into a BINARY using the provided character set. |
Returns the leftmost integer characters from the input string. |
Returns the rightmost integer characters from the input string. |
Returns the position of the first occurrence in the input string. |
Returns the position of the first occurrence in the input string after position integer. |
Decodes a given string in 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' format using the UTF-8 encoding scheme. |
Translates a string into 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' format using the UTF-8 encoding scheme. |
Parse url and return various parameter of the URL. |
Returns a formatted string from printf-style format strings. |
Removes any leading characters within trim_str from str. |
Removes any trailing characters within trim_str from str. |
Removes any leading and trailing characters within trim_str from str. |
Returns a string that repeats the base string n times. |
Defines an aggregation to be used for a previously specified over window. |
Reverse each character in current string. |
Split target string with custom separator and pick the index-th(start with 0) result. |
Creates a map by parsing text. |
Returns the index-th expression. |
temporal functions#
Parses a date string in the form "yyyy-MM-dd" to a SQL Date. |
Parses a time string in the form "HH:mm:ss" to a SQL Time. |
Parses a timestamp string in the form "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss[.SSS]" to a SQL Timestamp. |
Extracts parts of a time point or time interval. |
If time_interval_unit is specified, it rounds down a time point to the given unit, e.g. |
If time_interval_unit is specified, it rounds up a time point to the given unit, e.g. |
advanced type helper functions#
Accesses the field of a Flink composite type (such as Tuple, POJO, etc.) by name or index and returns it's value. |
Converts a Flink composite type (such as Tuple, POJO, etc.) and all of its direct subtypes into a flat representation where every subtype is a separate field. |
Accesses the element of an array or map based on a key or an index (starting at 1). |
Returns the number of elements of an array or number of entries of a map. |
Returns the sole element of an array with a single element. |
Returns an array that is the result of concatenating at least one array. |
Returns whether the given element exists in an array. |
Returns an array with unique elements. |
Returns a string that represents the concatenation of the elements in the given array and the elements' data type in the given array is string. |
Returns the position of the first occurrence of element in the given array as int. |
Removes all elements that equal to element from array. |
Returns an array in reverse order. |
Returns the maximum value from the array. |
Returns a subarray of the input array between 'start_offset' and 'end_offset' inclusive. |
Returns the minimum value from the array. |
Returns the array in sorted order. |
Returns an array of the elements in the union of array1 and array2, without duplicates. |
Returns an array of all entries in the given map. |
Returns the keys of the map as an array. |
Returns a map created by merging at least one map. |
Returns the values of the map as an array. |
Returns an ARRAY that contains the elements from array1 that are not in array2. |
Returns an ARRAY that contains the elements from array1 that are also in array2, without duplicates. |
Returns an array of substrings by splitting the input string based on the given delimiter. |
time definition functions#
Declares a field as the rowtime attribute for indicating, accessing, and working in Flink's event time. |
Declares a field as the proctime attribute for indicating, accessing, and working in Flink's processing time. |
Creates an interval of the given number of years. |
Creates an interval of the given number of years. |
Creates an interval of the given number of quarters. |
Creates an interval of the given number of quarters. |
Creates an interval of the given number of months. |
Creates an interval of the given number of months. |
Creates an interval of the given number of weeks. |
Creates an interval of the given number of weeks. |
Creates an interval of the given number of days. |
Creates an interval of the given number of days. |
Creates an interval of the given number of hours. |
Creates an interval of the given number of hours. |
Creates an interval of the given number of minutes. |
Creates an interval of the given number of minutes. |
Creates an interval of the given number of seconds. |
Creates an interval of the given number of seconds. |
Creates an interval of the given number of millis. |
Creates an interval of the given number of millis. |
hash functions#
Returns the MD5 hash of the string argument; null if string is null. |
Returns the SHA-1 hash of the string argument; null if string is null. |
Returns the SHA-224 hash of the string argument; null if string is null. |
Returns the SHA-256 hash of the string argument; null if string is null. |
Returns the SHA-384 hash of the string argument; null if string is null. |
Returns the SHA-512 hash of the string argument; null if string is null. |
Returns the hash for the given string expression using the SHA-2 family of hash functions (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, or SHA-512). |
JSON functions#
Determine whether a given string is valid JSON. |
Determines whether a JSON string satisfies a given search criterion. |
Extracts a scalar from a JSON string. |
Extracts JSON values from a JSON string. |
Quotes a string as a JSON value by wrapping it with double quote characters, escaping interior quote and special characters ('"', '', '/', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't'), and returning the result as a string. |
Unquotes JSON value, unescapes escaped special characters ('"', '', '/', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', 'u' hex hex hex hex) and returns the result as a string. |