Interface | Description |
AutoCloseableAsync |
Closeable interface which allows to close a resource in a non blocking fashion.
CloseableIterable<T> |
This interface represents an iterable that is also closeable.
CloseableIterator<T> |
This interface represents an
Iterator that is also AutoCloseable . |
Collector<T> |
Collects a record and forwards it.
Disposable |
Interface for classes that can be disposed, i.e. that have a dedicated lifecycle step to
"destroy" the object.
ExternalResource |
Modified version of the jUnit
ExternalResource . |
IterableIterator<E> | |
LinkedOptionalMap.ConsumerWithException<K,V,E extends Throwable> |
Consumer that throws exceptions. |
MutableObjectIterator<E> |
A simple iterator interface.
NetUtils.SocketFactory |
A factory for a local socket from port number.
RefCounted |
Interface to simply add reference counting functionality.
UserCodeClassLoader |
UserCodeClassLoader allows to register release hooks for a user code class loader.
Visitable<T extends Visitable<T>> |
This interface marks types as visitable during a traversal.
Visitor<T extends Visitable<T>> |
A visitor encapsulates functionality that is applied to each node in the process of a traversal
of a tree or DAG.
WrappingProxy<T> |
Interface for objects that wrap another object and proxy (possibly a subset) of the methods of
that object.
Class | Description |
AbstractAutoCloseableRegistry<R extends AutoCloseable,C extends R,T,E extends Exception> |
This is the abstract base class for registries that allow to register instances of
Closeable , which are all closed if this registry is closed. |
AbstractID |
A statistically unique identification number.
ArrayUtils |
Utility class for Java arrays.
ChildFirstClassLoader |
A variant of the URLClassLoader that first loads from the URLs and only after that from the
ClassLoaderUtil |
Utilities for information with respect to class loaders, specifically class loaders for the
dynamic loading of user defined classes.
CloseableIterable.Empty<T> |
Empty iterator.
CloseableIterator.IteratorAdapter<E> |
Adapter from
Iterator to CloseableIterator . |
CloseShieldOutputStream |
A proxy output stream that prevents the underlying output stream from being closed.
CollectionUtil |
Simple utility to work with Java collections.
CompressedSerializedValue<T> |
An extension of
SerializedValue that compresses the value after the serialization. |
DockerImageVersions |
Utility class for defining the image names and versions of Docker containers used during the Java
ExceptionUtils |
A collection of utility functions for dealing with exceptions and exception workflows.
ExecutorUtils |
Utilities for
Executors . |
FatalExitExceptionHandler |
Handler for uncaught exceptions that will log the exception and kill the process afterwards.
FileLock |
A file lock used for avoiding race condition among multiple threads/processes.
FileUtils |
This is a utility class to deal files and directories.
FlinkUserCodeClassLoader |
This class loader accepts a custom handler if an exception occurs in
boolean) . |
FlinkUserCodeClassLoaders |
Gives the URLClassLoader a nicer name for debugging purposes.
FlinkUserCodeClassLoaders.ParentFirstClassLoader |
Regular URLClassLoader that first loads from the parent and only after that from the URLs.
FlinkUserCodeClassLoaders.SafetyNetWrapperClassLoader |
Ensures that holding a reference on the context class loader outliving the scope of user code
does not prevent the user classloader to be garbage collected (FLINK-16245).
InstantiationUtil |
Utility class to create instances from class objects and checking failure reasons.
InstantiationUtil.ClassLoaderObjectInputStream |
A custom ObjectInputStream that can load classes using a specific ClassLoader.
IOUtils |
An utility class for I/O related functionality.
IterableUtils |
A collection of utilities that expand the usage of
Iterable . |
JarUtils |
Utility functions for jar files.
LambdaUtil |
This class offers utility functions for Java's lambda features.
LinkedOptionalMap<K,V> |
A LinkedOptionalMap is an order preserving map (like
LinkedHashMap ) where keys have a
unique string name, but are optionally present, and the values are optional. |
LinkedOptionalMap.KeyValue<K,V> |
Key-value pairs stored by the underlying map.
LinkedOptionalMap.MergeResult<K,V> |
The result of merging two
LinkedOptionalMap s using LinkedOptionalMap.mergeRightIntoLeft(LinkedOptionalMap, LinkedOptionalMap) . |
LinkedOptionalMapSerializer |
LinkedOptionalMapSerializer - A serializer of
LinkedOptionalMap . |
LogLevelExtension |
A extension that sets the log level for specific class/package loggers for a test.
LongValueSequenceIterator |
LongValueSequenceIterator is an iterator that returns a sequence of numbers (as
LongValue )s. |
MathUtils |
Collection of simple mathematical routines.
MutableURLClassLoader |
URL class loader that exposes the `addURL` method in URLClassLoader.
NetUtils |
Utility for various network related tasks (such as finding free ports).
NetUtils.Port |
Port wrapper class which holds a
FileLock until it releases. |
NumberSequenceIterator |
NumberSequenceIterator is an iterator that returns a sequence of numbers (as Long )s. |
OptionalConsumer<T> |
Utility class which allows to run code depending on whether the optional has a value or is empty.
OptionalFailure<T> |
Wrapper around an object representing either a success (with a given value) or a failure cause.
OptionalUtils |
Utilities for working with
Optional . |
OutputTag<T> |
OutputTag is a typed and named tag to use for tagging side outputs of an operator. |
Preconditions |
A collection of static utility methods to validate input.
PropertiesUtil |
Simple utilities for getting typed values from Properties.
Reference<T> |
Wrapper class that allows to express whether the value is borrowed or owned.
ReflectionUtil |
Utility for reflection operations on classes and generic type parametrization.
ReflectionUtil.FullTypeInfo |
Container for the full type information of a type.
ResourceGuard |
This class is a guard for shared resources with the following invariants.
SerializableObject |
A simple object that only implements
Serializable , so it can be used in
serializable classes. |
SerializedValue<T> |
This class is used to transfer (via serialization) objects whose classes are not available in the
system class loader.
ShutdownHookUtil |
Utils class for dealing with JVM shutdown hooks.
SimpleUserCodeClassLoader |
UserCodeClassLoader implementation which assumes that the provided class loader
will never be released and, hence, will never execute the release hooks. |
SplittableIterator<T> |
Abstract base class for iterators that can split themselves into multiple disjoint iterators.
StringBasedID |
Base class for typed IDs that are internally represented by a string.
StringUtils |
Utility class to convert objects into strings in vice-versa.
StringValueUtils |
Utility class for efficient operations on
StringValue . |
StringValueUtils.WhitespaceTokenizer |
A tokenizer for string values that uses whitespace characters as token delimiters.
TaskManagerExceptionUtils |
Exception utils to handle and enrich exceptions occurring in TaskManager.
TemporaryClassLoaderContext |
Sets a context class loader in a "try-with-resources" pattern.
TestLogger |
Adds automatic test name logging.
TestLoggerExtension |
A JUnit-5-style test logger.
TestNameProvider |
A rule that provides the current test name per thread.
TestSignalHandler |
This signal handler / signal logger is based on Apache Hadoop's
ThrowableCatchingRunnable |
This class catches all the
Throwables from the wrapped runnable. |
TimeUtils |
Collection of utilities about time intervals.
UnionIterator<T> |
An iterator that concatenates a collection of iterators.
WrappingProxyUtil |
Utilities for working with
WrappingProxy . |
XORShiftRandom |
Implement a random number generator based on the XORShift algorithm discovered by George
Enum | Description |
FlinkUserCodeClassLoaders.ResolveOrder |
Class resolution order for Flink URL
ClassLoader . |
OperatingSystem |
An enumeration indicating the operating system that the JVM runs on.
ProcessorArchitecture |
The processor architecture of the this system.
ProcessorArchitecture.MemoryAddressSize |
The memory address size of the processor.
TernaryBoolean |
A ternary boolean, which can have the values 'true', 'false', or 'undefined'.
Exception | Description |
ConfigurationException |
Exception which occurs when creating a configuration object fails.
DynamicCodeLoadingException |
An exception that is thrown if the dynamic instantiation of code fails.
FlinkException |
Base class of all Flink-specific checked exceptions.
FlinkExpectedException |
This class is just used to pass diagnostic message of some excepted procedure.
FlinkRuntimeException |
Base class of all Flink-specific unchecked exceptions.
SerializedThrowable |
Utility class for dealing with user-defined Throwable types that are serialized (for example
during RPC/Actor communication), but cannot be resolved with the default class loader.
StateMigrationException |
Base class for state migration related exceptions.
TraversableOnceException |
An exception, indicating that an
Iterable can only be traversed once, but has
been attempted to traverse an additional time. |
WrappingRuntimeException |
A runtime exception that is explicitly used to wrap non-runtime exceptions.
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