Flink is compatible with Apache Hadoop MapReduce interfaces and therefore allows reusing code that was implemented for Hadoop MapReduce.
You can:
data types in Flink programs.InputFormat
as a DataSource.OutputFormat
as a DataSink.Mapper
as FlatMapFunction.Reducer
as GroupReduceFunction.This document shows how to use existing Hadoop MapReduce code with Flink. Please refer to the Connecting to other systems guide for reading from Hadoop supported file systems.
Support for Hadoop input/output formats is part of the flink-java
Maven modules that are always required when writing Flink jobs.
The code is located in org.apache.flink.api.java.hadoop
in an additional sub-package for the
and mapreduce
Support for Hadoop Mappers and Reducers is contained in the flink-hadoop-compatibility
Maven module.
This code resides in the org.apache.flink.hadoopcompatibility
Add the following dependency to your pom.xml
if you want to reuse Mappers
and Reducers.
If you want to run your Flink application locally (e.g. from your IDE), you also need to add
a hadoop-client
dependency such as:
To use Hadoop InputFormats
with Flink the format must first be wrapped
using either readHadoopFile
or createHadoopInput
of the
utility class.
The former is used for input formats derived
from FileInputFormat
while the latter has to be used for general purpose
input formats.
The resulting InputFormat
can be used to create a data source by using
The resulting DataSet
contains 2-tuples where the first field
is the key and the second field is the value retrieved from the Hadoop
The following example shows how to use Hadoop’s TextInputFormat
Flink provides a compatibility wrapper for Hadoop OutputFormats
. Any class
that implements org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputFormat
or extends
is supported.
The OutputFormat wrapper expects its input data to be a DataSet containing
2-tuples of key and value. These are to be processed by the Hadoop OutputFormat.
The following example shows how to use Hadoop’s TextOutputFormat
Hadoop Mappers are semantically equivalent to Flink’s FlatMapFunctions and Hadoop Reducers are equivalent to Flink’s GroupReduceFunctions. Flink provides wrappers for implementations of Hadoop MapReduce’s Mapper
and Reducer
interfaces, i.e., you can reuse your Hadoop Mappers and Reducers in regular Flink programs. At the moment, only the Mapper and Reduce interfaces of Hadoop’s mapred API (org.apache.hadoop.mapred
) are supported.
The wrappers take a DataSet<Tuple2<KEYIN,VALUEIN>>
as input and produce a DataSet<Tuple2<KEYOUT,VALUEOUT>>
as output where KEYIN
are the keys and VALUEIN
are the values of the Hadoop key-value pairs that are processed by the Hadoop functions. For Reducers, Flink offers a wrapper for a GroupReduceFunction with (HadoopReduceCombineFunction
) and without a Combiner (HadoopReduceFunction
). The wrappers accept an optional JobConf
object to configure the Hadoop Mapper or Reducer.
Flink’s function wrappers are
, andorg.apache.flink.hadoopcompatibility.mapred.HadoopReduceCombineFunction
.and can be used as regular Flink FlatMapFunctions or GroupReduceFunctions.
The following example shows how to use Hadoop Mapper
and Reducer
Please note: The Reducer wrapper works on groups as defined by Flink’s groupBy() operation. It does not consider any custom partitioners, sort or grouping comparators you might have set in the JobConf
The following example shows a complete WordCount implementation using Hadoop data types, Input- and OutputFormats, and Mapper and Reducer implementations.