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Aliyun 对象存储服务 (OSS)

OSS: Object Storage Service

Aliyun Object Storage Service (Aliyun OSS) is widely used, particularly popular among China’s cloud users, and it provides cloud object storage for a variety of use cases. You can use OSS with Flink for reading and writing data as well in conjunction with the streaming state backends

You can use OSS objects like regular files by specifying paths in the following format:


Below shows how to use OSS in a Flink job:

// Read from OSS bucket

// Write to OSS bucket

// Use OSS as FsStatebackend
env.setStateBackend(new FsStateBackend("oss://<your-bucket>/<object-name>"));

Shaded Hadoop OSS file system

To use flink-oss-fs-hadoop, copy the respective JAR file from the opt directory to a directory in plugins directory of your Flink distribution before starting Flink, e.g.

mkdir ./plugins/oss-fs-hadoop
cp ./opt/flink-oss-fs-hadoop-1.9.0.jar ./plugins/oss-fs-hadoop/

flink-oss-fs-hadoop registers default FileSystem wrappers for URIs with the oss:// scheme.

Configurations setup

After setting up the OSS FileSystem wrapper, you need to add some configurations to make sure that Flink is allowed to access your OSS buckets.

To allow for easy adoption, you can use the same configuration keys in flink-conf.yaml as in Hadoop’s core-site.xml

You can see the configuration keys in the Hadoop OSS documentation.

There are some required configurations that must be added to flink-conf.yaml (Other configurations defined in Hadoop OSS documentation are advanced configurations which used by performance tuning):

fs.oss.endpoint: Aliyun OSS endpoint to connect to
fs.oss.accessKeyId: Aliyun access key ID
fs.oss.accessKeySecret: Aliyun access key secret

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