Class DetachedApplicationRunner

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DetachedApplicationRunner
    extends Object
    implements ApplicationRunner
    An ApplicationRunner which runs the user specified application using the EmbeddedExecutor. This runner invokes methods of the provided DispatcherGateway directly, and it does not go through the REST API.

    In addition, this runner does not wait for the application to finish, but it submits the application in a DETACHED mode. As a consequence, applications with jobs that rely on operations like [collect, print, printToErr, count] will fail.

    • Constructor Detail

      • DetachedApplicationRunner

        public DetachedApplicationRunner​(boolean enforceSingleJobExecution)
    • Method Detail

      • run

        public List<JobID> run​(DispatcherGateway dispatcherGateway,
                               PackagedProgram program,
                               Configuration configuration)
        Description copied from interface: ApplicationRunner
        Runs the application using the provided dispatcherGateway.
        Specified by:
        run in interface ApplicationRunner
        dispatcherGateway - the dispatcher of the cluster to run the application.
        program - the PackagedProgram containing the user's main method.
        configuration - the configuration used to run the application.
        a list of the submitted jobs that belong to the provided application.