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from typing import Optional
from import MLEnvironment
from pyflink.dataset.execution_environment import ExecutionEnvironment
from pyflink.datastream.stream_execution_environment import StreamExecutionEnvironment
from pyflink.table.table_environment import BatchTableEnvironment, StreamTableEnvironment
from pyflink.java_gateway import get_gateway
import threading

[docs]class MLEnvironmentFactory: """ Factory to get the MLEnvironment using a MLEnvironmentId. .. versionadded:: 1.11.0 """ _lock = threading.RLock() _default_ml_environment_id = 0 _next_id = 1 _map = {_default_ml_environment_id: None}
[docs] @staticmethod def get(ml_env_id: int) -> Optional[MLEnvironment]: """ Get the MLEnvironment using a MLEnvironmentId. :param ml_env_id: the MLEnvironmentId :return: the MLEnvironment .. versionadded:: 1.11.0 """ with MLEnvironmentFactory._lock: if ml_env_id == 0: return MLEnvironmentFactory.get_default() elif ml_env_id not in MLEnvironmentFactory._map: raise ValueError( "Cannot find MLEnvironment for MLEnvironmentId %s. " "Did you get the MLEnvironmentId by calling " "get_new_ml_environment_id?" % ml_env_id) return MLEnvironmentFactory._map[ml_env_id]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_default() -> Optional[MLEnvironment]: """ Get the MLEnvironment use the default MLEnvironmentId. :return: the default MLEnvironment. .. versionadded:: 1.11.0 """ with MLEnvironmentFactory._lock: if MLEnvironmentFactory._map[MLEnvironmentFactory._default_ml_environment_id] is None: j_ml_env = get_gateway().\ ml_env = MLEnvironment( ExecutionEnvironment(j_ml_env.getExecutionEnvironment()), StreamExecutionEnvironment(j_ml_env.getStreamExecutionEnvironment()), BatchTableEnvironment(j_ml_env.getBatchTableEnvironment()), StreamTableEnvironment(j_ml_env.getStreamTableEnvironment())) MLEnvironmentFactory._map[MLEnvironmentFactory._default_ml_environment_id] = ml_env return MLEnvironmentFactory._map[MLEnvironmentFactory._default_ml_environment_id]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_new_ml_environment_id() -> int: """ Create a unique MLEnvironment id and register a new MLEnvironment in the factory. :return: the MLEnvironment id. .. versionadded:: 1.11.0 """ with MLEnvironmentFactory._lock: return MLEnvironmentFactory.register_ml_environment(MLEnvironment())
[docs] @staticmethod def register_ml_environment(ml_environment: MLEnvironment) -> int: """ Register a new MLEnvironment to the factory and return a new MLEnvironment id. :param ml_environment: the MLEnvironment that will be stored in the factory. :return: the MLEnvironment id. .. versionadded:: 1.11.0 """ with MLEnvironmentFactory._lock: MLEnvironmentFactory._map[MLEnvironmentFactory._next_id] = ml_environment MLEnvironmentFactory._next_id += 1 return MLEnvironmentFactory._next_id - 1
[docs] @staticmethod def remove(ml_env_id: int) -> MLEnvironment: """ Remove the MLEnvironment using the MLEnvironmentId. :param ml_env_id: the id. :return: the removed MLEnvironment .. versionadded:: 1.11.0 """ with MLEnvironmentFactory._lock: if ml_env_id is None: raise ValueError("The environment id cannot be null.") # Never remove the default MLEnvironment. Just return the default environment. if MLEnvironmentFactory._default_ml_environment_id == ml_env_id: return MLEnvironmentFactory.get_default() else: return MLEnvironmentFactory._map.pop(ml_env_id)