Flink 具有监控 API ,可用于查询正在运行的作业以及最近完成的作业的状态和统计信息。该监控 API 被用于 Flink 自己的仪表盘,同时也可用于自定义监控工具。
该监控 API 是 REST-ful 风格的,可以接受 HTTP 请求并返回 JSON 格式的数据。
该监控 API 由作为 JobManager 一部分运行的 web 服务器提供支持。默认情况下,该服务器监听 8081 端口,端口号可以通过修改 flink-conf.yaml
文件的 rest.port
进行配置。请注意,该监控 API 的 web 服务器和仪表盘的 web 服务器目前是相同的,因此在同一端口一起运行。不过,它们响应不同的 HTTP URL 。
在多个 JobManager 的情况下(为了高可用),每个 JobManager 将运行自己的监控 API 实例,当 JobManager 被选举成为集群 leader 时,该实例将提供已完成和正在运行作业的相关信息。
该 REST API 后端位于 flink-runtime
项目中。核心类是 org.apache.flink.runtime.webmonitor.WebMonitorEndpoint
我们使用 Netty 和 Netty Router 库来处理 REST 请求和转换 URL 。选择该选项是因为这种组合具有轻量级依赖关系,并且 Netty HTTP 的性能非常好。
类,该类接收并处理 MessageHeaders
中。一个很好的例子是使用 org.apache.flink.runtime.rest.messages.JobExceptionsHeaders
的 org.apache.flink.runtime.rest.handler.job.JobExceptionsHandler
该 REST API 已版本化,可以通过在 URL 前面加上版本前缀来查询指定版本。前缀格式始终为 v[version_number]
例如,要访问版本 1 的 /foo/bar
接口,将查询 /v1/foo/bar
如果未指定版本, Flink 将默认使用支持该请求的最旧版本。
查询 不支持/不存在 的版本将返回 404 错误。
这些 API 中存在几种异步操作,例如:trigger savepoint
、 rescale a job
。它们将返回 triggerid
来标识你刚刚执行的 POST 请求,然后你需要使用该 triggerid
/cluster |
Verb: DELETE |
Response code: 200 OK |
Shuts down the cluster | |
/config |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the configuration of the WebUI. | |
/datasets |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns all cluster data sets. | |
/datasets/delete/:triggerid |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the status for the delete operation of a cluster data set. | |
Path parameters | |
/datasets/:datasetid |
Verb: DELETE |
Response code: 202 Accepted |
Triggers the deletion of a cluster data set. This async operation would return a 'triggerid' for further query identifier. | |
Path parameters | |
/jars |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns a list of all jars previously uploaded via '/jars/upload'. | |
/jars/upload |
Verb: POST |
Response code: 200 OK |
Uploads a jar to the cluster. The jar must be sent as multi-part data. Make sure that the "Content-Type" header is set to "application/x-java-archive", as some http libraries do not add the header by default. Using 'curl' you can upload a jar via 'curl -X POST -H "Expect:" -F "jarfile=@path/to/flink-job.jar" http://hostname:port/jars/upload'. | |
/jars/:jarid |
Verb: DELETE |
Response code: 200 OK |
Deletes a jar previously uploaded via '/jars/upload'. | |
Path parameters | |
/jars/:jarid/plan |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the dataflow plan of a job contained in a jar previously uploaded via '/jars/upload'. Program arguments can be passed both via the JSON request (recommended) or query parameters. | |
Path parameters | |
Query parameters | |
/jars/:jarid/plan |
Verb: POST |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the dataflow plan of a job contained in a jar previously uploaded via '/jars/upload'. Program arguments can be passed both via the JSON request (recommended) or query parameters. | |
Path parameters | |
Query parameters | |
/jars/:jarid/run |
Verb: POST |
Response code: 200 OK |
Submits a job by running a jar previously uploaded via '/jars/upload'. Program arguments can be passed both via the JSON request (recommended) or query parameters. | |
Path parameters | |
Query parameters | |
/jobmanager/config |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the cluster configuration. | |
/jobmanager/logs |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the list of log files on the JobManager. | |
/jobmanager/metrics |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Provides access to job manager metrics. | |
Query parameters | |
/jobs |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns an overview over all jobs and their current state. | |
/jobs |
Verb: POST |
Response code: 202 Accepted |
Submits a job. This call is primarily intended to be used by the Flink client. This call expects a multipart/form-data request that consists of file uploads for the serialized JobGraph, jars and distributed cache artifacts and an attribute named "request" for the JSON payload. | |
/jobs/metrics |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Provides access to aggregated job metrics. | |
Query parameters | |
/jobs/overview |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns an overview over all jobs. | |
/jobs/:jobid |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns details of a job. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid |
Verb: PATCH |
Response code: 202 Accepted |
Terminates a job. | |
Path parameters | |
Query parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/accumulators |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the accumulators for all tasks of a job, aggregated across the respective subtasks. | |
Path parameters | |
Query parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/checkpoints |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns checkpointing statistics for a job. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/checkpoints/config |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the checkpointing configuration. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/checkpoints/details/:checkpointid |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns details for a checkpoint. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/checkpoints/details/:checkpointid/subtasks/:vertexid |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns checkpoint statistics for a task and its subtasks. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/config |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the configuration of a job. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/exceptions |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the non-recoverable exceptions that have been observed by the job. The truncated flag defines whether more exceptions occurred, but are not listed, because the response would otherwise get too big. | |
Path parameters | |
Query parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/execution-result |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the result of a job execution. Gives access to the execution time of the job and to all accumulators created by this job. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/metrics |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Provides access to job metrics. | |
Path parameters | |
Query parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/plan |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the dataflow plan of a job. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/rescaling |
Verb: PATCH |
Response code: 200 OK |
Triggers the rescaling of a job. This async operation would return a 'triggerid' for further query identifier. | |
Path parameters | |
Query parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/rescaling/:triggerid |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the status of a rescaling operation. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/savepoints |
Verb: POST |
Response code: 202 Accepted |
Triggers a savepoint, and optionally cancels the job afterwards. This async operation would return a 'triggerid' for further query identifier. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/savepoints/:triggerid |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the status of a savepoint operation. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/stop |
Verb: POST |
Response code: 202 Accepted |
Stops a job with a savepoint. Optionally, it can also emit a MAX_WATERMARK before taking the savepoint to flush out any state waiting for timers to fire. This async operation would return a 'triggerid' for further query identifier. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/vertices/:vertexid |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns details for a task, with a summary for each of its subtasks. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/vertices/:vertexid/accumulators |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns user-defined accumulators of a task, aggregated across all subtasks. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/vertices/:vertexid/backpressure |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns back-pressure information for a job, and may initiate back-pressure sampling if necessary. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/vertices/:vertexid/metrics |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Provides access to task metrics. | |
Path parameters | |
Query parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/vertices/:vertexid/subtasks/accumulators |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns all user-defined accumulators for all subtasks of a task. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/vertices/:vertexid/subtasks/metrics |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Provides access to aggregated subtask metrics. | |
Path parameters | |
Query parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/vertices/:vertexid/subtasks/:subtaskindex |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns details of the current or latest execution attempt of a subtask. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/vertices/:vertexid/subtasks/:subtaskindex/attempts/:attempt |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns details of an execution attempt of a subtask. Multiple execution attempts happen in case of failure/recovery. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/vertices/:vertexid/subtasks/:subtaskindex/attempts/:attempt/accumulators |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the accumulators of an execution attempt of a subtask. Multiple execution attempts happen in case of failure/recovery. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/vertices/:vertexid/subtasks/:subtaskindex/metrics |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Provides access to subtask metrics. | |
Path parameters | |
Query parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/vertices/:vertexid/subtasktimes |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns time-related information for all subtasks of a task. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/vertices/:vertexid/taskmanagers |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns task information aggregated by task manager. | |
Path parameters | |
/jobs/:jobid/vertices/:vertexid/watermarks |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the watermarks for all subtasks of a task. | |
Path parameters | |
/overview |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns an overview over the Flink cluster. | |
/savepoint-disposal |
Verb: POST |
Response code: 200 OK |
Triggers the desposal of a savepoint. This async operation would return a 'triggerid' for further query identifier. | |
/savepoint-disposal/:triggerid |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the status of a savepoint disposal operation. | |
Path parameters | |
/taskmanagers |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns an overview over all task managers. | |
/taskmanagers/metrics |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Provides access to aggregated task manager metrics. | |
Query parameters | |
/taskmanagers/:taskmanagerid |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns details for a task manager. "metrics.memorySegmentsAvailable" and "metrics.memorySegmentsTotal" are deprecated. Please use "metrics.nettyShuffleMemorySegmentsAvailable" and "metrics.nettyShuffleMemorySegmentsTotal" instead. | |
Path parameters | |
/taskmanagers/:taskmanagerid/logs |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the list of log files on a TaskManager. | |
Path parameters | |
/taskmanagers/:taskmanagerid/metrics |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Provides access to task manager metrics. | |
Path parameters | |
Query parameters | |
/taskmanagers/:taskmanagerid/thread-dump |
Verb: GET |
Response code: 200 OK |
Returns the thread dump of the requested TaskManager. | |
Path parameters | |