Interface | Description |
MessageHeaders<R extends RequestBody,P extends ResponseBody,M extends MessageParameters> |
This class links
RequestBody s to ResponseBody s types and contains meta-data
required for their http headers. |
RequestBody |
Marker interface for all requests of the REST API.
ResponseBody |
Marker interface for all responses of the REST API.
RuntimeMessageHeaders<R extends RequestBody,P extends ResponseBody,M extends MessageParameters> |
This class links
RequestBody s to ResponseBody s types and contains meta-data
required for their http headers in runtime module. |
RuntimeUntypedResponseMessageHeaders<R extends RequestBody,M extends MessageParameters> |
Message headers for a web handler request that belongs to runtime module.
UntypedResponseMessageHeaders<R extends RequestBody,M extends MessageParameters> |
Message headers for a web handler request.
Class | Description |
AccumulatorsIncludeSerializedValueQueryParameter |
Query parameter for job's accumulator handler
JobAccumulatorsHandler . |
AggregatedTaskDetailsInfo |
Aggregated info of a set of tasks.
ClusterConfigurationInfoHeaders |
Message headers for the
ClusterConfigHandler . |
ClusterOverviewHeaders |
Message headers for the
ClusterOverviewHandler . |
ConfigurationInfo |
Response of the
ClusterConfigHandler , represented as a list of key-value pairs of the
cluster Configuration . |
ConfigurationInfoEntry |
A single key-value pair entry in the
ConfigurationInfo response. |
CustomHeadersDecorator<R extends RequestBody,P extends ResponseBody,M extends MessageParameters> |
Decorator class for
MessageHeaders that adds the ability to include custom HTTP headers. |
DashboardConfiguration |
Response of the
DashboardConfigHandler containing general configuration values such as
the time zone and the refresh interval. |
DashboardConfiguration.Features |
Collection of features that are enabled/disabled.
DashboardConfigurationHeaders |
Message headers for the
DashboardConfigHandler . |
EmptyMessageParameters |
MessageParameters implementation which has no parameters.
EmptyRequestBody |
Request which do not have a request payload.
EmptyResponseBody |
ResponseBody implementation. |
EnvironmentInfo |
The response of environment info.
ErrorResponseBody |
Generic response body for communicating errors on the server.
FlameGraphTypeQueryParameter |
Flame Graph type query parameter.
JobAccumulatorsHeaders |
Message headers for the
JobAccumulatorsHandler . |
JobAccumulatorsInfo |
Response type of the
JobAccumulatorsHandler . |
JobAccumulatorsInfo.JobAccumulator |
Json serializer for the
JobAccumulatorsInfo . |
JobAccumulatorsInfo.UserTaskAccumulator |
Json serializer for the
JobAccumulatorsInfo . |
JobAccumulatorsMessageParameters |
Request parameter for job accumulator's handler
JobAccumulatorsHandler . |
JobCancellationHeaders |
Message headers for the
JobCancellationHandler . |
JobCancellationMessageParameters |
Parameters for job related REST handlers.
JobClientHeartbeatHeaders |
Message headers for the
JobClientHeartbeatHandler . |
JobClientHeartbeatParameters |
The parameter when the client reports heartbeat.
JobClientHeartbeatRequestBody |
RequestBody to report heartbeat for client. |
JobConfigHeaders |
Message headers for the
JobConfigHandler . |
JobConfigInfo |
Response type of the
JobConfigHandler . |
JobConfigInfo.Deserializer |
Json deserializer for the
JobConfigInfo . |
JobConfigInfo.ExecutionConfigInfo |
Nested class to encapsulate the execution configuration.
JobConfigInfo.Serializer |
Json serializer for the
JobConfigInfo . |
JobExceptionsHeaders |
Message headers for the
JobExceptionsHandler . |
JobExceptionsInfo |
JobExceptionInfo holds the information for single failure which caused a (maybe partial)
job restart. |
JobExceptionsInfo.ExecutionExceptionInfo | Deprecated
ExecutionExceptionInfo will be replaced by JobExceptionsInfoWithHistory.ExceptionInfo as part of the effort of deprecating JobExceptionsInfo.allExceptions . |
JobExceptionsInfoWithHistory |
JobExceptionsInfoWithHistory extends JobExceptionsInfo providing a history of
previously caused failures. |
JobExceptionsInfoWithHistory.ExceptionInfo |
Json equivalent of
ExceptionHistoryEntry . |
JobExceptionsInfoWithHistory.JobExceptionHistory |
JobExceptionHistory collects all previously caught errors. |
JobExceptionsInfoWithHistory.RootExceptionInfo |
Json equivalent of
RootExceptionHistoryEntry . |
JobIDPathParameter |
Path parameter identifying jobs.
JobIdsWithStatusesOverviewHeaders |
Message headers for the
JobIdsWithStatusOverview . |
JobManagerEnvironmentHeaders |
Message headers for the
JobManagerEnvironmentHandler . |
JobManagerLogUrlHeaders |
Headers for the log url retriever of JobManager.
JobMessageParameters |
Message parameters which require a job path parameter.
JobPlanHeaders |
Message headers for the
JobPlanHandler . |
JobPlanInfo |
Response type of the
JobPlanHandler . |
JobPlanInfo.RawJson |
Simple wrapper around a raw JSON string.
JobPlanInfo.RawJson.Deserializer |
Json deserializer for the
JobPlanInfo.RawJson . |
JobPlanInfo.RawJson.Serializer |
Json serializer for the
JobPlanInfo.RawJson . |
JobsOverviewHeaders |
Message headers for
JobsOverviewHandler . |
JobTaskManagerMessageParameters |
Message parameters which require a job path parameter and a TaskManager id path parameter.
JobVertexAccumulatorsHeaders |
Message headers for the
JobVertexAccumulatorsHandler . |
JobVertexAccumulatorsInfo |
Response type of the
JobVertexAccumulatorsHandler . |
JobVertexBackPressureHeaders |
Message headers for the
JobVertexBackPressureHandler . |
JobVertexBackPressureInfo |
Response type of the
JobVertexBackPressureHandler . |
JobVertexBackPressureInfo.SubtaskBackPressureInfo |
Nested class to encapsulate the sub tasks back pressure.
JobVertexDetailsHeaders |
Message headers for the
JobVertexDetailsHandler . |
JobVertexDetailsInfo |
Response type of the
JobVertexDetailsHandler . |
JobVertexFlameGraphHeaders |
Message headers for the
JobVertexFlameGraphHandler . |
JobVertexFlameGraphParameters |
Message parameters for job vertex Flame Graph REST handler.
JobVertexIdPathParameter |
Path parameter specifying a
JobVertexID . |
JobVertexMessageParameters |
Message parameters for job vertex REST handlers.
JobVertexTaskManagersHeaders |
Message headers for the
JobVertexTaskManagersHandler . |
JobVertexTaskManagersInfo |
Response type of the
JobVertexTaskManagersHandler . |
JobVertexTaskManagersInfo.TaskManagersInfo |
Detailed information about task managers.
LogFileNamePathParameter |
Parameters used by
TaskManagerCustomLogHandler and JobManagerCustomLogHandler . |
LogInfo |
Contains information about one log of TaskManager.
LogListInfo |
Class containing a collection of
LogInfo . |
LogUrlResponse |
Response of log URLs.
MessageParameter<X> |
This class represents a single path/query parameter that can be used for a request.
MessageParameters |
This class defines the path/query
MessageParameter s that can be used for a request. |
MessagePathParameter<X> |
This class represents path parameters of a request.
MessageQueryParameter<X> |
This class represents query parameters of a request.
OperatorIDPathParameter |
Path parameter identifying operators.
RescalingParallelismQueryParameter |
Parallelism for the rescaling of jobs specified as a
MessageQueryParameter . |
ResourceProfileInfo |
Contains information of a
ResourceProfile . |
SubtaskIndexPathParameter |
Path parameter specifying the index of a subtask.
SubtaskIndexQueryParameter |
Query parameter specifying the index of a subtask.
SubtasksAllAccumulatorsHeaders |
Message headers for the
SubtasksAllAccumulatorsHandler . |
SubtasksTimesHeaders |
Message headers for the
SubtasksTimesHandler . |
SubtasksTimesInfo |
Response type of the
SubtasksTimesHandler . |
SubtasksTimesInfo.SubtaskTimeInfo |
Nested class to encapsulate the sub task times info.
TaskManagerLogUrlHeaders |
Headers for the log url retriever of TaskManager.
TerminationModeQueryParameter |
Termination mode query parameter.
ThreadDumpInfo |
Class containing thread dump information.
ThreadDumpInfo.ThreadInfo |
Class containing information about a thread.
TriggerId |
Identifies a savepoint trigger request.
TriggerId.TriggerIdDeserializer |
JSON deserializer for
TriggerId . |
TriggerId.TriggerIdSerializer |
JSON serializer for
TriggerId . |
TriggerIdPathParameter |
MessagePathParameter for the trigger id of an asynchronous operation. |
YarnCancelJobTerminationHeaders | Deprecated
This should be removed once we can send arbitrary REST calls via the Yarn proxy.
YarnStopJobTerminationHeaders | Deprecated
This should be removed once we can send arbitrary REST calls via the Yarn proxy.
Enum | Description |
FlameGraphTypeQueryParameter.Type |
Flame Graph type.
JobVertexBackPressureInfo.VertexBackPressureLevel |
Level of vertex back-pressure.
JobVertexBackPressureInfo.VertexBackPressureStatus |
Status of vertex back-pressure.
MessageParameter.MessageParameterRequisiteness |
Enum for indicating whether a parameter is mandatory or optional.
TerminationModeQueryParameter.TerminationMode |
Termination mode.
Exception | Description |
ConversionException |
Exception which is thrown if an input cannot be converted into the requested type.
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