Class RocksDBIncrementalCheckpointUtils

  • public class RocksDBIncrementalCheckpointUtils
    extends Object
    Utils for RocksDB Incremental Checkpoint.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RocksDBIncrementalCheckpointUtils

        public RocksDBIncrementalCheckpointUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • clipDBWithKeyGroupRange

        public static void clipDBWithKeyGroupRange​(@Nonnull
                                                   org.rocksdb.RocksDB db,
                                                   List<org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle> columnFamilyHandles,
                                                   KeyGroupRange targetKeyGroupRange,
                                                   KeyGroupRange currentKeyGroupRange,
                                                   int keyGroupPrefixBytes,
                                                   boolean useDeleteFilesInRange)
                                            throws org.rocksdb.RocksDBException
        The method to clip the db instance according to the target key group range using the RocksDB.delete(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[]).
        db - the RocksDB instance to be clipped.
        columnFamilyHandles - the column families in the db instance.
        targetKeyGroupRange - the target key group range.
        currentKeyGroupRange - the key group range of the db instance.
        keyGroupPrefixBytes - Number of bytes required to prefix the key groups.
        useDeleteFilesInRange - whether to call db.deleteFilesInRanges for the deleted ranges.
      • createAsyncRangeCompactionTask

        public static RunnableWithException createAsyncRangeCompactionTask​(org.rocksdb.RocksDB db,
                                                                           Collection<org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle> columnFamilyHandles,
                                                                           int keyGroupPrefixBytes,
                                                                           KeyGroupRange dbExpectedKeyGroupRange,
                                                                           ResourceGuard rocksDBResourceGuard,
                                                                           CloseableRegistry closeableRegistry)
        Returns a range compaction task as runnable if any data in the SST files of the given DB exceeds the proclaimed key-group range.
        db - the DB to check and compact if needed.
        columnFamilyHandles - list of column families to check.
        keyGroupPrefixBytes - the number of bytes used to serialize the key-group prefix of keys in the DB.
        dbExpectedKeyGroupRange - the expected key-groups range of the DB.
        rocksDBResourceGuard - the resource guard for the given db instance.
        runnable that performs compaction upon execution if the key-groups range is exceeded. Otherwise, empty optional is returned.
      • checkSstDataAgainstKeyGroupRange

        public static RocksDBIncrementalCheckpointUtils.RangeCheckResult checkSstDataAgainstKeyGroupRange​(org.rocksdb.RocksDB db,
                                                                                                          int keyGroupPrefixBytes,
                                                                                                          KeyGroupRange dbExpectedKeyGroupRange)
        Checks data in the SST files of the given DB for keys that exceed either the lower and upper bound of the proclaimed key-groups range of the DB.
        db - the DB to check.
        keyGroupPrefixBytes - the number of bytes used to serialize the key-group prefix of keys in the DB.
        dbExpectedKeyGroupRange - the expected key-groups range of the DB.
        the check result with detailed info about lower and upper bound violations.
      • exportColumnFamilies

        public static void exportColumnFamilies​(org.rocksdb.RocksDB db,
                                                List<org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle> columnFamilyHandles,
                                                List<RegisteredStateMetaInfoBase> registeredStateMetaInfoBases,
                                                Path exportBasePath,
                                                Map<RegisteredStateMetaInfoBase.Key,​List<org.rocksdb.ExportImportFilesMetaData>> resultOutput)
                                         throws org.rocksdb.RocksDBException
        Exports the data of the given column families in the given DB.
        db - the DB to export from.
        columnFamilyHandles - the column families to export.
        registeredStateMetaInfoBases - meta information about the registered states in the DB.
        exportBasePath - the path to which the export files go.
        resultOutput - output parameter for the metadata of the export.
        org.rocksdb.RocksDBException - on problems inside RocksDB.
      • beforeThePrefixBytes

        public static boolean beforeThePrefixBytes​(@Nonnull
                                                   byte[] bytes,
                                                   byte[] prefixBytes)
        check whether the bytes is before prefixBytes in the character order.
      • chooseTheBestStateHandleForInitial

        public static <T extends KeyedStateHandle> T chooseTheBestStateHandleForInitial​(@Nonnull
                                                                                        List<T> restoreStateHandles,
                                                                                        KeyGroupRange targetKeyGroupRange,
                                                                                        double overlapFractionThreshold)
        Choose the best state handle according to the stateHandleEvaluator(KeyedStateHandle, KeyGroupRange, double) to init the initial db.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the generic parameter type of the state handles.
        restoreStateHandles - The candidate state handles.
        targetKeyGroupRange - The target key group range.
        overlapFractionThreshold - configured threshold for overlap.
        The best candidate or null if no candidate was a good fit.
      • findTheBestStateHandleForInitial

        public static <T extends KeyedStateHandle> int findTheBestStateHandleForInitial​(@Nonnull
                                                                                        List<T> restoreStateHandles,
                                                                                        KeyGroupRange targetKeyGroupRange,
                                                                                        double overlapFractionThreshold)
        Choose the best state handle according to the stateHandleEvaluator(KeyedStateHandle, KeyGroupRange, double) to init the initial db from the given lists and returns its index.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the generic parameter type of the state handles.
        restoreStateHandles - The candidate state handles.
        targetKeyGroupRange - The target key group range.
        overlapFractionThreshold - configured threshold for overlap.
        the index of the best candidate handle in the list or -1 if the list was empty.