Class | Description |
ConnectedComponents |
An implementation of the connected components algorithm, using a delta iteration.
ConnectedComponents.ComponentIdFilter | |
ConnectedComponents.DuplicateValue<T> |
Function that turns a value into a 2-tuple where both fields are that value.
ConnectedComponents.NeighborWithComponentIDJoin |
UDF that joins a (Vertex-ID, Component-ID) pair that represents the current component that
a vertex is associated with, with a (Source-Vertex-ID, Target-VertexID) edge.
ConnectedComponents.UndirectEdge |
Undirected edges by emitting for each input edge the input edges itself and an inverted version.
EnumTriangles |
Triangle enumeration is a pre-processing step to find closely connected parts in graphs.
EnumTriangles.TupleEdgeConverter |
Converts a Tuple2 into an Edge
PageRank |
A basic implementation of the Page Rank algorithm using a bulk iteration.
PageRank.BuildOutgoingEdgeList |
A reduce function that takes a sequence of edges and builds the adjacency list for the vertex where the edges
PageRank.Dampener |
The function that applies the page rank dampening formula
PageRank.EpsilonFilter |
Filter that filters vertices where the rank difference is below a threshold.
PageRank.JoinVertexWithEdgesMatch |
Join function that distributes a fraction of a vertex's rank to all neighbors.
PageRank.RankAssigner |
A map function that assigns an initial rank to all pages.
TransitiveClosureNaive |
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