Class | Description |
EuclideanGraphWeighing |
This example shows how to use Gelly's
Graph.getTriplets() and Graph.joinWithEdges(DataSet, EdgeJoinFunction) methods. |
EuclideanGraphWeighing.Point |
A simple two-dimensional point.
GSAPageRank<K> |
This is an implementation of a simple PageRank algorithm, using a gather-sum-apply iteration.
GSASingleSourceShortestPaths |
This example shows how to use Gelly's Gather-Sum-Apply iterations.
IncrementalSSSP |
This example illustrates how to
create a Graph directly from CSV files
use the scatter-gather iteration's messaging direction configuration option
IncrementalSSSP.InvalidateMessenger |
Initiate or propagate INVALIDATE messages.
IncrementalSSSP.VertexDistanceUpdater |
When an INVALIDATE message indicates that the only shortest path containing this vertex has
been removed then set the vertex distance to infinity.
MusicProfiles |
This example demonstrates how to mix the DataSet Flink API with the Gelly API.
PageRank<K> |
This is an implementation of a simple PageRank algorithm, using a scatter-gather iteration.
PageRank.RankMessenger<K> |
Distributes the rank of a vertex among all target vertices according to the transition
probability, which is associated with an edge as the edge value.
PageRank.VertexRankUpdater<K> |
Function that updates the rank of a vertex by summing up the partial ranks from all incoming
messages and then applying the dampening formula.
PregelSSSP |
This example shows how to use Gelly's Vertex-Centric iterations.
PregelSSSP.SSSPCombiner |
The messages combiner.
PregelSSSP.SSSPComputeFunction |
The compute function for SSSP.
SingleSourceShortestPaths |
This example shows how to use Gelly's scatter-gather iterations.
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