This documentation is for an out-of-date version of Apache Flink. We recommend you use the latest stable version.
概念与通用 API #
Table API 和 SQL 集成在同一套 API 中。
这套 API 的核心概念是Table
本文介绍 Table API 和 SQL 查询程序的通用结构、如何注册 Table
、如何查询 Table
以及如何输出 Table
Table API 和 SQL 程序的结构 #
所有用于批处理和流处理的 Table API 和 SQL 程序都遵循相同的模式。下面的代码示例展示了 Table API 和 SQL 程序的通用结构。
import org.apache.flink.table.api.*;
import org.apache.flink.connector.datagen.table.DataGenOptions;
// Create a TableEnvironment for batch or streaming execution.
// See the "Create a TableEnvironment" section for details.
TableEnvironment tableEnv = TableEnvironment.create(/*…*/);
// Create a source table
tableEnv.createTemporaryTable("SourceTable", TableDescriptor.forConnector("datagen")
.column("f0", DataTypes.STRING())
.option(DataGenOptions.ROWS_PER_SECOND, 100)
// Create a sink table (using SQL DDL)
tableEnv.executeSql("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE SinkTable WITH ('connector' = 'blackhole') LIKE SourceTable");
// Create a Table object from a Table API query
Table table2 = tableEnv.from("SourceTable");
// Create a Table object from a SQL query
Table table3 = tableEnv.sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM SourceTable");
// Emit a Table API result Table to a TableSink, same for SQL result
TableResult tableResult = table2.insertInto("SinkTable").execute();
import org.apache.flink.table.api._
import org.apache.flink.connector.datagen.table.DataGenOptions
// Create a TableEnvironment for batch or streaming execution.
// See the "Create a TableEnvironment" section for details.
val tableEnv = TableEnvironment.create(/*…*/)
// Create a source table
tableEnv.createTemporaryTable("SourceTable", TableDescriptor.forConnector("datagen")
.column("f0", DataTypes.STRING())
.option(DataGenOptions.ROWS_PER_SECOND, 100)
// Create a sink table (using SQL DDL)
tableEnv.executeSql("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE SinkTable WITH ('connector' = 'blackhole') LIKE SourceTable")
// Create a Table object from a Table API query
val table1 = tableEnv.from("SourceTable")
// Create a Table object from a SQL query
val table2 = tableEnv.sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM SourceTable")
// Emit a Table API result Table to a TableSink, same for SQL result
val tableResult = table1.insertInto("SinkTable").execute()
from pyflink.table import *
# Create a TableEnvironment for batch or streaming execution
table_env = ... # see "Create a TableEnvironment" section
# Create a source table
table_env.executeSql("""CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE SourceTable (
) WITH (
'connector' = 'datagen',
'rows-per-second' = '100'
# Create a sink table
table_env.executeSql("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE SinkTable WITH ('connector' = 'blackhole') LIKE SourceTable")
# Create a Table from a Table API query
table1 = table_env.from_path("SourceTable").select(...)
# Create a Table from a SQL query
table2 = table_env.sql_query("SELECT ... FROM SourceTable ...")
# Emit a Table API result Table to a TableSink, same for SQL result
table_result = table1.execute_insert("SinkTable")
注意: Table API 和 SQL 查询可以很容易地集成并嵌入到 DataStream 程序中。 请参阅与 DataStream API 集成 章节了解如何将 DataStream 与表之间的相互转化。
创建 TableEnvironment #
是 Table API 和 SQL 的核心概念。它负责:
- 在内部的 catalog 中注册
- 注册外部的 catalog
- 加载可插拔模块
- 执行 SQL 查询
- 注册自定义函数 (scalar、table 或 aggregation)
总是与特定的 TableEnvironment
不能在同一条查询中使用不同 TableEnvironment 中的表,例如,对它们进行 join 或 union 操作。
可以通过静态方法 TableEnvironment.create()
import org.apache.flink.table.api.EnvironmentSettings;
import org.apache.flink.table.api.TableEnvironment;
EnvironmentSettings settings = EnvironmentSettings
TableEnvironment tEnv = TableEnvironment.create(settings);
import org.apache.flink.table.api.{EnvironmentSettings, TableEnvironment}
val settings = EnvironmentSettings
val tEnv = TableEnvironment.create(settings)
from pyflink.table import EnvironmentSettings, TableEnvironment
# create a streaming TableEnvironment
env_settings = EnvironmentSettings.in_streaming_mode()
table_env = TableEnvironment.create(env_settings)
# create a batch TableEnvironment
env_settings = EnvironmentSettings.in_batch_mode()
table_env = TableEnvironment.create(env_settings)
或者,用户可以从现有的 StreamExecutionEnvironment
创建一个 StreamTableEnvironment
与 DataStream
API 互操作。
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment;
import org.apache.flink.table.api.EnvironmentSettings;
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
StreamTableEnvironment tEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env);
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.StreamExecutionEnvironment
import org.apache.flink.table.api.EnvironmentSettings
import org.apache.flink.table.api.bridge.scala.StreamTableEnvironment
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val tEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env)
from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment
from pyflink.table import StreamTableEnvironment
s_env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
t_env = StreamTableEnvironment.create(s_env)
在 Catalog 中创建表 #
维护着一个由标识符(identifier)创建的表 catalog 的映射。标识符由三个部分组成:catalog 名称、数据库名称以及对象名称。如果 catalog 或者数据库没有指明,就会使用当前默认值(参见表标识符扩展章节中的例子)。
可以是虚拟的(视图 VIEWS
)也可以是常规的(表 TABLES
)。视图 VIEWS
中创建,一般是 Table API 或者 SQL 的查询结果。 表TABLES
临时表(Temporary Table)和永久表(Permanent Table) #
表可以是临时的,并与单个 Flink 会话(session)的生命周期相关,也可以是永久的,并且在多个 Flink 会话和群集(cluster)中可见。
永久表需要 catalog(例如 Hive Metastore)以维护表的元数据。一旦永久表被创建,它将对任何连接到 catalog 的 Flink 会话可见且持续存在,直至被明确删除。
另一方面,临时表通常保存于内存中并且仅在创建它们的 Flink 会话持续期间存在。这些表对于其它会话是不可见的。它们不与任何 catalog 或者数据库绑定但可以在一个命名空间(namespace)中创建。即使它们对应的数据库被删除,临时表也不会被删除。
屏蔽(Shadowing) #
创建表 #
虚拟表 #
在 SQL 的术语中,Table API 的对象对应于视图
(虚拟表)。它封装了一个逻辑查询计划。它可以通过以下方法在 catalog 中创建:
// get a TableEnvironment
TableEnvironment tableEnv = ...; // see "Create a TableEnvironment" section
// table is the result of a simple projection query
Table projTable = tableEnv.from("X").select(...);
// register the Table projTable as table "projectedTable"
tableEnv.createTemporaryView("projectedTable", projTable);
// get a TableEnvironment
val tableEnv = ... // see "Create a TableEnvironment" section
// table is the result of a simple projection query
val projTable: Table = tableEnv.from("X").select(...)
// register the Table projTable as table "projectedTable"
tableEnv.createTemporaryView("projectedTable", projTable)
# get a TableEnvironment
table_env = ... # see "Create a TableEnvironment" section
# table is the result of a simple projection query
proj_table = table_env.from_path("X").select(...)
# register the Table projTable as table "projectedTable"
table_env.register_table("projectedTable", proj_table)
注意: 从传统数据库系统的角度来看,Table
对象与 VIEW
视图非常像。也就是,定义了 Table
而且会被内嵌到另一个引用了这个注册了的 Table
Connector Tables #
另外一个方式去创建 TABLE
是通过 connector 声明。Connector 描述了存储表数据的外部系统。存储系统例如 Apache Kafka 或者常规的文件系统都可以通过这种方式来声明。
Such tables can either be created using the Table API directly, or by switching to SQL DDL.
// Using table descriptors
final TableDescriptor sourceDescriptor = TableDescriptor.forConnector("datagen")
.column("f0", DataTypes.STRING())
.option(DataGenOptions.ROWS_PER_SECOND, 100)
tableEnv.createTable("SourceTableA", sourceDescriptor);
tableEnv.createTemporaryTable("SourceTableB", sourceDescriptor);
// Using SQL DDL
tableEnv.executeSql("CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE MyTable (...) WITH (...)");
# Using table descriptors
source_descriptor = TableDescriptor.for_connector("datagen") \
.column("f0", DataTypes.STRING())
.build()) \
.option("rows-per-second", "100") \
t_env.create_table("SourceTableA", source_descriptor)
t_env.create_temporary_table("SourceTableB", source_descriptor)
# Using SQL DDL
t_env.execute_sql("CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE MyTable (...) WITH (...)")
扩展表标识符 #
表总是通过三元标识符注册,包括 catalog 名、数据库名和表名。
用户可以指定一个 catalog 和数据库作为 “当前catalog” 和"当前数据库"。有了这些,那么刚刚提到的三元标识符的前两个部分就可以被省略了。如果前两部分的标识符没有指定, 那么会使用当前的 catalog 和当前数据库。用户也可以通过 Table API 或 SQL 切换当前的 catalog 和当前的数据库。
标识符遵循 SQL 标准,因此使用时需要用反引号(`
TableEnvironment tEnv = ...;
Table table = ...;
// register the view named 'exampleView' in the catalog named 'custom_catalog'
// in the database named 'custom_database'
tableEnv.createTemporaryView("exampleView", table);
// register the view named 'exampleView' in the catalog named 'custom_catalog'
// in the database named 'other_database'
tableEnv.createTemporaryView("other_database.exampleView", table);
// register the view named 'example.View' in the catalog named 'custom_catalog'
// in the database named 'custom_database'
tableEnv.createTemporaryView("`example.View`", table);
// register the view named 'exampleView' in the catalog named 'other_catalog'
// in the database named 'other_database'
tableEnv.createTemporaryView("other_catalog.other_database.exampleView", table);
// get a TableEnvironment
val tEnv: TableEnvironment = ...
val table: Table = ...
// register the view named 'exampleView' in the catalog named 'custom_catalog'
// in the database named 'custom_database'
tableEnv.createTemporaryView("exampleView", table)
// register the view named 'exampleView' in the catalog named 'custom_catalog'
// in the database named 'other_database'
tableEnv.createTemporaryView("other_database.exampleView", table)
// register the view named 'example.View' in the catalog named 'custom_catalog'
// in the database named 'custom_database'
tableEnv.createTemporaryView("`example.View`", table)
// register the view named 'exampleView' in the catalog named 'other_catalog'
// in the database named 'other_database'
tableEnv.createTemporaryView("other_catalog.other_database.exampleView", table)
# get a TableEnvironment
t_env = TableEnvironment.create(...)
table = ...
# register the view named 'exampleView' in the catalog named 'custom_catalog'
# in the database named 'custom_database'
t_env.create_temporary_view("other_database.exampleView", table)
# register the view named 'example.View' in the catalog named 'custom_catalog'
# in the database named 'custom_database'
t_env.create_temporary_view("`example.View`", table)
# register the view named 'exampleView' in the catalog named 'other_catalog'
# in the database named 'other_database'
t_env.create_temporary_view("other_catalog.other_database.exampleView", table)
查询表 #
Table API #
Table API 是关于 Scala 和 Java 的集成语言式查询 API。与 SQL 相反,Table API 的查询不是由字符串指定,而是在宿主语言中逐步构建。
Table API 是基于 Table
类的,该类表示一个表(流或批处理),并提供使用关系操作的方法。这些方法返回一个新的 Table 对象,该对象表示对输入 Table 进行关系操作的结果。 一些关系操作由多个方法调用组成,例如 table.groupBy(...).select()
,其中 groupBy(...)
指定 table
的分组,而 select(...)
在 table
文档 Table API 说明了所有流处理和批处理表支持的 Table API 算子。
以下示例展示了一个简单的 Table API 聚合查询:
// get a TableEnvironment
TableEnvironment tableEnv = ...; // see "Create a TableEnvironment" section
// register Orders table
// scan registered Orders table
Table orders = tableEnv.from("Orders");
// compute revenue for all customers from France
Table revenue = orders
.groupBy($("cID"), $("cName"))
.select($("cID"), $("cName"), $("revenue").sum().as("revSum"));
// emit or convert Table
// execute query
// get a TableEnvironment
val tableEnv = ... // see "Create a TableEnvironment" section
// register Orders table
// scan registered Orders table
val orders = tableEnv.from("Orders")
// compute revenue for all customers from France
val revenue = orders
.filter($"cCountry" === "FRANCE")
.groupBy($"cID", $"cName")
.select($"cID", $"cName", $"revenue".sum AS "revSum")
// emit or convert Table
// execute query
Note: The Scala Table API uses Scala String interpolation that starts with a dollar sign ($
) to reference the attributes of a Table
. The Table API uses Scala implicits. Make sure to import
- for implicit expression conversionsorg.apache.flink.api.scala._
if you want to convert from/to DataStream.
# get a TableEnvironment
table_env = # see "Create a TableEnvironment" section
# register Orders table
# scan registered Orders table
orders = table_env.from_path("Orders")
# compute revenue for all customers from France
revenue = orders \
.filter(col('cCountry') == 'FRANCE') \
.group_by(col('cID'), col('cName')) \
.select(col('cID'), col('cName'), col('revenue').sum.alias('revSum'))
# emit or convert Table
# execute query
Flink SQL 是基于实现了SQL标准的 Apache Calcite 的。SQL 查询由常规字符串指定。
文档 SQL 描述了Flink对流处理和批处理表的SQL支持。
下面的示例演示了如何指定查询并将结果作为 Table
// get a TableEnvironment
TableEnvironment tableEnv = ...; // see "Create a TableEnvironment" section
// register Orders table
// compute revenue for all customers from France
Table revenue = tableEnv.sqlQuery(
"SELECT cID, cName, SUM(revenue) AS revSum " +
"FROM Orders " +
"WHERE cCountry = 'FRANCE' " +
"GROUP BY cID, cName"
// emit or convert Table
// execute query
// get a TableEnvironment
val tableEnv = ... // see "Create a TableEnvironment" section
// register Orders table
// compute revenue for all customers from France
val revenue = tableEnv.sqlQuery("""
|SELECT cID, cName, SUM(revenue) AS revSum
|FROM Orders
|WHERE cCountry = 'FRANCE'
|GROUP BY cID, cName
// emit or convert Table
// execute query
# get a TableEnvironment
table_env = ... # see "Create a TableEnvironment" section
# register Orders table
# compute revenue for all customers from France
revenue = table_env.sql_query(
"SELECT cID, cName, SUM(revenue) AS revSum "
"FROM Orders "
"WHERE cCountry = 'FRANCE' "
"GROUP BY cID, cName"
# emit or convert Table
# execute query
// get a TableEnvironment
TableEnvironment tableEnv = ...; // see "Create a TableEnvironment" section
// register "Orders" table
// register "RevenueFrance" output table
// compute revenue for all customers from France and emit to "RevenueFrance"
"INSERT INTO RevenueFrance " +
"SELECT cID, cName, SUM(revenue) AS revSum " +
"FROM Orders " +
"WHERE cCountry = 'FRANCE' " +
"GROUP BY cID, cName"
// get a TableEnvironment
val tableEnv = ... // see "Create a TableEnvironment" section
// register "Orders" table
// register "RevenueFrance" output table
// compute revenue for all customers from France and emit to "RevenueFrance"
|INSERT INTO RevenueFrance
|SELECT cID, cName, SUM(revenue) AS revSum
|FROM Orders
|WHERE cCountry = 'FRANCE'
|GROUP BY cID, cName
# get a TableEnvironment
table_env = ... # see "Create a TableEnvironment" section
# register "Orders" table
# register "RevenueFrance" output table
# compute revenue for all customers from France and emit to "RevenueFrance"
"INSERT INTO RevenueFrance "
"SELECT cID, cName, SUM(revenue) AS revSum "
"FROM Orders "
"WHERE cCountry = 'FRANCE' "
"GROUP BY cID, cName"
混用 Table API 和 SQL #
Table API 和 SQL 查询的混用非常简单因为它们都返回 Table
- 可以在 SQL 查询返回的
对象上定义 Table API 查询。 - 在
中注册的结果表可以在 SQL 查询的FROM
子句中引用,通过这种方法就可以在 Table API 查询的结果上定义 SQL 查询。
输出表 #
通过写入 TableSink
是一个通用接口,用于支持多种文件格式(如 CSV、Apache Parquet、Apache Avro)、存储系统(如 JDBC、Apache HBase、Apache Cassandra、Elasticsearch)或消息队列系统(如 Apache Kafka、RabbitMQ)。
批处理 Table
只能写入 BatchTableSink
,而流处理 Table
需要指定写入 AppendStreamTableSink
或者 UpsertStreamTableSink
请参考文档 Table Sources & Sinks 以获取更多关于可用 Sink 的信息以及如何自定义 DynamicTableSink
方法 Table.insertInto(String tableName)
该方法通过名称在 catalog 中查找输出表并确认 Table
schema 和输出表 schema 一致。
可以通过方法 TablePipeline.explain()
和 TablePipeline.execute()
下面的示例演示如何输出 Table
// get a TableEnvironment
TableEnvironment tableEnv = ...; // see "Create a TableEnvironment" section
// create an output Table
final Schema schema = Schema.newBuilder()
.column("a", DataTypes.INT())
.column("b", DataTypes.STRING())
.column("c", DataTypes.BIGINT())
tableEnv.createTemporaryTable("CsvSinkTable", TableDescriptor.forConnector("filesystem")
.option("path", "/path/to/file")
.option("field-delimiter", "|")
// compute a result Table using Table API operators and/or SQL queries
Table result = ...;
// Prepare the insert into pipeline
TablePipeline pipeline = result.insertInto("CsvSinkTable");
// Print explain details
// emit the result Table to the registered TableSink
// get a TableEnvironment
val tableEnv = ... // see "Create a TableEnvironment" section
// create an output Table
val schema = Schema.newBuilder()
.column("a", DataTypes.INT())
.column("b", DataTypes.STRING())
.column("c", DataTypes.BIGINT())
tableEnv.createTemporaryTable("CsvSinkTable", TableDescriptor.forConnector("filesystem")
.option("path", "/path/to/file")
.option("field-delimiter", "|")
// compute a result Table using Table API operators and/or SQL queries
val result: Table = ...
// Prepare the insert into pipeline
val pipeline = result.insertInto("CsvSinkTable")
// Print explain details
// emit the result Table to the registered TableSink
# get a TableEnvironment
table_env = ... # see "Create a TableEnvironment" section
# create a TableSink
schema = Schema.new_builder()
.column("a", DataTypes.INT())
.column("b", DataTypes.STRING())
.column("c", DataTypes.BIGINT())
table_env.create_temporary_table("CsvSinkTable", TableDescriptor.for_connector("filesystem")
.option("path", "/path/to/file")
.option("field-delimiter", "|")
# compute a result Table using Table API operators and/or SQL queries
result = ...
# emit the result Table to the registered TableSink
翻译与执行查询 #
不论输入数据源是流式的还是批式的,Table API 和 SQL 查询都会被转换成 DataStream 程序。 查询在内部表示为逻辑查询计划,并被翻译成两个阶段:
- 优化逻辑执行计划
- 翻译成 DataStream 程序
Table API 或者 SQL 查询在下列情况下会被翻译:
- 当
被调用时。该方法是用来执行一个 SQL 语句,一旦该方法被调用, SQL 语句立即被翻译。 - 当
被调用时。该方法是用来执行一个源表到输出表的数据流,一旦该方法被调用, TABLE API 程序立即被翻译。 - 当
被调用时。该方法是用来将一个表的内容收集到本地,一旦该方法被调用, TABLE API 程序立即被翻译。 - 当
)和 INSERT 语句 (通过调用StatementSet.addInsertSql()
方法被调用时,所有的 sink 会被优化成一张有向无环图。 - 当
时(参阅与 DataStream 集成)。转换完成后,它就成为一个普通的 DataStream 程序,并会在调用StreamExecutionEnvironment.execute()
查询优化 #
Apache Flink 使用并扩展了 Apache Calcite 来执行复杂的查询优化。 这包括一系列基于规则和成本的优化,例如:
- 基于 Apache Calcite 的子查询解相关
- 投影剪裁
- 分区剪裁
- 过滤器下推
- 子计划消除重复数据以避免重复计算
- 特殊子查询重写,包括两部分:
- 将 IN 和 EXISTS 转换为 left semi-joins
- 将 NOT IN 和 NOT EXISTS 转换为 left anti-join
- 可选 join 重新排序
- 通过
- 通过
注意: 当前仅在子查询重写的结合条件下支持 IN / EXISTS / NOT IN / NOT EXISTS。
优化器不仅基于计划,而且还基于可从数据源获得的丰富统计信息以及每个算子(例如 io,cpu,网络和内存)的细粒度成本来做出明智的决策。
高级用户可以通过 CalciteConfig
对象提供自定义优化,可以通过调用 TableEnvironment#getConfig#setPlannerConfig
将其提供给 TableEnvironment。
解释表 #
Table API 提供了一种机制来解释计算 Table
这是通过 Table.explain()
方法或者 StatementSet.explain()
返回一个 Table 的计划。StatementSet.explain()
返回多 sink 计划的结果。它返回一个描述三种计划的字符串:
- 关系查询的抽象语法树(the Abstract Syntax Tree),即未优化的逻辑查询计划,
- 优化的逻辑查询计划,以及
- 物理执行计划。
可以用 TableEnvironment.explainSql()
方法和 TableEnvironment.executeSql()
方法支持执行一个 EXPLAIN
语句获取逻辑和优化查询计划,请参阅 EXPLAIN 页面.
以下代码展示了一个示例以及对给定 Table
使用 Table.explain()
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
StreamTableEnvironment tEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env);
DataStream<Tuple2<Integer, String>> stream1 = env.fromElements(new Tuple2<>(1, "hello"));
DataStream<Tuple2<Integer, String>> stream2 = env.fromElements(new Tuple2<>(1, "hello"));
// explain Table API
Table table1 = tEnv.fromDataStream(stream1, $("count"), $("word"));
Table table2 = tEnv.fromDataStream(stream2, $("count"), $("word"));
Table table = table1
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val tEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env)
val table1 = env.fromElements((1, "hello")).toTable(tEnv, $"count", $"word")
val table2 = env.fromElements((1, "hello")).toTable(tEnv, $"count", $"word")
val table = table1
env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
t_env = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env)
table1 = t_env.from_elements([(1, "hello")], ["count", "word"])
table2 = t_env.from_elements([(1, "hello")], ["count", "word"])
table = table1 \
.where(col('word').like('F%')) \
== Abstract Syntax Tree ==
:- LogicalFilter(condition=[LIKE($1, _UTF-16LE'F%')])
: +- LogicalTableScan(table=[[Unregistered_DataStream_1]])
+- LogicalTableScan(table=[[Unregistered_DataStream_2]])
== Optimized Physical Plan ==
Union(all=[true], union=[count, word])
:- Calc(select=[count, word], where=[LIKE(word, _UTF-16LE'F%')])
: +- DataStreamScan(table=[[Unregistered_DataStream_1]], fields=[count, word])
+- DataStreamScan(table=[[Unregistered_DataStream_2]], fields=[count, word])
== Optimized Execution Plan ==
Union(all=[true], union=[count, word])
:- Calc(select=[count, word], where=[LIKE(word, _UTF-16LE'F%')])
: +- DataStreamScan(table=[[Unregistered_DataStream_1]], fields=[count, word])
+- DataStreamScan(table=[[Unregistered_DataStream_2]], fields=[count, word])
以下代码展示了一个示例以及使用 StatementSet.explain()
的多 sink 计划的相应输出:
EnvironmentSettings settings = EnvironmentSettings.inStreamingMode();
TableEnvironment tEnv = TableEnvironment.create(settings);
final Schema schema = Schema.newBuilder()
.column("count", DataTypes.INT())
.column("word", DataTypes.STRING())
tEnv.createTemporaryTable("MySource1", TableDescriptor.forConnector("filesystem")
.option("path", "/source/path1")
tEnv.createTemporaryTable("MySource2", TableDescriptor.forConnector("filesystem")
.option("path", "/source/path2")
tEnv.createTemporaryTable("MySink1", TableDescriptor.forConnector("filesystem")
.option("path", "/sink/path1")
tEnv.createTemporaryTable("MySink2", TableDescriptor.forConnector("filesystem")
.option("path", "/sink/path2")
StatementSet stmtSet = tEnv.createStatementSet();
Table table1 = tEnv.from("MySource1").where($("word").like("F%"));
Table table2 = table1.unionAll(tEnv.from("MySource2"));
String explanation = stmtSet.explain();
val settings = EnvironmentSettings.inStreamingMode()
val tEnv = TableEnvironment.create(settings)
val schema = Schema.newBuilder()
.column("count", DataTypes.INT())
.column("word", DataTypes.STRING())
tEnv.createTemporaryTable("MySource1", TableDescriptor.forConnector("filesystem")
.option("path", "/source/path1")
tEnv.createTemporaryTable("MySource2", TableDescriptor.forConnector("filesystem")
.option("path", "/source/path2")
tEnv.createTemporaryTable("MySink1", TableDescriptor.forConnector("filesystem")
.option("path", "/sink/path1")
tEnv.createTemporaryTable("MySink2", TableDescriptor.forConnector("filesystem")
.option("path", "/sink/path2")
val stmtSet = tEnv.createStatementSet()
val table1 = tEnv.from("MySource1").where($"word".like("F%"))
val table2 = table1.unionAll(tEnv.from("MySource2"))
val explanation = stmtSet.explain()
settings = EnvironmentSettings.in_streaming_mode()
t_env = TableEnvironment.create(environment_settings=settings)
schema = Schema.new_builder()
.column("count", DataTypes.INT())
.column("word", DataTypes.STRING())
t_env.create_temporary_table("MySource1", TableDescriptor.for_connector("filesystem")
.option("path", "/source/path1")
t_env.create_temporary_table("MySource2", TableDescriptor.for_connector("filesystem")
.option("path", "/source/path2")
t_env.create_temporary_table("MySink1", TableDescriptor.for_connector("filesystem")
.option("path", "/sink/path1")
t_env.create_temporary_table("MySink2", TableDescriptor.for_connector("filesystem")
.option("path", "/sink/path2")
stmt_set = t_env.create_statement_set()
table1 = t_env.from_path("MySource1").where(col('word').like('F%'))
stmt_set.add_insert("MySink1", table1)
table2 = table1.union_all(t_env.from_path("MySource2"))
stmt_set.add_insert("MySink2", table2)
explanation = stmt_set.explain()
多 sink 计划的结果是:
== Abstract Syntax Tree ==
LogicalLegacySink(name=[`default_catalog`.`default_database`.`MySink1`], fields=[count, word])
+- LogicalFilter(condition=[LIKE($1, _UTF-16LE'F%')])
+- LogicalTableScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, MySource1, source: [CsvTableSource(read fields: count, word)]]])
LogicalLegacySink(name=[`default_catalog`.`default_database`.`MySink2`], fields=[count, word])
+- LogicalUnion(all=[true])
:- LogicalFilter(condition=[LIKE($1, _UTF-16LE'F%')])
: +- LogicalTableScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, MySource1, source: [CsvTableSource(read fields: count, word)]]])
+- LogicalTableScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, MySource2, source: [CsvTableSource(read fields: count, word)]]])
== Optimized Physical Plan ==
LegacySink(name=[`default_catalog`.`default_database`.`MySink1`], fields=[count, word])
+- Calc(select=[count, word], where=[LIKE(word, _UTF-16LE'F%')])
+- LegacyTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, MySource1, source: [CsvTableSource(read fields: count, word)]]], fields=[count, word])
LegacySink(name=[`default_catalog`.`default_database`.`MySink2`], fields=[count, word])
+- Union(all=[true], union=[count, word])
:- Calc(select=[count, word], where=[LIKE(word, _UTF-16LE'F%')])
: +- LegacyTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, MySource1, source: [CsvTableSource(read fields: count, word)]]], fields=[count, word])
+- LegacyTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, MySource2, source: [CsvTableSource(read fields: count, word)]]], fields=[count, word])
== Optimized Execution Plan ==
Calc(select=[count, word], where=[LIKE(word, _UTF-16LE'F%')])(reuse_id=[1])
+- LegacyTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, MySource1, source: [CsvTableSource(read fields: count, word)]]], fields=[count, word])
LegacySink(name=[`default_catalog`.`default_database`.`MySink1`], fields=[count, word])
+- Reused(reference_id=[1])
LegacySink(name=[`default_catalog`.`default_database`.`MySink2`], fields=[count, word])
+- Union(all=[true], union=[count, word])
:- Reused(reference_id=[1])
+- LegacyTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, MySource2, source: [CsvTableSource(read fields: count, word)]]], fields=[count, word])