Class | Description |
CachedSerializedValue<T> |
An extension of SerializedValue which caches the deserialized data.
ContinuousHivePendingSplitsCheckpoint |
The checkpoint of current state of continuous hive source reading.
ContinuousHivePendingSplitsCheckpointSerializer |
SerDe for
ContinuousHivePendingSplitsCheckpoint . |
ContinuousHiveSplitEnumerator<T extends Comparable<T>> |
A continuously monitoring
SplitEnumerator for hive source. |
DynamicHiveSplitEnumerator |
DynamicFileSplitEnumerator for hive source. |
FileSystemLookupFunction<P> |
Lookup function for filesystem connector tables.
HadoopFileSystemFactory |
FileSystemFactory , hive need use job conf to create file system. |
HiveDynamicTableFactory |
A dynamic table factory implementation for Hive catalog.
HiveInternalOptions |
This class holds internal configuration constants used by Hive connector module.
HiveLookupTableSource |
Hive Table Source that has lookup ability.
HiveOptions |
This class holds configuration constants used by hive connector.
HiveRowDataPartitionComputer |
RowDataPartitionComputer that converts Flink objects to Hive objects before computing
the partition value strings. |
HiveRowPartitionComputer |
A RowPartitionComputer that converts Flink objects to Hive objects before computing the partition
value strings.
HiveSource<T> |
A unified data source that reads a hive table.
HiveSourceBuilder |
Builder to build
HiveSource instances. |
HiveSourceDynamicFileEnumerator |
DynamicFileEnumerator implementation for hive source. |
HiveSourceDynamicFileEnumerator.Provider |
A factory to create
HiveSourceDynamicFileEnumerator . |
HiveSourceFileEnumerator |
FileEnumerator implementation for hive source, which generates splits based on HiveTablePartition s. |
HiveSourceFileEnumerator.PartitionFilesSizeCalculator |
The calculator to calculate the total bytes with weight for a partition.
HiveSourceFileEnumerator.Provider |
A factory to create
HiveSourceFileEnumerator . |
HiveSourceSplitSerializer |
SerDe for
HiveSourceSplit . |
HiveTableFactory |
A table factory implementation for Hive catalog.
HiveTableMetaStoreFactory |
TableMetaStoreFactory , use HiveMetastoreClientWrapper to communicate with
hive meta store. |
HiveTablePartition |
A class that describes a partition of a Hive table.
HiveTablePartitionSerializer |
SerDe for
HiveTablePartition . |
HiveTablePartitionSplits |
Wrap HiveTablePartition, JobConf and the corresponding inputSplits.
HiveTableSink |
Table sink to write to Hive tables.
HiveTableSource |
A TableSource implementation to read data from Hive tables.
HiveTableSource.HiveContinuousPartitionFetcherContext<T extends Comparable<T>> |
PartitionFetcher.Context for
ContinuousPartitionFetcher . |
JobConfWrapper |
JobConf to a serializable class. |
MRSplitsGetter |
Create MR splits by multi-thread for hive partitions.
Enum | Description |
HiveOptions.PartitionOrder |
Partition order used for
Exception | Description |
FlinkHiveException |
Exception used by flink's hive data connector.
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