Class CheckpointingOptions

  • @PublicEvolving
    public class CheckpointingOptions
    extends Object
    A collection of all configuration options that relate to checkpoints and savepoints.
    • Field Detail


        public static final ConfigOption<String> CHECKPOINT_STORAGE
        The checkpoint storage used to checkpoint state for recovery.

        The implementation can be specified either via their shortcut name, or via the class name of a CheckpointStorageFactory. If a CheckpointStorageFactory class name is specified, the factory is instantiated (via its zero-argument constructor) and its CheckpointStorageFactory#createFromConfig(ReadableConfig, ClassLoader) method is called.

        Recognized shortcut names are 'jobmanager' and 'filesystem'.

        CHECKPOINT_STORAGE and CHECKPOINTS_DIRECTORY are usually combined to configure the checkpoint location. By default, the checkpoint meta data and actual program state will be stored in the JobManager's memory directly.

      • When CHECKPOINT_STORAGE is set to 'jobmanager', if CHECKPOINTS_DIRECTORY is configured, the meta data of checkpoints will be persisted to the path specified by CHECKPOINTS_DIRECTORY. Otherwise, the meta data will be stored in the JobManager's memory.
      • When CHECKPOINT_STORAGE is set to 'filesystem', a valid path must be configured to CHECKPOINTS_DIRECTORY, and the checkpoint meta data and actual program state will both be persisted to the path.
  • Constructor Detail

    • CheckpointingOptions

      public CheckpointingOptions()