Cluster Execution
This documentation is for an unreleased version of Apache Flink. We recommend you use the latest stable version.

Starting with Flink 1.12 the DataSet API has been soft deprecated.

We recommend that you use the Table API and SQL to run efficient batch pipelines in a fully unified API. Table API is well integrated with common batch connectors and catalogs.

Alternatively, you can also use the DataStream API with BATCH execution mode. The linked section also outlines cases where it makes sense to use the DataSet API but those cases will become rarer as development progresses and the DataSet API will eventually be removed. Please also see FLIP-131 for background information on this decision.

Cluster Execution #

Flink programs can run distributed on clusters of many machines. There are two ways to send a program to a cluster for execution:

Command Line Interface #

The command line interface lets you submit packaged programs (JARs) to a cluster (or single machine setup).

Please refer to the Command Line Interface documentation for details.

Remote Environment #

The remote environment lets you execute Flink Java programs on a cluster directly. The remote environment points to the cluster on which you want to execute the program.

Maven Dependency #

If you are developing your program as a Maven project, you have to add the flink-clients module using this dependency:


Example #

The following illustrates the use of the RemoteEnvironment:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment
        .createRemoteEnvironment("flink-jobmanager", 8081, "/home/user/udfs.jar");

    DataSet<String> data = env.readTextFile("hdfs://path/to/file");

        .filter(new FilterFunction<String>() {
            public boolean filter(String value) {
                return value.startsWith("http://");


Note that the program contains custom user code and hence requires a JAR file with the classes of the code attached. The constructor of the remote environment takes the path(s) to the JAR file(s).

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