Interface | Description |
FailoverResultPartition<V extends FailoverVertex<V,R>,R extends FailoverResultPartition<V,R>> |
Represents a
IntermediateResultPartition produced by a FailoverVertex . |
FailoverStrategy |
New interface for failover strategies.
FailoverStrategy.Factory |
The factory to instantiate
FailoverStrategy . |
FailoverTopology<V extends FailoverVertex<V,R>,R extends FailoverResultPartition<V,R>> |
Represents a topology for failover.
FailoverVertex<V extends FailoverVertex<V,R>,R extends FailoverResultPartition<V,R>> |
Represents an
ExecutionVertex . |
RestartBackoffTimeStrategy |
Strategy to decide whether to restart failed tasks and the delay to do the restarting.
RestartBackoffTimeStrategy.Factory |
The factory to instantiate
RestartBackoffTimeStrategy . |
ResultPartitionAvailabilityChecker |
This checker helps to query result partition availability.
Class | Description |
ExecutionFailureHandler |
This handler deals with task failures to return a
FailureHandlingResult which contains tasks
to restart to recover from failures. |
FailoverRegion |
FailoverRegion is a subset of all the vertices in the job topology.
FailoverStrategyFactoryLoader |
A utility class to load NG failover strategy factories from the configuration.
FailureHandlingResult |
Result containing the tasks to restart upon a task failure.
FailureRateRestartBackoffTimeStrategy |
Restart strategy which can restart when failure rate is not exceeded.
FailureRateRestartBackoffTimeStrategy.FailureRateRestartBackoffTimeStrategyFactory |
The factory for creating
FailureRateRestartBackoffTimeStrategy . |
FixedDelayRestartBackoffTimeStrategy |
Restart strategy which tries to restart a fixed number of times with a fixed backoff time in between.
FixedDelayRestartBackoffTimeStrategy.FixedDelayRestartBackoffTimeStrategyFactory |
The factory for creating
FixedDelayRestartBackoffTimeStrategy . |
PipelinedRegionComputeUtil |
Utility for computing pipelined regions.
RestartAllStrategy |
A failover strategy that proposes to restart all vertices when a vertex fails.
RestartAllStrategy.Factory |
The factory to instantiate
RestartAllStrategy . |
RestartBackoffTimeStrategyFactoryLoader |
A utility class to load
RestartBackoffTimeStrategy.Factory from the configuration. |
RestartPipelinedRegionStrategy |
A failover strategy that proposes to restart involved regions when a vertex fails.
RestartPipelinedRegionStrategy.Factory |
The factory to instantiate
RestartPipelinedRegionStrategy . |
Enum | Description |
NoRestartBackoffTimeStrategy |
Restart strategy which does not restart tasks when tasks fail.
NoRestartBackoffTimeStrategy.NoRestartBackoffTimeStrategyFactory |
The factory for creating
NoRestartBackoffTimeStrategy . |
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